Jason Morgan wrote:

> Protel crashes, its protel's fault (even you admit that).

Protel still crashes on a machine running Win 95, which is strongly NOT
recommended.  I also have it on a machine running Win 2000, and it is
much more reliable.  Can't clearly say this is Protel's fault!

>  As for not using
> the bits that crash, I find the inability to print, save or load a file a
> bit of an inconvenience.  And as for missing and misplaced entities on
> plots, well
> that's to be expected these days.... nothings perfect.

I don't see any of this.  Some print drivers have trouble letting you
change colors for multilayer color plots.  That seems to be a real
bug.  I print on both black/white laser printers, color inket printers,
and old pen plotters.  I save and load files VERY often, never had
ANY trouble at all with this.  Even when Protel crashes with illegal
oparation (on Win 95) I can STILL save the file, and it is OK!

> A newer machine was bought for a 2nd engineer. This is a dual processor
> 1.7GHz P4 with 1.5G RAM (at the time the fastest we could sensibly afford)
> Initially on the new machine all printing activity from within Protel would
> cause a crash, from experience we know that protel is very sensitive to
> graphics cards (surely not the fault of protel), so changing it sorted some
> of the crashes (its now the same as the first machine)
> ----------------------------
> Protel still crashes, so what's going on?   Probably a fault of the IT guy
> who (despite my advice) wants lots of patches installed under windows, even
> if there is no visible problem, anyway that's his problem.....
> So where am I going?
> Ah yes, Michael, as you machine seems to be so stable, perhaps you could
> tell
> everyone its build as its seems you've got it right.

Well, our IT guy downloaded all current revs to Win 2K,
ands we are running SP5 on Protel, and it seems very
stable, as stable as anything I've seen on a Microsoft
OS.  (I also use Linux, and it runs 70 days between power


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