here here! but they seem to play into the way of thinking that Vi's  
need to have a product specifically designed. sure a screen reader  
should do what jaws and window eyes does on that platform, read the  
contents of the screen and allow the user to interact succesfully.  
However, it is making me giggle somewhat of how many people are  
defending their windows screen readers as much as they are. do you  
guys honestly tell me that jaws never freezes, you don't have to use  
the jaws cursor in order to interact with some things. I think a lot  
of you have me wrong, I only switched last year, I very much remember  
the transition, but I forced myself to forget I was using windows and  
took the mac on face value. This, is what I believe helped me to  
transition very easily. I understand some may have to use windows for  
work or certain other tasks, but someone earlier commented windows has  
made strides in regards to accessibility, really? you consider  
narrator a stride after, what is it now, three versions of the OS? I  
think windows have done the bear minimum and if you want to use  
windows, no one is saying you shouldn't or it is wrong, cool, keep  
with it to your heart's content, but at least be honest about the down  
falls. I'm not stating mac and vo are perfect, and even though I  
personally don't like these features, I am grateful to apple to not  
force them upon me. I just find it sad that some people can't let go  
of their windows experience and learn the mac for what it is, it's own  
OS. constant comparison of the two is definitely frustrating as I see  
them as two different entities. one piece of advice I took from a  
switchers guide on was forget you ever used a windows  
computer and screen reader. that is why I am frustrated. not because I  
see windows as the "dark side" my opinion on that is irrelevant here  
as it is a vo list, I merely stated my frustration and opinion. and to  
those nubis, if you need to use windows alongside, go ahead, but take  
five minutes or more to clear your head of that OS and treat the mac  
as a new territory. keep harping back to well I did it on windows this  
way will desperately lead you to frustration and just learn the kitty  
as if you'd never used a computer before. Seriously, so many need to  
heed on that great advice. and sorry to upset you windows people, but  
hey, I may hate marmite, you may love it, it's what makes the world  
what it is.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> What would be nice is if the windows-based screen readers just had
> done it right from the beginning and we wouldn't be having this
> discussion. :)
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:29 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm pretty much used to editing on a Mac now, but I'll have to say  
>> I'm
>> glad there's the option to edit the way you do in Windows. I write
>> books that have to be structured with headings and lists and such so
>> they can be converted to DAISY. This means I have to write them in
>> Word. This means that up until now, I've had to edit part of the time
>> the Windows way and part of the time the Mac way. this can be really
>> irritating after a while; I end up making silly mistakes because I'm
>> having to switch back and forth all the time. So I will probably set
>> VO to edit the Windows way,  so I don't have to think about which
>> operating system I'm using at the moment and can think about what I'm
>> writing, not how to edit it. I realize that if I were sighted,  
>> editing
>> would resemble the mac way more than the Windows way, but if I were
>> sighted, editing would be the same for me regardless of the operating
>> system. Being able to edit in both operating systems the same way  
>> will
>> make my experience more similar to what a sighted person experiences,
>> even if the method of editing is different.
>> Best,
>> Anna
> >

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