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I didn't suggest online petitions and, no, I don't suggest that we start
trusting the capitalist state.

I do trust science.  I trust doctors on epidemics . . . the same way I
trust environmentalists on the climate.  Why would we not?  Most of us know
enough to understand whether these things make sense or not.

And here's the thing about conspiracies.  When there actually are
conspiracies (and sometimes when there aren't), somebody starts blowing the
whistle on it.  No group of serious scientists say that global warming is
anything other than real.  It's no less real when its discussed on the
bourgeois media or by members of the bourgeois state.

Too, no group of serious medical professionals are saying that these
precautions against the pandemic are excessive. Considering that these
precautions are also playing merry hell with the economy, it's a fair bet
that the capitalists aren't playing with some new means to annoy us.

The point is that here--or in Italy or in Spain--these restrictions are
being imposed as temporary measures.  Are there dangers?  There are always
dangers when you deal with these people, so we should stay cautious and
watch their every move.

I suspect, for example, that there's going to be a serious effort to
normalize some of what they've slipped into education--particularly the
shift to online routines.  When this is behind us, there will be major
efforts to impose these more generally, and this will have to be fought.

But how and where we can best fight them should depend on where we can best
mobilize and deploy our forces.

Mark L.
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