AndrewFG;614220 Wrote: 
> There is something definitely wrong.
> How tech savvy are you? Do you have have a TelNet application that you
> could use to talk to the SC CLI interface? i.e. to connect to it on
> <dotted_ip_address>:9090 ?  If you are, and do understand this
> sentence, then please try and do this and test the following command 
> > 
  >   > 
  > tracks 0 50 tags: <return>
> > 
> Let me know what happens.

Thanks for trying to help with this issue probably not related to

PuTTY reports this in a second or so:

    tracks 0 50 tags: <return>
  tracks 0 50 tags%3A %3Creturn%3E id%3A551777 title%3A!!!!!!! id%3A519702 
title%3     A* id%3A553876 title%3A%C2%A34 id%3A571368 title%3A0%3A71 
id%3A560052 title%3A00     %3A40 id%3A560053 title%3A00%3A48%2F07%3A29 
id%3A514009 title%3A001%20%5BEsbia%5     D id%3A514005 title%3A001%20%5BFar%5D 
id%3A477554 title%3A020 id%3A546527 title%     3A03%3A45%3A%20No%20Sleep 
id%3A583509 title%3A03%20Bonnie%20and%20Clyde id%3A507     081 
title%3A'03%20Bonnie%20%26%20Clyde id%3A513513 title%3A'03%20Electric%20Rela    
 xation%20%5BBonus%20Track%5D id%3A490129 title%3A054 id%3A556874 
title%3A070%204     433008 id%3A560054 title%3A09%3A52 id%3A527772 
title%3A1%2C000%2C000 id%3A487043      title%3A1%2C000%20Years id%3A482685 
title%3A1%2F1 id%3A497560 title%3A1'1%20(Th     irteen%20Inches%20of%20Fun) 
id%3A482687 title%3A1%2F2 id%3A504917 title%3A1%202%     203 id%3A582011 
title%3A1%2C%202%2C%203 id%3A583708 title%3A(1-2-3-4-5-6-7)%20Co     
unt%20the%20Days id%3A582802 title%3A1%2C%202%2C%203%
 2C%204%20(Sumpin'%20New) id     %3A576276 
title%3A1%2C%202%2C%203%20-%20Party%20(Do-Da-Japp) id%3A579973 title%3     
A1%2C2%2C3%20Red%20Light id%3A572946 title%3A1-2%20Crush%20on%20You id%3A559289 
     title%3A1-800-Henchman%20(Spoken%20Word) id%3A586697 title%3A1-800-Skauen 
id%3A5     25762 title%3A1-900-2-Compton id%3A520165 
title%3A1%3Aa%20g%C3%A5ngen id%3A49618     1 title%3A1%20Day%20at%20a%20Time 
id%3A524083 title%3A%231%20Hit%20Song id%3A542     159 title%3A1%25%20of%20One 
id%3A475227 title%3A1%20Thing%20%5BBonus%20Track%5D      id%3A557655 
title%3A%2310 id%3A555798 title%3A10%2C000%20Days%20(Wings%2C%20Pt.%     202) 
id%3A481649 title%3A10%2C000%20Men id%3A513092 title%3A10%2C000%20Miles id%     
3A477456 title%3A10%2C000%20Promises id%3A480778 title%3A10%2C000%20Times 
id%3A5     35914 title%3A10%3A1 id%3A497580 
title%3A10%3A10%20(The%20Beloved%20One) id%3A54     7130 
title%3A10%3A15%20Saturday%20Night id%3A482980 title%3A10%3A20AM id%3A54053     
8 title%3A10%3A30%20Re
 turns%20to%20the%20Bedroom id%3A507044 title%3A10%20Amazin  !
ears id%3A519682 title%3A10%20Dollar id%3A544044 title%3A10%20Gallon%20Asco     
ts count%3A118791


2 x SB3 (wired), Receiver (wired), Boom (wireless), Controller, iPeng on
iPhone 4 & iPad, muso on remote computer running Win 7 64-bit | 7.5.4 on
Win XP
vagskal's Profile:
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