Hi Marsha,

What Pisig's is suggesting, IMO, is the presence of free will, which I equate 
with DQ.  He also throws in a bit of Zen.

Sent laboriously from an iPhone,

On Mar 22, 2012, at 1:44 AM, MarshaV <val...@att.net> wrote:

> Again hello David & Mark,
> On Mar 21, 2012, at 7:46 PM, David Harding <davidjhard...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> David:
>>>> So we just need to have a goal of DQ and not sq? So if I just have a goal 
>>>> of
>>>> DQ, then I need not worry about the patterns I am creating?
>>> Mark:
>>> Not a goal of DQ, a goal of understanding.  Why do you wish to learn
>>> more about MoQ by participating in this forum?  This is a serious
>>> question, I just want to understand.
>> David:
>> Yes, to understand and in the process make myself a better person.
> Here's something I like to consider:
> "Causes and results are infinite in number and variety.  Everything affects 
> everything.  In this universe, when one thing changes, everything changes.  
> Hence the great power of man in changing the world by changing himself."
>   (Nisargadatta Maharaj)
> This is really no different than what Mr. Pirsig advises in ZAMM:
> "The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and 
> hands, and then work outward from there. Other people can talk about how to 
> expand the destiny of mankind. I just want to talk about how to fix a 
> motorcycle. I think that what I have to say has more lasting value."
> Marsha
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