bpa wrote: 
> OK - LMS goes through the loop of matching formats  a number of times so
> may not have posted the right section.  Do the following
> 1. Enable player.source to DEBUG 
> 2. Note the time
> 3. Play a wavin stream
> 4. wait until sound and note time.
> 5. stop LMS
> 6. Copy ALL (no editing or cutting out because it "seems" to be a repeat
> etc) log message between time noted in step 2 and time noted in step 5
> into a text file. Zip text file
> 7. Attach text file to a post.
Attached as per instructions. Thanks.

|Filename: LMS_log_29-11-15.zip                                     |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19353|

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