On 13/04/2018 11:07, Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users wrote:

"Can I at least expect to be able to save code in my local Monticello
repository ? It bombs. I just reported a bug!"

"Can I expect that when looking for implementors of a method things
still work?  I get duplicates (see attached file)."

=> The meaning of alpha is that things like this can happen often. Else
it would be a beta or a release version. But if you stick to use it, the
bug reports are really welcomed!

For the windows launcher indeed there is weird behaviour and Christophe
is working on it when he gets bug reports.

"Can I expect reading input from the console to work on Windows?  It

What do you mean by that? Having Pharo running and the user sending
input from it's CMD? I never saw an application doing that on windows.

"Can I expect to be able to contribute ?  That is kinda sad but all the
cool scripts out there are .sh files."

Which scripts?

I contribute to Pharo from windows 7 and windows 10 without any script.
Sometimes I have some troubles but it's only natural during the version
that change all the contribution process the time it stabilize.

If you have troubles on windows can you open issues please? Because most
of the time I see that people complain about some bugs but some of those
bugs never got a bug report.

Cyril Ferlicot

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