On Tue, 6 May 2008, swejis wrote:

> OK, were back in business.
> Built and installed the debug-initiator.
> The [scsi_eh_xx] scsi_wq_xx] processes, there are about 60 of those
> before I have even started open-iscsi, zombies ?

Eh..... I do not know what is on your box. If you have not started 
open-iscsi they could be from something else.

> May  6 21:03:53 manjula iscsid: connection3:0 is operational now
> May  6 21:03:53 manjula iscsid: connection4:0 is operational now
> 3 and 4 now, could this be caused by those processes ?

I am not sure what you are doing. If yo had started iscsi previously then 
the session number would be incremented like it is above.

> I would have expected this version to be very noisy log-wise, however

It should be really noisy. Did you build with "make DEBUG_SCSI=1"?

> I have stressed the disk quite alot now and have not seen anything in
> the log. Performance actually also looks better. 3GB in 40 sec, that
> is far better than before.
> Those processes, could I just shut everything down and kill the
> remaining ?

Yeah, reboot the box, use the new modules and tools build with 
DEBUG_SCSI=1. Remove the suse tools, stop the init iscsi and open-iscsi 
init scripts from running, and then just start iscsid by hand. Then run 
iscsiadm by hand.

> Rgds
> Jonas
> >

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