No, there isn't an ordering link on the Rex page.  Clicking on "Ordering 
information" just brings you to a page that lists prices and methods of 

Perhaps it's my fault for not knowing that "twospruces / gmail" after the 
sign-off was supposed to be an e-mail address, and that I'm supposed to write a 
letter to someone at that e-mail address asking for information about how I can 
order their product.  My Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Ring is in the 
shop.  What I expected was a link to a PayPal, or other service ordering and 
payment page.  He already has a PayPal account.  Making a proper, secure 
payment link only takes a few clicks.  

Gmail has the second-best spam protection on the planet (after FastMail).  It's 
not perfect, but there's no reason to obfuscate a gmail address online anymore. 
 That hasn't worked for years.  Spambots know all the clever tricks already.

While it's nice that everyone in this community is happy to vouch for him, how 
is someone who is not part of this mailing list supposed to know that he's not 
some fly-by-night scam artist?  Or perhaps dead, which happens all too often in 
retro computing?  Decode and send an e-mail, then wait six months for a reply 
that may never come?  Asking someone to send $100 to another country requires 
establishing a basic level of trust.

> On Dec 20, 2022, at 3:03 PM, wrote:
> There's a ordering link on the Rex page
> Steve's email is on that page but he encoded it so he doesn't get spam. Point 
> is you can send him emails through that or he is also on this list. 

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