
Maxime BOUCHER wrote:


Alright, I did osgconv .ive to .osg and immediately .osg to .ive, and
now it seems blending is always deactivated. I mean, whether I call: _root_stateset->setMode(GL_BLEND, StateAttribute::OFF |
StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); _root_stateset->setMode(GL_BLEND,
StateAttribute:: ON | StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); or nothing I always
visualize this: [Image:
http://img7.hostingpics.net/pics/270676Dot_OSG_GL_BLEND_OFF.png ]

Thus: -I completely lost, what is happening? I am wondering if this
hasn't to deal with more than just blending.

- Do you know what can happen in the depth buffer so that even with
blending turned off, "transparent" faces are not filled with a

Maybe these faces have depth writing turned off? It is a trick used sometimes for transparent objects. Do the faces appear in the frame buffer with blending off?

- I 've read a topic about using multiple viewer and uncomplete
drawings. In this post Robert adviced to call stopThreading() on the
currently not rendering viewer. I tried that, but of course, since I
post, it didn't solve the problem.

Incomplete drawings would at least be incomplete at a line/column, not as neatly as your images.


Thank you for your help and reading,



------------------ Read this topic online here: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=16145#16145

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