I thought this was a discussion list, not debate. I am very uncomfortable
with argumentation. I am not willing to be a party to that behavior.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021, 7:08 PM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> Phyllis, List
> I'm not in the least attacking Gary R personally! I'm debating his
> argument - with which I disagree. That's a huge difference.
> Surely we, on this list, can debate an issue without also bringing in our
> own 'persons' into the argument.
> But I see no reason why debate about issues can't include disagreement
> with the other person's point of view and analysis!
> If our discussion about issues is merged with whether or not we 'like' the
> person making the argument - well, frankly, that sounds like politics to me!
> Edwina
> On Wed 08/09/21 9:42 PM , Phyllis Chiasson
> phyllis.marie.chias...@gmail.com sent:
> Edwina, I don't like conflict but feel I must say that Gary is right about
> Neglected Argument. I feel upset because it seems like you are attacking
> him.
> Phyllis
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021, 6:31 PM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
>> Gary R, List
>> My point about 'existence' and 'reality' is that one can get so
>> sidetracked into 'that's not the correct term!!!' - that one misses the
>> point of the argument. Therefore - it is a 'fetish' to sidetrack into
>> 'terminology' rather than the issue. And that includes your other sidetrack
>> comment about 'force'. After a while - if one gets 'hung up' on terms, the
>> whole issue is abandoned. We don't always discuss issues using strictly and
>> only Peircean terminology; we sometimes, sadly,  stray into common
>> linguistic usage.
>> So- the 'singular reality which is god' - is still not defined. And to
>> say that an email can't explain the 'what' and the 'why' is, frankly, not
>> an argument.
>> I don't see that Peirce's use of 'Mind, Nature, Reason' as analogies for
>> the term of 'god' even suggests for one second that the term of 'god' is
>> higher in validity, power, functionality or meaning or whatever! They all
>> refer to the same thing!! And as I've said many times before - to Peirce,
>> 'Mind' is NOT confined to the human species.
>> I prefer the term of 'Mind, Nature, Reason' to the term of 'god' - since
>> the latter term is loaded with mythic, sociological symbolism - none of
>> which have anything to do with what I see as the 'force'/functionality of
>> 'Mind, Nature, Reason' in our universe.
>> I consider agapism as 'evolutionary love' [and there's no need to tell me
>> that Peirce used the term of 'love' for agapism] to be a confusing term,
>> since both 'evolution' and 'love' are symbolically loaded with meanings
>> that have absolutely no relevance to what I understand as agapism - which
>> is the 'tendency of organisms of mind/matter to connect, network, interact,
>> develop commonalities [synechism].
>> As for your rejection of utopianism - with which I obviously agree - I
>> brought that up only as a reference to your comment about 'purpose' and
>> 'morality' with regard to evolution. You haven't outlined what YOU mean by
>> 'purpose' of evolution or morality. I have said that the only purpose of
>> matter-as-mind is to prevent entropic dissipation of energy, which is
>> accomplished by increasing diversity and complexity of matter/mind - and I
>> don't attribute any morality to this. Morality is important in our human
>> societies - since we lack innate knowledge - but- it is an issue for
>> sociology/psychology and thus, for civil and religious systems.
>> Edwina
>> On Wed 08/09/21 8:15 PM , Gary Richmond gary.richm...@gmail.com sent:
>> Edwina, List,
>> ET: I am sure you understand that the term of 'existence' in my comment
>> refers to 'reality'
>> GR: Since it is well known that Peirce clearly distinguishes between
>> 'existence' and 'reality', one would think that especially in a discussion
>> concerning the putative reality (of God that you would be more careful with
>> your choice of words. In short, the burden is on you to choose terminology
>> which best expresses your thinking in the matter, not on me to guess it.
>> ET:  Therefore, your- and even Peirce's  suggestion of fetishism is not
>> relevant.
>> GR: OK. I'm in good company suggesting, as Peirce obviously does, that to
>> refer to God as existing is fetishistic if one employs the term
>> 'existence' as he does. Again, given the context, how is " even Peirce's
>> suggestion of fetishism" not relevant?
>> I myself always use exist in its strict philosophical sense of "react
>> with the other like things in the environment."Of course, in that sense, it
>> would be fetichism to say that God "exists" (CP 6.495)
>> And that is all.
>> ET: Now, you can say that this 'reality' is 'the creator' of the three
>> universes of experience [the formations of matter and relations in 1ns,
>> 2ns, 3ns] but this, to me, is not a definition of 'god' for it does not
>> analyze or explain 'why' such a creation emerged and 'what' this
>> 'force/god' actually does.
>> GR: But it is not any 'reality' that Peirce refers to as "Really creator
>> of all three Universes of Experience," but exactly the singular reality
>> which is God. Of course I can't be expected to present in an email
>> message anything  analyzing or explaining " 'why' such a creation
>> emerged and 'what' this 'force/god' actually does"  (btw, 'force' is
>> also associated by Peirce with 2ns, not 3ns, continuity, etc.)
>> But while I can't offer even a brief outline of the Reality being
>> considered, anyone here wishing to get a sense of the larger Peirce has in
>> mind as regards this Reality, esp. as it relates to his semeiotic and
>> cosmology, I would highly recommend Jon Alan Schmidt's essay, " A
>> Neglected Additament: Peirce on Logic, Cosmology, and the Reality of God
>> <https://philpapers.org/go.pl?id=SCHANA-7&proxyId=&u=https://philpapers.org/archive/SCHANA-7.pdf>
>> ."  https://philarchive.org/rec/SCHANA-7?all_versions=1
>> From the Abstract:
>> In one [of the two additaments with which Peirce concluded the N.A. but
>> which were not published in the CP] he linked the hypothesis of God's
>> Reality to his entire theory of logic as semeiotic. . . In the other, he
>> offered a final outline of his cosmology, in which the Reality of God as
>> Ens necessarium is indispensable to both the origin and order of our
>> existing universe of Signs.
>> ET:  But I am satisfied with Peirce's use of Mind, Reason, Nature as
>> analogies.
>> GR: That's fine if one doesn't forget that they are only analogies. As
>> he writes at 6.502: "that analogue of a mind -- for it is impossible to
>> say that any human attribute is literally applicable -- is what [the
>> pragmaticist] means by "God" (emphasis added).
>> ET: As for evolution, I certainly don't see it as having any 'morality'
>> [and I think the term of 'morality' needs to be defined!!]
>> GR: No doubt your definition would differ from mine; and Peirce's as well
>> if you read "Evolutionary Love" within the scientific context in which it
>> is framed.
>> ET: This evolution has an 'agenda', so to speak, and Peirce's agapasm, in
>> my view, fits in well with this evolving 'rational complex diversity'.
>> GR: Well, good! For 'agapism' IS evolutionary love.
>> . . . the mere propositions that absolute chance, mechanical necessity,
>> and the law of love are severally operative in the cosmos may receive
>> the names of  tychism, anancism, and agapism (1893 | Evolutionary Love  | CP
>> 6.302; emphasis added)
>> ET: But there is no utopian Finale!
>> GR: A "utopian Finale!" Who suggested any such thing? Certainly not I;
>> certainly not Peirce.
>> Best,
>> Gary R
>> “Let everything happen to you
>> Beauty and terror
>> Just keep going
>> No feeling is final”
>> ― Rainer Maria Rilke
>> Gary Richmond
>> Philosophy and Critical Thinking
>> Communication Studies
>> LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
>> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 5:11 PM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> Gary R, List
>>> I am sure you understand that the term of 'existence' in my comment
>>> refers to 'reality' - and I wasn't at all using the term of 'existence' to
>>> refer to a 'material entity' in a mode of 2ns!!  Therefore, your- and even
>>> Peirce's  suggestion of fetishism is not relevant.6.495.  But, the term of
>>> 'reality' still does not provide a definition!
>>> Now, you can say that this 'reality' is 'the creator' of the three
>>> universes of experience [the formations of matter and relations in 1ns,
>>> 2ns, 3ns] but this, to me, is not a definition of 'god' for it does not
>>> analyze or explain 'why' such a creation emerged and 'what' this
>>> 'force/god' actually does.
>>> Peirce often referred to 'god' as Mind 6.502, and 'reason'
>>> ..and 'order'  and even 'nature' 8.211. TO me, these are the key terms. We
>>> can see from these terms that the answer to 'what' and 'why' refers to the
>>> 'organization' of matter-as-form, this hylomorphic synechist continuity of
>>> matter in our universe. This, to me,  defines the functionality of what
>>> some people refer to as 'god'. But I am satisfied with Peirce's use of
>>> Mind, Reason, Nature as analogies.
>>> As for evolution, I certainly don't see it as having any 'morality' [and
>>> I think the term of 'morality' needs to be defined!!] but evolution
>>> certainly has a purpose. In my view, the 'purpose' of evolution is to
>>> increase complexity via diversity and networking of matter. The FUNCTION of
>>> such  complexity networking is to prevent the dissipation of matter to
>>> free energy. This is certainly not Neo-Darwinism, which is a mechanical,
>>> random and almost pointless process. This evolution has an 'agenda', so to
>>> speak, and Peirce's agapasm, in my view, fits in well with this
>>> evolving 'rational complex diversity'. But there is no utopian Finale!
>>> Edwina
>>> On Wed 08/09/21 4:32 PM , Gary Richmond gary.richm...@gmail.com sent:
>>> Edwina, List,
>>> ET: A problem I have with the assertion of the 'existence of "god' is
>>> the lack of a clear definition of that term.
>>> As has been noted in this forum many times, Peirce thought that to
>>> refer to the "existence" of God, that ia  to speak as if God were but a
>>> thing among other things, was fetishistic (see: CP 6.495, ca. 1906). So
>>> the title of his 1908 essay is decidedly not "A Neglected Argument for
>>> the Existence of God" but, rather, "A Neglected Argument for the Reality
>>> of God."
>>> As for the definition of God, the essay begins with this assertion:
>>> CSP: THE word "God," so "capitalised" (as we Americans say), is the
>>> definable proper name, signifying Ens necessarium; in my belief Really
>>> creator of all three Universes of Experience.
>>> ET: But, I do not doubt that our universe operates as a "MIND', with all
>>> the attributes of abduction, induction and deduction that can be used to
>>> describe the functioning of a Mind. That is, my view - and I consider that
>>> this is also Peirce's view
>>> If your atheistic view "is also Peirce's view," then why in the world
>>> would he write an essay on the reality of God? And, of course, the N.A. is
>>> hardly the only place where he discusses his theism. There are indeed many.
>>> ET:  But there is no other attribute that I can see within the Universe;
>>> no agenda, no purpose [other than preventing dissipation of energy]; no
>>> inherent morality etc.
>>> Yes, there are certainly those who see evolution, for example, as
>>> purposeless, lacking morality, etc. But one can't say that of Peirce. See,
>>> for prime example, his famous essay, "Evolutionary Love" (1893), the last
>>> in The Monist series. Joseph Ransdell described it as " An impassioned
>>> and lyrical defense of a rationality model for evolution, set in sharp
>>> contrast with the Social Darwinist conception which was coming into
>>> ascendance."
>>> Of course none of the above is meant to try to change your or any
>>> atheist's viewpoint, but it does mean to suggest that those of us who do
>>> not share that viewpoint can appeal to Peirce for support of theism.
>>> For anyone who wants to delve deeper into Peirce's argument for the
>>> reality of God, you might want to take a look at his
>>> pragmatistic definition of God (CP 6.502 - 503) and the first Additament to
>>> "A Neglected Argument (CP 6.490)
>>> Best,
>>> Gary R
>>> “Let everything happen to you
>>> Beauty and terror
>>> Just keep going
>>> No feeling is final”
>>> ― Rainer Maria Rilke
>>> Gary Richmond
>>> Philosophy and Critical Thinking
>>> Communication Studies
>>> LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
>>> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 1:38 PM Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>>> wrote:
>>>> List
>>>> A problem I have with the assertion of the 'existence of "god' is the
>>>> lack of a clear definition of that term.
>>>> As I am an atheist, then, I cannot logically- never mind empirically
>>>> - conclude the reality of an a priori agency or even conscious agent within
>>>> our universe. But, I do not doubt that our universe operates as a "MIND',
>>>> with all the attributes of abduction, induction and deduction that can be
>>>> used to describe the functioning of a Mind. That is, my view - and I
>>>> consider that this is also Peirce's view - is that the hylomorphic
>>>> operation of matter and mind means that matter is always organized in its
>>>> Form, such that it can both interact with other Forms of Matter, and
>>>> replicate these Forms and interactions in continuity. This organization of
>>>> interactions and continuity of material form is obviously a function of
>>>> Mind. But there is no other attribute that I can see within the Universe;
>>>> no agenda, no purpose [other than preventing dissipation of energy]; no
>>>> inherent morality etc.
>>>> Edwina
>>>> On Wed 08/09/21 12:47 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt jonalanschm...@gmail.com
>>>> sent:
>>>> Gary R., List:
>>>> GR: Strange, but I woke up this morning recalling that most of my
>>>> quotations yesterday were from the N.A., and the peculiar hypothesis there
>>>> being of the reality of God and not some strictly scientific question put
>>>> to nature, I began to question my entire analysis of yesterday.
>>>> There is no inconsistency here, since Peirce considered the hypothesis
>>>> of God's reality to be legitimately scientific in accordance with his broad
>>>> notion of the scope of science, which includes metaphysics. "[T]he N.A. is
>>>> the First Stage of a scientific inquiry, resulting in a hypothesis of the
>>>> very highest Plausibility, whose ultimate test must lie in its value in the
>>>> self-controlled growth of man's conduct of life" (CP 6.480, EP 2:446, 
>>>> 1908).
>>>> GR: ... the guess, or abduction, or retroduction is invariably from
>>>> experience.
>>>> Indeed, as we discussed on-List a couple of weeks ago (
>>>> https://list.iupui.edu/sympa/arc/peirce-l/2021-08/msg00341.html),
>>>> although the historical order of inquiry is abduction/retroduction
>>>> followed by deduction and then induction, there is a sense in which its
>>>> logical order is induction followed by abduction/retroduction.
>>>> CSP: The only end of science, as such, is to learn the lesson that the
>>>> universe has to teach it. In induction it simply surrenders itself to the
>>>> force of facts. But it finds, at once,--I am partially inverting the
>>>> historical order, in order to state the process in its logical order--it
>>>> finds I say that this is not enough. It is driven in desperation to call
>>>> upon its inward sympathy with nature, its instinct for aid, just as we find
>>>> Galileo at the dawn of modern science making his appeal to il lume
>>>> naturale. (CP 5.589, EP 2:54-55, 1898)
>>>> Again, it is only "the well-prepared mind" that "has wonderfully soon
>>>> guessed each secret of nature" (CP 6.476, EP 2:444, 1908).
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>>> Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
>>>> www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt
>>>> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 10:10 AM Gary Richmond <gary.richm...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Phyllis, List,
>>>>> Strange, but I woke up this morning recalling that most of my
>>>>> quotations yesterday were from the N.A., and the peculiar hypothesis there
>>>>> being of the reality of God and not some strictly scientific question
>>>>> put to nature, I began to question my entire analysis of yesterday.
>>>>> I still think 'retroduction' is an excellent term for inference from
>>>>> scientific consequent to antecedent for the reason you gave today, namely,
>>>>> the prefix, 're-'. suggesting a 'turning back' from effect to cause. And
>>>>> using it for scientific inquiry would leave abduction free for more 
>>>>> general
>>>>> uses.
>>>>> However, in one of the passages I quoted yesterday, Peirce comments
>>>>> that "retroduction is from experience to hypothesis" (emphasis
>>>>> added). In that sense, whether it is a guess as to what palette of colors
>>>>> the painter thinks might best get her artistic vision across, or the
>>>>> scientist's guess that such and such an hypothesis has some likelihood of
>>>>> conforming to the question to nature asked by him and so worth testing, or
>>>>> the peculiar, singular, and very vague question regarding the reality of
>>>>> God, the guess, or abduction, or retroduction is invariably from
>>>>> experience.
>>>>> So, perhaps this exercise was all a terminological tempest in a
>>>>> teapot. Still, I'm glad to have rehearsed it yesterday and today to help
>>>>> clarify my own thinking about it. I just hope it wasn't too tedious for
>>>>> you to go through that lengthy review with me.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Gary R
>>>>> “Let everything happen to you
>>>>> Beauty and terror
>>>>> Just keep going
>>>>> No feeling is final”
>>>>> ― Rainer Maria Rilke
>>>>> Gary Richmond
>>>>> Philosophy and Critical Thinking
>>>>> Communication Studies
>>>>> LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
>>>> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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