On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 07:41:43 +0800, Xiaofan Chen said:

>Thanks. A few more issues. I do not quite understand 1),
>I think 2) is not a real issue. 3) may need to be fixed.
>1) Logic error
>Function call argument is an uninitialized value

That's from the static analyzer, not the compiler.  It's actually a false 
positive, though I can understand how it got confused, as that code is pretty 

>2) Apple Mach-0 Linker (ld) warning
>(null): Directory not found for option

He has hardcoded a path to his own disk in his Xcode project.


Sean McBride, B. Eng                 s...@rogue-research.com
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com 
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada

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