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"You cannot take an alpha version and expect production quality."
I'm on Windows 10, using Pharo 7.0 alpha 32 bit.

Can I at least expect to be able to save code in my local Monticello repository 
? It bombs. I just reported a bug!
Can I expect the Windows installer for Pharo Launcher to work on Windows?  It 
doesn't : it crashes.  

Can I expect Pharo Launcher (not installed from the .exe installer) to work on 
Windows?  It just doesn't. I get all kinds of error related to WindowsStore, 
bad UTF-8 encoding and other things... (see 
Can I expect that when looking for implementors of a method things still work?  
I get duplicates (see attached file).
Can I expect reading input from the console to work on Windows?  It doesn't.
Can I expect to be able to test my stuff on Windows?  That's kinda hard when 
Windows is always 6 months to 1 year behind VM-wise.
Can I expect to be able to contribute ?  That is kinda sad but all the cool 
scripts out there are .sh files.

I'm not whining about the effort people put into this project : I'm mostly 
whining about duplication of effort and code and *very poor* Windows support...
Just spend 2 weeks working with Pharo on Windows.  You can start with version 
5.1 if you want and let me know how it goes...  Brace yourself, I'm telling 
you, you're off for a wild & unpleasant ride.

Benoît St-Jean 
Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean 
Twitter: @BenLeChialeux 
Pinterest: benoitstjean 
Instagram: Chef_Benito
IRC: lamneth 
Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com 
"A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)

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