erland;614365 Wrote: 
> I think Squeezebox Server is single threaded, so it depends on how the
> different CLI commands are implemented. So I think it can handle
> multiple CLI calls if they are implemented in an asynchronous way, for
> example if they are doing a HTTP call and waiting for a response.
> Database accesses are typically not handled asynchronous so to database
> calls that needs to access the database will typically be serialized.Hi 
> Erland. Thanks for joining the thread. What you say is confirming my
thoughts about the inner workings of SC, in that it basically it puts
each incoming CLI request "on hold" until all prior requests have been
completed. In this model, what worries me in particular is the
possibility that a plug in may send a CLI request to the SC, and then
"forgets" to read the response from the socket. In that case, the mis-
behaved plug-in has the capability to block all other subsequent CLI
calls from all other plug ins. Or??



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