Just to clarify

I am not opposing the development of a Windows-only solution such as you are discussing. I understand and respect Nick's reasons for opposing this but for me, it's more like the question of developing a Mac version. It is irrelevant to me, and I won't use it. It may have enough value for others to warrant developing it, and it may not; the people who will experience the benefit should go ahead and make their case and I will sit this one out.


On 10/22/2016 5:54 AM, John . Smith wrote:

There's already too many features that are Windows only and I wouldn't
want to see more.
I have looked long and hard at MLO. Compared to almost all other task
management applications it is already overwhelmingly complex but highly
configurable - so much so that most advanced users of MLO seem to agree
that in truth it is more of a task management /*platform */than a task
management /*application*/.

In short the "not too many features" battle is *already lost* a long
time ago.

My complaint is that despite trying about 10 different ways of doing
things, nothing I can do really gets it to do what I need it to do.
Personally I am trying to do a slightly modified GTD method and I need
an "Area of Life" field and an "actionable status" (for what of a better
phrase), both of which would need to inherit from parent task whenever
any new task is created.  But my feeling is that every user will
probably have their own requirements and that this would be utterly
transformative to how useful the MLO task management application is.

For any users like Dwight who are mainly using the mobile apps yes, it
would be critical to have some way of implementing these fields on the
apps.  The big problem is that I fear that this will never ever happen
as the project becomes much more expensive. The other big problem is
that within any mobile phone app, clutter does become a big problem and
so exactly how this should best be implemented is not clear.

My latest thought is that 3 such customisable fields is all that would
be required.

Dwight, SRhyse do you have any thought about this?
- Exactly how useful would such fields really be to you (on a scale 0 - 10)
- What would you use them for?
- How & where would you imaging that they might be added to the MLO
mobile apps?
- What do you think the chances are of MLO doing any of the above would
be? (on a scale 0 - 10)


PS The other solution would be for MLO to actually build a field called
"Area of Life" and another one called "Actionable Status" (or similar
names) ... but if hardcoded I can hear the squeals of protest of
"clutter" and of them not being the names that other users want for
their own purposes.

My tentative solution to the "clutter" / "bloatware" complaint is that
they should be buried somewhere and only switched on as advanced
settings for advanced users.

On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 9:22:00 AM UTC+1, Nick Clark wrote:

    There's already too many features that are Windows only and I
    wouldn't want to see more.
    In addition to adding these fields you are also requiring that the
    custom view engine be updated to include them. If the mobile apps
    couldn't use them then Views transferred to them wouldn't work either.
    So I agree with Dwight, it needs to include the mobile apps to be

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