On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:02:20PM +1000, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
> On Fri, 29 May 2009, Mark Overmeer wrote:
>> IMO, that discussion should go in the direction of additional services:
>> the CPAN archive distributes what authors publish.  The install tools
>> (CPAN.pm/CPANPLUS/successors) make that code fit in specific operating
>> systems. As a service, other people can publish the results of their
>> specific module installation via package-managers to the world, such
>> that those people can use they platform native software management
>> tools.  Just like search.cpan.org is an independent additional service
>> on the CPAN archive.
>       Are you arguing here for eg. a yum/apt/whatever repository on Pause6?

I believe he is arguing that whatever we end up doing needs to make it
easy for an external package-manager to find out what files CPAN6.pm
is going to install, and where, and what the dependencies were (both
Perl and system libraries).  So that the various distributions can
make native packages from perl packages automatically (or at least as
close to automatically as possible, it gets a little uglier when
external libraries are involved).

So if there is program "foo" that is written in Perl that Fedora wants to
distribute, they want to be able to list the dependencies when they
make the package for "foo".  If foo requires a few packages, then they
just want to say that and then when foo is installed, pull in those
packages and any that those depend on, including any non-perl ones
that are needed by the perl packages.


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