Paul has written:
.Thanks Frank. It always seemed inconceivable to me as well. But I  
.think back to when Grace first came to live with us. One day my wife  
.and I were empty nesters. The next day we were forgetful old people
.with an 11-month infant in the back seat. I had to constantly remind  
.myself that she was with us. Never came close to forgetting her, but I  
.can see how it could happen.

I have a fair understanding of how easy is to lose attention for a moment and 
come close to disaster. 

As much as I believe every help is welcome in safety matters, I'm positive 
those warning devices are going to be questioned in court as soon as installed. 
Translating the matter to a diff world, I've seen those who blame the gun 
safety that failed, instead of admitting they had their fingers at the wrong 
place - pressing the trigger when they didn't mean to shoot. No, that should 
not prevent their release.

Once a diver, I'm familiar with many cases where scuba gear manufacturers were 
sued and even decided to settle out of court, cases where the problems were 
caused by fatal mistakes of  the deceased or crippled divers. Sadly there are 
lots that just blame others for their mistakes. Not to mention those that will 
seek profit at every possible situation.

I'm for the warning systems. But there is NO substitute for full and complete 
attention in those moments. I got the habit of talking endlessly to my son 
every time he's in the car with me - after the day I skipped the way to the 
school, and only noticed my mistake when I arrived at my workplace with him. 
Not a risky situation as it happened, but scared me silly. That should never 
have happened. Soon he was "helping" me to choose the way, look for parking 
places - a perfect co-pilot, rather than a sleepy passenger. It's more fun, 

A very well placed article, and in my prejudiced point of view covered that sad 
situation very well indeed. 

Luiz Felipe
luiz.felipe at

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