
thank you for the reply. to give you some more information of my situation: i 
want to visualize certain roof types. i generate the geometry information 
(vertices, tex-coords, normals) programmatically in my application. i'm using 
triangle_strips with drawElements indices to construct my roof types - one 
reason for this is, i have to insert some "index-swaps" to get certain 
roofforms done with only one triangle_strip primitive per roof. 

the next step would be to calculate the normal vectors. my first (and most 
confortable) idea was to use the osg::smoothingVisitor. the problem arrived 
with that was, i was getting averaged normals, which didn't represent roofs 
very well.

so i was looking for another way where i could use for every planar face of my 
triangle_strip its own normals to get facetted looking roofs and posted here in 
this thread the question how to do this.

now, after some further research, i'm currently thinking, due the circumstance 
of shared vertices in a triangle_strip, it is impossible to assign multiple 
normals to one vertex. 
i' ve read of a "workaround" where to use one normal for every triangle_strip's 
planar face in addition and using FLATSHADING. i know this is not the same like 
the above mentioned in SMOOTHSHADING, but i think it would certainly better 
than the average normals.

so what do you think of that approach, or maybe you might have some other ideas?

Best Regards,
Christian Sam

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