Am 02/17/15 um 23:37 schrieb trondd:
> He's using http protocol.  Just because the hostname has ftp in it,
> doesn't mean it's the ftp protocol.
Precisely: Looking at the information I provided with the second post
you'll notice that " ->" is using the

> Also, yes, I believe sudo only carries over the environment variables
> explicitly told to do so.
> Can you download packages with a web browser?  
Yes - single packages can be downloaded.

Have you tried using
> the ftp program directly?
Yes - single packages can be downloaded.

> When you loose connection, can you get to other web sites or is your
> entire network connection down? 
The entire network is down.

Do you have access to the Fitz!Box or
> whatever to see what it's doing?
Yes - everything is at my command :-) This does not imply that I always
know what I am doing ;-) ... no serious: Of course have I checked the
logs from the Fritz!Box - nothing to be reported here...

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