With all respect,  there are other distributed solutions on the table…



From: Lsr <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of li zhenqiang
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2019 1:28 AM
To: Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net>; Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org>
Cc: lsr <lsr@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Moving Forward [Re: Flooding Reduction Draft Redux]

Hello all,

At current situation, I think we'd better move both the two drafts foward in 
parallel keeping draft-li-dyanmic-flooding focus on  the centralized solution 
and  draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction on the distributed solution. Thanks.

Best Regards,

Zhenqiang Li



   From: Robert Raszuk<mailto:rob...@raszuk.net>

   Date: 2019-02-02 20:20

   To: Christian Hopps<mailto:cho...@chopps.org>

   CC: lsr<mailto:lsr@ietf.org>

   Subject: Re: [Lsr] Moving Forward [Re: Flooding Reduction Draft Redux]

   Sound like best plan fwd.



   On Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 13:26 Christian Hopps 
<cho...@chopps.org<mailto:cho...@chopps.org> wrote:

      Summary of where we are at with dynamic flooding reduction:

       - We have a well written original work that came first and described the 
problems as well as a TLVs to allow for a centralized solution 
(draft-li-dyanmic-flooding). We do not need to standardize the centralized 

       - A small change to this work allowed for distributed algorithms and for 
outside work on distributed algorithms to continue in parallel.

       - We have another original work that started primarily as a distributed 

       - Finally we also have:
         - Cross-pollination of ideas.
         - Failed attempts at merging.
         - An authors list "Arms-Race".

      Moving forward:

      - During IETF 103 I proposed we have no conflict if we:

         1) adopt draft-li-lsr-dyanmic-flooding as the base WG document..
         2) have authors of draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction work on a 
distributed algorithm as they started with.

      - Acee agreed during the meeting (as chair) that this was the best way 
forward. We had some agreement form the floor as well.

      - Any good ideas regarding the distribution of a centralized topology can 
be debated and added (with appropriate attribution) to the base document after 
we adopt one.

      - This is what happens when we adopt a document as WG work, we work on it.

      - The original authors of the distributed solution can continue to work 
on their distributed algorithm in a separate document which would also need 

      Does anyone see a serious problem with this path forward?

      Chris & Acee.
      LSR Chairs.

      Christian Hopps <cho...@chopps.org<mailto:cho...@chopps.org>> writes:

      > We've had the authors of the individual conflicting drafts take a shot 
at merging their work.
      >    This has failed.
      > Here is the full history (which I also summarized during IETF103 as 
well). I will send a second email discussing this.
      > - Jan 2, 2018 Publication: draft-li-dynamic-flooding and 
      >   published centralized solution.
      > - Mar 5, 2018 Publication: draft-cc-isis-flooding-reduction and 
      >   published distributed solution.
      >   - mention of centralized solution asserting it is not good choice.
      > - IETF 101 (Mar 2018)
      >   - Video: 
      >   - Minutes: 
      >   - draft-li-dynamic-flooding-02 presented (1 author). at IETF 101
      >     - Generally well received.
      >   - draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-00 (4 authors) presented.
      >     - Serious problems immediately found during presentation -- not 
fully baked.
      > - Mar 18, 2018 draft-li-dynamic-flooding-03 published (1 author)
      > - Mar 27, 2018 draft-li-dynamic-flooding-04 published (1 author)
      > - Apr 20, 2018 draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-01 revised
      > - Jun 28, 2018 draft-li-dynamic-flooding-05 published (2 authors)
      >   - Does not specify distributed algorithm only how to indicate one in 
use, small change.
      > - Jul 2, 2018 draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-02 published
      > - IETF 102 (Jul 14, 2018)
      >   - draft-li-dynamic-flooding-05 presented.
      >   - draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-02 presented.
      > - Sep 12, 2018 draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-03 (4 authors)
      > - Sep 20, 2018 draft-cc-ospf-flooding-reduction-04 (4 authors)
      > - Oct 21, 2018 draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-00 and -01 (5 authors)
      > - IETF 103 (Nov 3, 2018)
      >   - Chairs give direction
      >     - draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-05 having come first, being well 
written and not
      >       specifying a distributed algorithm (merely allowing for one) is 
the correct vehicle
      >       to adopt as a base document.
      >     - Distributed algorithm work (the original basis for 
      >       should continue as a separate document form the base which would 
thus we have no
      >       conflicts.
      > - In the meantime the authors try and merge work, this fails.
      > - Dec 3, 2018 draft-li-lsr-dynamic-flooding-02 (7 authors)
      > - Dec 10, 2018 draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-00 (4 authors)
      > - Jan 7, 2019  draft-cc-lsr-flooding-reduction-01 (8 authors)

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