Jason Daly wrote:
Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

Well the name "old-style" might also mean that there are drawbacks to using that option... I wouldn't know if the only effect is that the debug information is embedded instead of in a separate file.
We develop with SCons (which uses the MSVC compiler on Windows), and we use the /Z7 option all the time, because it allows us to compile code in parallel without any worries of conflicts. With the normal /Zi option, you get conflicts when two or more processes are trying to write to the .pdb file at the same time.

You can still make use of just-in-time and source-level debugging with the "old-style" debug info. I do it all the time. The only drawback that I know of is that the embedded debug info makes the final object (.exe or .dll) larger, and it might increase loading time a bit.
Okay, can you give me some pointers how to make it work then? I have VS8 sp1, have downloaded the corresponding debug package from the OSG website and have a really small test application that forces OSG to use some freed memory. If I build (in debug mode of course) and then run the test from VS with F5 it nicely catches the error, but in the stack trace none of the OSG dlls show any symbols...

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