Am Monday 22 December 2008 21:02:21 schrieben Sie:
> Patrick Winnertz wrote:
> > If yes I'll set up a trac on my private server until I find a better
> > solution. If this repro is ready I'll ping you and we can start to
> > migrate you patches into the git repro. Is this okay for you (and the
> > rest of the team?)
> Team vote 100% "yes"
> We are ready to work with you.

So please: 

All people who wants to have write access to the repro should send mail 
(preffered signed) to me ( and I'll create a new ssh account 
for committing into the git repro.

Furthermore I would need  the usernames for trac.. I'll create random 
passwords and send them then to you indiviually so that you can change them 
after that.

After this I'll/We'll could start to migrate the stuff from the mc.redhat- team into this repro. 


 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz <>
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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