> On Nov 2, 2016, at 3:47 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At first glance, it seems to me that mapping John 1:1 to Peirce's Categories 
> gives us something like, "In the beginning was the Word [Thirdness], and the 
> Word was with God [Secondness], and the Word was God [Firstness]."

I’ll just confess my ignorance here since there are different ways to read that 
and I couldn’t find anything on how Peirce did. His beliefs are idiocyncratic 
enough I’m loath to simply impose on him traditional views of the Trinity or 
the Logos. After all this was also a point where Eckhart and Duns Scotus 
differed as well. (Is the Father Being or Intellect among other matters)

Making things more complicated are the various ways “logos” can be used. Scotus 
often uses it as reason. 

Unfortunately I don’t have my CP handy so I’ll see if I have time to look this 
up at home. (I still need to find that Ransdell paper on love too — although 
I’m coming to think I conflated it in my memory with a paper of Michael 
Ventimiglia, “Reclaiming the Peircean Cosmology: Existential Abduction and the 
Growth of Self")

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