On Sunday 15 June 2008 19:56:46 you wrote:
> 2008/6/15 Miguel Branco <bandu...@gmail.com>:
> >  buff, éche éche.eu non dou con nada. + info:
> >
> > Jargon File
> > frobnicate
> > frobnicate /frob'ni-kayt/ vt. [Poss. derived from {frobnitz}, and
> > usually abbreviated to {frob}, but `frobnicate' is recognized as the
> > official full form.] To manipulate or adjust, to tweak. One frequently
> > frobs bits or other 2-state devices. Thus: "Please frob the light
> > switch" (that is, flip it), but also "Stop frobbing that clasp; you'll
> > break it". One also sees the construction `to frob a frob'. See {tweak}
> > and {twiddle}.
> >
> > Usage: frob, twiddle, and tweak sometimes connote points along a
> > continuum. `Frob' connotes aimless manipulation; `twiddle' connotes
> > gross manipulation, often a coarse search for a proper setting; `tweak'
> > connotes fine-tuning. If someone is turning a knob on an oscilloscope,
> > then if he's carefully adjusting it, he is probably tweaking it; if he
> > is just turning it but looking at the screen, he is probably twiddling
> > it; but if he's just doing it because turning a knob is fun, he's
> > frobbing it. The variant `frobnosticate' has been recently reported.
> >
> >  On Sunday 15 June 2008 11:25:42 mvillarino wrote:
> > > Olá,
> > >
> > > estou con problemas en dous ficheiros de extensións de Kipi, o de
> >
> > pisasaweb
> >
> > > e o de flickr.
> > >
> > > En ambos os dous aparece "Frob", sen moito contexto. As mensaxes son as
> > >
> > > seguintes:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > @extragear-graphics/kipiplugin_flickrexport
> > >
> > > #: flickrtalker.cpp:142
> > >
> > > Getting the Frob
> > >
> > > #: flickrtalker.cpp:516
> > >
> > > Invalid Frob
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > @extragear-graphics/kipiplugin_picasawebexport
> > >
> > > #: picasawebtalker.cpp:576
> > >
> > > Invalid Frob
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > A definición de "Frob" en foldoc é a seguinte:
> > >
> > > frob
> > >
> > > /frob/ 1. [MIT] The TMRC definition was "FROB = a protruding arm or
> > >
> > > trunnion"; by metaphoric extension, a "frob" is any random small thing;
> >
> > an
> >
> > > object that you can comfortably hold in one hand; something you can
> > > frob
> > >
> > > (sense 2). See frobnitz.
> > >
> > > 2. Abbreviated form of frobnicate.
> > >
> > > 3. [MUD] A command on some MUDs that changes a player's experience
> > > level
> > >
> > > (this can be used to make wizards); also, to request wizard privileges
> > > on
> > >
> > > the "professional courtesy" grounds that one is a wizard elsewhere. The
> > >
> > > command is actually "frobnicate" but is universally abbreviated to the
> > >
> > > shorter form.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Algunha idea?
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > >
> > > MV
> Da definición de Miguel, a min sóame a "estrebillar" XD Polo menos era o
> que me dicía meu pai cando lle collía as ferramentas "¿Qué andas
> estrebillando? como rompas algho póñote a andar!". Pero paréceme que non se
> vai adaptar ben (nin sei se aparecerá en ningún dicionario :P )

si señor, estrebellar, dicimos aquí. ser un estrebellante tamén o usamos. 
Outra similar é a de 'fedellar'. No contexto que indicas, eu case optaría por 
ser conservador e poñer 'axuste': 'aplicando o axuste' e 'Axuste non válido'. 

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