> On Mar 7, 2018, at 5:42 PM, Michael Wise via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> Certainly not with all spam traps, but if someone is reviewing the data, and 
> trying to decide what to do with a sample, an "Open" message might get sent 
> in error.

I have this weird feeling that some of the “opens are permission” stuff started 
with some of the work I was doing with clients a decade ago and then ended up 
getting passed through the whisper network and came out the other end as 
something completely different. 

Opens aren’t permission. Opens aren’t proof of life. What they are is a signal 
that, when combined with other signals, can be a sign that an email is wanted 
and it is acceptable to continue mailing to them. In one of the early 
situations we were looking at opens *and* subsequent logins to a website as 
confirmation that email address was interested in receiving mail from the 
sender and could be exempted from the re-confirmation scheme. 

Confirmation is about establishing identity and interest. But, as we’ve seen, 
even using COI isn’t sufficient to prove those. 

It’s an ugly world of grey out there, we’re doing the best we can to split it 
into black and white, but there’s always going to be a piece in the middle. 

> But a reply should never be sent, and so a classical SpamTrap would not pass 
> a COI test.

Not many commercial lists are using reply as a COI step. More often than not 
it’s click on a link or copy and paste a code into a website. 

> ... unless it had gathered dust for a very long time, or the new domain's 
> owner didn't follow the (Reject for 6 months to a year) BCP.
> Just MHO.

No real argument in theory. But theory doesn’t always apply in practice. 

Having an Email Crisis?  We can help! 800 823-9674 

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise
(650) 437-0741          

Email Delivery Blog: https://wordtothewise.com/blog     

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