Hi MarshaV and All:

Logos/Logic!  The word (logos) embodies logic.  Meaning is embedded in the
word (logos).  Without logic a word has no meaning DQ/SQ.  A word DQ
embodies indefinable logic.

Imho Joe

On 11/25/13 2:09 AM, "MarshaV" <val...@att.net> wrote:

> His Quality was a metaphysical entity, not a mystic one. Or was it? What was
> the difference? He answered himself that the difference was one of definition.
> Metaphysical entities are defined. Mystical Ones are not. That made Quality
> mystical. No. It was really both. Although he'd thought of it purely in
> philosophical terms up to now as metaphysical, he had all along refused to
> define it. That made it mystic too. Its indefinability freed it from the rules
> of metaphysics."

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