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Sorry, I thought my reference to the election made it clear that I was
generally talking about the United States. Howver the warnings about
concentrations of large numbers of people remains valid under these

Simply because the capitalist media may say that the sky is blue doesn't
mean that it's pink with Orange polka dots.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020, 3:20 PM RKOB via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>

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> I do not agree with you in 2 points:
> 1) there has been indeed a global wave of mass protests since mid-2019
> not seen since many decades. This has been even recognized by a recently
> published study of a bourgeois think-tank. We have reported about this
> in an article
> (
> https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/confirmation-of-revolutionary-character-of-historic-period/)
> The current counter-revolutionary offensive using the COVID-19 crisis as
> cover is a strike against this global wave of popular uprisings.
> 2) Mass lock down of millions of people and suppressing democratic
> rights like demonstrating and assembling helps the ruling class, not the
> oppressed. It also does not help in itself to contain the COVID-19
> pandemic. Look to Italy where you have a lock down and people die. South
> Korea has mass testing, free healt care and and a good health carse
> system. This why it managed the crisis without mass lock down.
> Trusting the capitalist state and its propaganda is never a good guide!
> Am 18.03.2020 um 12:37 schrieb Mark Lause via Marxism:
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> >
> > I apologize if I'm repeating points already made in the discussion but
> it's
> > important that they "take" . . . .
> >
> > It is the nature of epidemics like this that people who don't have
> symptoms
> > spread the disease, and this is much worse than other examples because
> the
> > symptoms seem to hit people differently.  A large number of people are
> said
> > to have already had it and shaken it off in a few days, while it can be
> > fatal for a significant minority of those who get it.  Gathering in large
> > numbers spreads the virus quicker.  Not doing this is to avoid crashing
> the
> > resources of an ill-prepared health care system, including the people
> > needed to run it.
> >
> > Beyond these obvious medical realities, this pandemic is not only
> slamming
> > us, but it's starting to pull down their economy, bit by bit, and I heard
> > one of the talking heads on the idiot box are discussing the possibility
> of
> > coming out of this with an unemployment rate of 20% (and they're thinking
> > in government figures).
> >
> > When I look out on the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets
> today,
> > it looks precisely like the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets
> > before the pandemic hit.  There are other reasons we don't have large
> > numbers in the street than the distancing brought on by the pandemic.
> >
> > Building a movement is part of a process.  Take this time of isolation to
> > read a book and discuss it online.  And/or hold online classes.  Make and
> > retain contacts for the future.  There's much productive to be done in
> the
> > here and now that will be useful in the future, particularly with a work
> > force that will be wiser, angrier, and hopefully more ready to take to
> the
> > streets..
> >
> > What will not be useful at this point is getting those willing to gather
> in
> > large groups disproportionately infected or putting them in a position to
> > get their family, friends and coworkers sick.
> >
> > Solidarity,
> > Mark L.
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