On 2024-03-07 20:30:53 (+0800), Sebastian Nielsen via mailop wrote:
Emoji is such a stupid thing. So that’s why I kinda need to delete all emoji, by parsing the utf8 string and then deleting everything that is emoji. Not normal UTF8 characters, as they can can be displayed (like Chinese characters etc). But its just emoji, they are rendered as colored smilies, and I guess something unexpected happens when they try to render the crap in the "From" field (where a person's name is displayed).

The only way to do that reliably is to make, and maintain, a list of all Unicode code points you don't like, and filter them individually. You can optimise the list a little bit with ranges here and there, but you'll still end up with a very long list.

The difference between 貓 and 😺 is a font problem, not an email problem.

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