Hi J.P.

Thank you for taking the time in helping me. i have two questions regarding 
your recommendations.

> I think most people would nowadays advise to just
> specify normals per vertex and not try to use normals per face (slow
> path).

- does this mean: if a normals-indexarray hasn't the same amount of entries 
like the vertex-indexarray (like in the case i'm planning to do) the rendering 
will be done with glBegin/glEnd calls instead of the faster alternatives 
(displaylists, indexed arrays, etc.)

- i have never heard the phrase "slow path", but this does not sounds good ;-) 
does this mean the consequences mentioned above?

> E.g.
> primitive 1 = vertex_array_shared + normal_array1 + drawelements
> primitive 2 = vertex_array_shared + normal_array2 + drawelements

i' m a opengl/osg beginner, so i hope i got you right
- you mean that instead of defining one primitive (triangle_strip, 
drawElements) that defines a roof-geometry, i define several primitives 
(triangle_strip, drawElements) with same vertices and indices, but different 
assigned normalarrays) for the same roof-geometry. (there would still be a need 
of normals array 3, for the normals of vertex 4 and 5, pointing north)
this will result in two exact overlying, seperate triangle_strips so no 
difference will be noticed, 
[Image: http://www.spatiality.at/osg/roof.jpg ] 

but wouldn't their faces z-fighting?

Best regards,
christian sam

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