On 2022-10-20 14:51, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 19.10.2022 o godz. 20:08:30 Bernardo Reino via mailop pisze:
> That seems really "interesting". How does that impressum look like, which
> has the magical power of transforming a private server into a "commercial"
> one? What should it contain? Could you provide a link to yours?

Well, now that it's public anyway :) -> www.bbmk.org

So basically they require anybody who runs a mail server to put their street
address and telephone number online to be publicly available???

Crazy idea. And this is the same country that banned Google Street View
(probably as a single country in the world?), on the basis that pictures of
individuals' houses were available online for anybody to view?

Crazy idea. Yes, also to me (note: I'm not German but count as one for all intents and purposes, including taxes and, unfortunately, electricity and gas price :).

I find it OK-ish to post an e-mail address (which is specific to the Impressum), and I find my own name uninteresting :).

I also used an unused telephone number (the Deutsche Telekom kindly gives you 3, but I only use one). I'll never receive a call there because it's set to voicemail server-side.

But I'm uncomfortable with the street address being there. As I said, I plan to make such information slowly disappear (so at least it won't be so obvious for the casual looker).

And maybe to add to what Kai Siering wrote "Deutsche Telekom's policy for accessing the MXes for t-online.de hasn't changed for 10+ years". Maybe the /written/ policy has not changed, but the enforcement of the legal notice (Impressum) certainly happened just now or in the last few days. For years I've been a braver Burger hier politey asking tosa@ to whitelist me, and they did.. until suddenly they blocked me for lack of Impressum.

But I'm still waiting for certain blogs and magazines to take this up. If I have time I'll write an e-mail to c't Magazine. I'm sure this requirement will be relaxed, sooner or later.

So, hasta la mailbox, siempre! or something :)
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