I urge everyone *not* to walk away from JavaFX, at least not yet.

As has been pointed out, there were several sessions scheduled for J1
relating to JavaFX on mobiles and tablets that were only cancelled at the
very last minute.  I see this as a definite positive.  To me that says that
they truly believed they would be able to have something for those sessions
but for whatever reason were not able to get across the finish line.  I
would have been far more worried if they had never announced such sessions
because then we would know for certain that they do not have any concrete
plans in this area.

I am optimistic that a *big* announcement is just around the corner.  Of
course J1 would have been the perfect place for such an announcement but
can you imagine the damage to brand Java/JavaFX had they released a
half-baked, bug-ridden, slow-as-a-dog implementation of JavaFX on iOS or
Android?  Many developers would have walked away from client-side Java
forever and the press would have gone into meltdown ridiculing the

If Oracle really does have something in the pipeline for iOS/Android then
they are *absolutely right* to get it *perfect* before they let it loose on
the public.

Having said this though and as starry-eyed as I am, even I cannot wait

On 30 September 2013 19:14, Tobias Bley <t...@ultramixer.com> wrote:

> I absolutely agree Daniel. I opened a very important bug reporting
> concerning JFX performance on iPhone which currently prevents using JavaFX
> (and RoboVM) to build apps for the iPhone (
> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-31453) this bug report is open
> since 3(!) month!  How shall the community build things for iOS if a very
> base feature (bug) is not fixed by Oracles core team??? It’s a very bad
> sign for engaged developers outside Oracle!
> So maybe we should say good by to the legacy of SUN and use web
> technologies like JQuery, ExtJS, … with real community power and without an
> US company who sees only money and legal issues.
> Maybe Larry loves to spend millions of dollars to win a boat race and
> develop experimental „iPads“ rather then spend their time and money to
> develop a technology with could be the base for ALL products, on Desktop,
> embedded space, mobile, watches, …
> Cheers,
> Tobi
> Am 30.09.2013 um 10:39 schrieb Daniel Zwolenski <zon...@gmail.com>:
> The lack of information on iOS/Android is a major bummer, but this also
> highlights a deeper problem here.
> We have a situation where Oracle won't talk to this community because the
> topic is important, it's too big a game changer for them to comment on.
> It's tied in with share prices, and market strategies.
> So won't that be the case for anything *important* going forward? We
> "community" members are outsiders and very lowly ranked, well below "real"
> customers and even below random punters from the media. There's not even a
> way for us to rank bugs and get them attention (even if we provide fixes!).
> What kind of community can this ever be if anything important can't be
> discussed here before it's locked in, because it risks Oracle giving up a
> commercial edge? Is this then a community only for discussing our favourite
> method names for the API and pointing out that an enum constant is missing?
> I can't see any way that this forum provides any significant contributions
> back to the platform - the occasional bug fix at best. JIRA is fine for
> discussing bugs, method names and little things like that. Any of the real
> community initiatives are run completely separate to this forum because
> Oracle doesn't want anything to do with them, and all the significant
> platform work takes place behind Oracle's closed doors and we only hear
> about it after it's a done deal.
> From where I'm standing, the Oracle community concept is fundamentally
> flawed, and the root cause is that Oracle just don't get how to interact
> with a community. You want to use us but you're not very good at it, you're
> not trying to improve (you don't think there's a problem) and ultimately
> Oracle's culture won't let you do it properly anyway. The current approach
> is a little like a car salesman trying to be your Facebook "friend".
> All the initiatives I got involved with through this forum have gone
> nowhere - deployment (auto updating), the early Maven deployment work
> (which Richard asked for), the tower defender game (which Richard asked
> for), the jfx browser (which Richard asked for), even stuff as simple as
> JIRA dashboards (which Richard again asked for).
> All these hit points where they needed Oracle to do their part of it and
> then just stalled and then died. This community could have fostered a lot
> of tools and efforts, and really propelled JFX into the bigger dev
> community, but instead, for me, it has been a constant source of stress and
> dissatisfaction, a hinderance and a hurdle. All pain, no gain.
> The only initiatives I actually made work were the JavaFX Maven plugin and
> the RoboVM Maven plugin. With both of these I made a conscious decision to
> not involve this forum or Oracle. I decided to cludge around platform
> shortcomings, rather than work with Oracle to fix it (5 minute fixes would
> have saved me days of work).
> That was the only way I could make these initiatives succeed since this
> forum is a hinderance to contributing. It gives a false sense that Oracle
> is listening and actively supporting the community. To anyone out there
> wanting to do something in JFX tool space, I'd say start by leaving this
> forum and working out what you can do without any access to the Oracle
> guys, even if you make your own code contributions to the platform. Assume
> you're an outsider - the cavalry is not coming, you're on your own.
> Given all that I'm walking away from this forum. I was waiting to hear
> about the iOS/Android stuff first, but really even if they did announce
> anything, it would be a long shot at best (untested, low resources, lack of
> solid direction and most likely tied in with some Oracle ADF garbage or
> similar). The uncertainty created by Oracle's mixed messages also killed
> all momentum on the community RoboVM work. Meanwhile web based stuff is
> getting stronger, cleaner and better tool support at an exponential rate,
> including in the mobile space.
> If JavaFX one day actually provides a usable platform for non-Oracle
> entrenched customers, and the developer world notices, I'll certainly
> consider it. I reckon I'll hear about that through the usual tech media
> channels first, rather than through here though. As Oracle themselves
> pointed out at the 2012 JavaOne session the smart money is on web based
> stuff (check out backbone.js and marionette.js for a desktop-like coding
> experience, not bad and will get better faster than JFX improves).
> On that note, the JavaFX Maven plugin is about to go into decay mode. It
> needs to be updated to work on Maven 3.1 (some libraries have changed from
> 3.0) and there are a number of bugs and feature requests building up that
> I've been ignoring. I have no incentive to do any of this so it will
> unfortunately just rot. If anyone wants to pick it up, let me know (you
> need a few free hours a week just to maintain it). I'm picking up stumps
> and moving on.
> I also have the access rights for the openjfx Maven repo on Sonatype
> (needed to deploy to Maven central). I imagine Sonatype would grant this
> access to others if you apply and make a case for it, but if anyone wants
> to do this let me know and I can notify sonatype to give you access and
> save you some hassles.
> I think Niklas has the RoboVM Maven Plugin sorted now and can do
> enhancements on that but I'm sure if anyone wanted to help him out he
> wouldn't say no.
> Cheers,
>  Dan
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Tobias Bley <t...@ultramixer.com> wrote:
>> I don’t understand why „all“ this people who needs JavaFX on iOS/Android
>> does not tell it Oracles management. And I don’t understand why all this
>> people use their time to develop all this demos and Rasp.PI stuff. Who
>> needs it? Why don’t we develop base stuff like iOS skins, Android skins,
>> iOS/Android widgets, RoboVM for Android, RoboVM using OpenJDK, … I really
>> love useful stuff like the „JavaFX maven plugin“ or the „AquaFX“ project.
>> That kind of development we need!
>> Best,
>> Tobi
>> Am 30.09.2013 um 08:50 schrieb Felix Bembrick <felix.bembr...@gmail.com>:
>> > No, you are *not* the only one. We *all* need it.  In fact, without it
>>  happening soon, JavaFX is already dead.
>> >
>> > But let's not give up yet.  Perhaps it's closer than we know. I am a
>> glass half full kinda guy :-)
>> >
>> >> On 30 Sep 2013, at 16:40, Tobias Bley <t...@ultramixer.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I suppose „legal reasons“….
>> >>
>> >> For me it’s very frustrating to see every year the same procedure:
>> JavaFX-iOS/Android related tracks were canceled - „nerd“ stuff like
>> Rasp.PI, DukePad & Co were announced. Maybe I’m really the only one who
>> needs JavaFX on mobile to use JavaFX on desktop as well… :(
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> Am 29.09.2013 um 18:13 schrieb Jeff Martin <j...@reportmill.com>:
>> >>>
>> >>> It seems the JFX on iOS/Android were cancelled at the last moment. I
>> tried to keep expectations low this year, but I admit I harbored secret
>> hopes based on those sessions (a few embarrassingly optimistic
>> conversations with clients notwithstanding).
>> >>>
>> >>> Last week Tomas offered this:
>> >>>
>> >>>> about cancelled sessions please contact Mr. JavaOne
>> stephen.c...@oracle.com I believe he will give satisfactory answer.
>> >>>
>> >>> I'd like to take him up on that satisfactory offer. Also, can we run
>> the name "DukePad" by marketing again?
>> >>>
>> >>> :-)
>> >>>
>> >>> jeff
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>> On Sep 29, 2013, at 12:12 AM, Daniel Zwolenski <zon...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The sessions aren't up yet from the looks of it. It would be great
>> to get an overall roundup of any new announcements or directions in any
>> case. Given this is the developer community network it would make sense in
>> my mind to highlight stuff like that in here.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> For me, I'd love it if someone could quickly sum up any
>> announcements or sessions made about JavaFX for iOS, Android or in the
>> deployment space?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> What happened at the sessions Tobi highlighted before (
>> http://blog.software4java.com/?p=97), did anyone go to these and able to
>> give us some info?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> On 27/09/2013, at 7:07 AM, Richard Bair <richard.b...@oracle.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> The sessions, I think, are all being uploaded to Parley's (
>> http://www.parleys.com), although I don't see any content there yet (not
>> sure how long it will take them to post-process, but usually it is pretty
>> fast).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Richard
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> On Sep 26, 2013, at 2:00 PM, Daniel Zwolenski <zon...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Has anyone done or seen any good roundups (text or video) of the
>> JavaOne sessions relating to javafx?
>> >>

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