dear David and friends,

I will be working next spring on a commons transition project for the city
of Ghent, (under embargo, official announcement on dec 2 only),

one of my first priorities there, will be the development of city-based
programs to relocate production and to create incomes, work and employment
not just for the precarious knowledge workers but especially for
blue-collar communities,

see here an article more or less expressing the same thought:

Eventually, after my relocation in brussels in the fall, to work 100 days a
year for the fast-growing labour mutual Smart (now a european cooperative
structure with 75k members and growing), I also want to create a Commons
Transition based think thank in the heart of Europe,

I am still hoping that the groups and individuals addressed in the earlier
request, would be willing to organize some inter-phyles congress at some
point, and I'd be very happy to help with that,


On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 1:34 AM, David de Ugarte <>

> And coming back to our subject... what do you propose to do?
> On 2016-11-03 15:10, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> but actually, many former members say exactly that, that the Impact Hub is
> extractive.
> The general complaint is that the venture-based ownership model is
> generating too much pressure on what should be a collaborative and
> participative model ..
> Personally, I have witnessed the forced smiles of many of hostesses (often
> the hubs are led by female members and employees), who are under great
> pressure to 'perform' their participative duties (number of events
> organized, number of new clients recruited, etc ..); and heard from
> outsiders, that an enormous amount of skills are required for relatively
> low pay,
> I haven't verified any of this, but this is based on testimonies,
> Michel
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 6:35 PM, David de Ugarte <>
> wrote:
>> I did not mean they were extractive, they are just a network of coworking
>> spaces, what I pointed is the difference of this kind of transnational
>> network and phyles: having a common identity alternative to that of
>> nationalism and taking care of there members in case of necessity.
>> Impacthub does not provide other identity different to the one that
>> provides you to be client of a nice transnational landlord nor takes care
>> of you more than any firm takes care of a client.
>> On 2016-10-23 13:29, Bob Haugen wrote:
>>> I'm not familiar with ImpactHub (just looked at their website a bit,
>>> though). In what way are they extractive?
>>> On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 2:47 AM, Michel Bauwens
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 10:13 PM, David de Ugarte <
>>>> >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> but essentiallly for me a phyle is a trans-national business eco-system
>>>>> for a community and its commons
>>>>> I agree, but could have sense to be more specific in order to separate
>>>>> it
>>>>> from pure transnational ecosystems as ImpactHub including something
>>>>> about
>>>>> identity or responsability on the welfare of the individual partners?
>>>>> What
>>>>> do you think?
>>>> Yes, I agree that is a part of the definition, to distinguish it from
>>>> the
>>>> extractive models, which I think the ImpactHub actually is, despite its
>>>> original good intentions ..
>>>> by the way, all assistance in mapping the new global nomadic networks
>>>> would
>>>> be very welcome:
>>>> Michel
>>>>> for me las indias, enspiral, sensorica, ethos VO go in that direction
>>>>> ...
>>>>> Great!
>>>>> Big hug
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 7:11 PM, David de Ugarte <
>>>>> >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Great Michael!
>>>>>> So... it could be interesting to have a common, and a little bit
>>>>>> detailed, definition of phyle understanding proto-phyle as all the
>>>>>> nucleus
>>>>>> going in that direction.
>>>>>> Would you make the honours? :-D
>>>>>> On 2016-10-18 14:03, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>>>>> personally, I am talking about some coordination and cooperation
>>>>>> between
>>>>>> proto-phyles ...
>>>>>> coordinating commons-based production is a different topic, equally
>>>>>> interesting but this was not the topic of the original invite,
>>>>>> of course, phyles could <also> coordinate their production, if they
>>>>>> were
>>>>>> more fully developed etc ..
>>>>>> Michel
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 6:58 PM, David de Ugarte <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ah! OK, this is about coordinating commons based projects, not about
>>>>>>> phyle making. So, the question should be then how phyle nucleus as
>>>>>>> ours, can
>>>>>>> contribute to these movement towards territorial coordination of
>>>>>>> commons
>>>>>>> based projects, Am I right?
>>>>>>> We agree with that idea/project and we will give our best to it, no
>>>>>>> doubt. But, please lets use the word phyle with its meaning. From
>>>>>>> its very
>>>>>>> origins the phyle idea had a very concrete goal: to create an
>>>>>>> alternative to
>>>>>>> national identity able to complement the fading (¿collapsing?)
>>>>>>> welfare state
>>>>>>> and take responsibility for its own members (social security, health,
>>>>>>> guarantee of job and trade inside, safety and freedom of movements,
>>>>>>> etc.)
>>>>>>> what made mandatory to the few phyle nucleus existing then, to have a
>>>>>>> presence and a real autonomy in the open market while constructing a
>>>>>>> money-free economy in its interior.
>>>>>>> On 2016-10-18 12:58, David de Ugarte wrote:
>>>>>>> Great thanks to you both!!!
>>>>>>> On 2016-10-18 12:57, Stacco Troncoso wrote:
>>>>>>> Here's the Commons Association text in our blog, if you don't like
>>>>>>> PDFs
>>>>>>> ;)
>>>>>>> ts-in-a-self-organised-solidarity-economy/2016/09/09
>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:53 PM, Bob Haugen <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> You all might find the pdfs below to be relevant:
>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>> From: Christian Siefkes via Commonsverbuende
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Date: 2016-10-18 5:06 GMT-05:00
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [commonsverbuende] Commons Associations jetzt auch in
>>>>>>>> Englisch
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Hallo Hannes und alle,
>>>>>>>> On 08/10/16 15:41, Christian Siefkes via Commonsverbuende wrote:
>>>>>>>>> OK, ich werde PDFs erzeugen und hochladen und dann hier nochmal
>>>>>>>>> Bescheid sagen.
>>>>>>>> ich habe die PDfs jetzt erstellt und bei Keimform hochgeladen. Sie
>>>>>>>> sind
>>>>>>>> vom
>>>>>>>> deutsch- bzw. englischsprachigen Artikel aus verlinkt oder direkt
>>>>>>>> unter
>>>>>>>> folgenden URLs zu finden:
>>>>>>>> Deutsch:
>>>>>>>> Englisch:
>>>>>>>> ation.pdf
>>>>>>>> Herzliche Grüße
>>>>>>>>          Christian
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> |--------- Dr. Christian Siefkes ---------
>>>>>>>> ---------
>>>>>>>> | Homepage:   |   Blog:
>>>>>>>> | Wie Produktion zur Nebensache wurde:
>>>>>>>> | Why Production No Longer Worries Us:
>>>>>>>> |------------------------------------------- OpenPGP Key ID:
>>>>>>>> 0x980FA6ED
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Was darf die Satire?
>>>>>>>>      Alles.
>>>>>>>>          -- Kurt Tucholsky
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Commonsverbuende mailing list
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 5:19 AM, Bob Haugen <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Responses inline.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 5:06 AM, David de Ugarte
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Bob,
>>>>>>>>>> it is a really interesting theoretical approach but... I guess we
>>>>>>>>>> are still
>>>>>>>>>> far from the point when we could attend basic consumption demands.
>>>>>>>>>> The real
>>>>>>>>>> existing fabric of p2p production is unproportionally based in
>>>>>>>>>> services (as
>>>>>>>>>> it is natural because p2p production was born in the digital
>>>>>>>>>> economy).
>>>>>>>>> I am aware it's mostly services now, except for food, which could
>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> place to start on material goods, at least in regional networks.
>>>>>>>>> Software, however, is the heart of p2p production now, and that is
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>> coordinated very well between groups or often not even within
>>>>>>>>> groups.
>>>>>>>>> The Mutual Aid Networks, for example, use several apps that do not
>>>>>>>>> talk to each other. And several Mutual Aid Networks are starting
>>>>>>>>> up,
>>>>>>>>> that will multiply the same problem. Same for Fair Coop.
>>>>>>>>> Designs for material goods is another possibility.
>>>>>>>>> Increasing diversity of production is today a trend and a goal, but
>>>>>>>>>> I guess
>>>>>>>>>> diversity is not still big enough even for supporting a viable
>>>>>>>>>> productive
>>>>>>>>>> coin.
>>>>>>>>>> Because of it, from the very beggining we envisioned mutualism as
>>>>>>>>>> the path
>>>>>>>>>> of making phyles grow inside a wider vision we call post-laborism.
>>>>>>>>>> Please
>>>>>>>>>> have a look to this post (you will probably have to use google
>>>>>>>>>> translate)
>>>>>>>>> Thanks, will study.
>>>>>>>>> On 2016-10-16 11:56, Bob Haugen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, cutnpaste error. Should have been section entitled "How we
>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>> implement a Mutual Coordination Economy based on existing
>>>>>>>>>>> organizations".
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 3:04 AM, Bob Haugen <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> then see from there if it makes sense to have some extra layer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> alignment between 'proto-phyles'
>>>>>>>>>>>> Could this be it?
>>>>>>>>>>>> alist-supply-chains-could-serve-a-mutual-coordination-econom
>>>>>>>>>>>> y/2016/02/10
>>>>>>>>>>>> See the section entitled
>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>> talist-supply-chains-could-serve-a-mutual-coordination-econo
>>>>>>>>>>>> my/2016/02/10"
>>>>>>>>>>>> and my comment below:
>>>>>>>>>>>> alist-supply-chains-could-serve-a-mutual-coordination-econom
>>>>>>>>>>>> y/2016/02/10#comment-1551200
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 9:22 PM, Michel Bauwens
>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear David,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have great difficulties lately to monitor my emails, 5755 to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> go
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <g>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so I missed this important response, and the ones following
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> process in a moment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first thing for me, is perhaps that we can organize a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> common
>>>>>>>>>>>>> skype
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> joshua vial / Alanna Krause for Enspiral, Robert Pye for Ethos,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Natalia for lasindias, tibi from Sensorica, perhaps others ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from there if it makes sense to have some extra layer of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> alignment
>>>>>>>>>>>>> between
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'proto-phyles'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I copy Ann-Marie for the p2p foundation, for assistance in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> coordinating
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> such meetup if there is agreement on doing it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since the previous email in this thread is an email from our
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recently
>>>>>>>>>>>>> deceased P2P colleague Jean Lievens, I am sharing a special
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>>>> remembrance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:12 PM, David de Ugarte
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We completely agree!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is a nodal moment because this convergence, I guess,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reflects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deepening concern in wide social sectors. In our case, we are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> experiencing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since October's Somero a widening of  our audience and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> closer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with other communities. Last week, in example, we had by first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years, more than 10.000 unique visitors in our blog in only a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> day, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Communard Manifesto is spreading a lot faster than we thought:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example volunteers -we did not know before- translating it in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Switzerland
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Portugal to German and Portuguese languages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, we are sensing not only the appearance of a «P2P
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theoritical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> camp»,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but the emergence of a «P2P audience» probably product of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disenchanted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the political hopes hegemonic only a year ago between the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> majority
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the activists in countries like Spain or Greece.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, Michel, what comes now? How could we contribute?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2016-05-21 22:06, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COLLECTIVE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORGANIC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The above has always been the ambition of the P2P Foundation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe this is now coalescing .. some signs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Las Indias has consolidated all its original insights in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> published Communard Manifesto (Steve Herrick: you can perhaps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about this posting here as they are not on fb)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) the last video by Dmytri Kleiner, which I posted here, also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shows a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> convergence towards this multi-modal approach (working for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strengthening
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the new economy within the existing one) and has a very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strategy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and many innovative concepts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) the critique by Alanna Krause on the blockchain which I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> posited,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the 'transvestment' practices, show that both the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> practice,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory, and the subjectivity of Enspiral is moving in the same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> direction
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) as for myself, I am working on a more theoretical book in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aligning all our pasts insights following the overview of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kojin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karatini ..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I may be forgetting some other elements, but here we are,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effectively, a collective organic intellectual at work, which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thinking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through the strategies to be followed by the forces of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commons, in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a way
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that may have been there in seed form, but is about to flower
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and ..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HUGELY IMPORTANT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not implying here of course that there are no differences
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> approaches of these groups, but that they are moving broadly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> direction .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At present, there are not any formal bridges between these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> groups, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are occasional informal contacts, and the memes do seem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> travel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With Dmytri Kleiner, we are discussing a 'Transvestment'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conference in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Berlin at the end of this year, no funding yet, this could be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occasion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for these groups to enter into more coherent dialogue,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P2P Foundation:  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Updates:;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #82 on the (En)Rich list:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> P2P Foundation:  -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Updates:;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> #82 on the (En)Rich list:
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Strategic direction steward P2P Foundation. Director of content
>>>>>>> Co-founder
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
>>>>>> P2P Foundation:  -
>>>>>> Updates:;
>>>>>> ns
>>>>>> #82 on the (En)Rich list:
>>>>> --
>>>>> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
>>>>> P2P Foundation:  -
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>>>>> #82 on the (En)Rich list:
>>>> --
>>>> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
>>>> P2P Foundation:  -
>>>> Updates:;
>>>> #82 on the (En)Rich list:
> --
> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
> P2P Foundation:  -
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