Cde Seroke:

Yesterday, when I saw I notification that today, a memorial lecture of Prof 
Sobukwe was taking place at Fort Hare today. I spoke to professor  Kondlo,  who 
told me that he was flying today to  deliver a keynote  address. It was 
unfortunate, that it was taking place in a far flung area. I do not know about 
the existence of the Sobukwe trust. One information, that may be incorrect is 
that, some foundations or trusts have became defunct. But it appears that the 
existing foundation is independent to the PAC. I support this, if it's the 
case. Sobukwe is an unsung continental hero. Thatmi kaplajie, once said to me, 
we should venerate Sobukwe making his thoughts our daily bread, unfortunately 
he left heading to the wilderness. Sobukwe, should have a monument or any 
government building named after him. We should lobby strongly for this. In 
Daveyton, where I live, we have a place named after Stanley Mokgoba, 
Ironically, no sign of PAC members existing now. the charterist have failed to 
rename that area. What about Prof ?

Mduduzi Sibeko
T +27-11-724-9249/81
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