Worth it?  That's something only you can decide.

As for the "digital workflow," well, this morning I was working on some
pics I shot a few months ago, and was reminded how easy and pleasurable it
is to use digital.  Using a digital camera can be a nice experience and a
good compliment to film.  However, if you're still vacillating, get the D
if you can comfortably afford it, and use it a while before the big picture
taking season in May-June, and see how you like it.  You can always sell it
and get all or most of your money back, but if you like it, you'll have
learned a lot about how to use the camera and the tricks of the workflow
before you need those graduation, wedding, and travel shots.


> [Original Message]
> From: Rick Womer 

> I've been on the "digital fence" for some time, and
> had pretty much decided to buy the ist D successor
> when it becomes available.
> I'm getting itchy, though, since it doesn't look as
> though the new body will be here by summer.
> In May and June, a niece is getting married, I'm going
> to GFM, my son is graduating from high school, and my
> wife and I will be traveling in Europe.  That's 50
> rolls of Ektachrome right there, i.e. $500 with
> processing.
> I'm really not sure how I will feel about the "digital
> workflow."  It is possible that I will run screaming
> back to film.  I really like my slides.
> Soooo... I can probably pick up a used ist D for
> $700-800, looking at the recent prices on eBay and
> KEH.
> Worth it?

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