On 10/20/22 14:51, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 19.10.2022 o godz. 20:08:30 Bernardo Reino via mailop pisze:
That seems really "interesting". How does that impressum look like, which
has the magical power of transforming a private server into a "commercial"
one? What should it contain? Could you provide a link to yours?

Well, now that it's public anyway :) -> www.bbmk.org

So basically they require anybody who runs a mail server to put their street
address and telephone number online to be publicly available???

Now, one has to wonder how they can verify if the information is correct? And also, what are the risks of providing fake information?

What if I say in my impressum something like this:
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Lungotevere Castello, 50
00193 Roma RM, Italia

OK, that one is obviously fake, but the data is coherent.

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