I don't know why it takes so long to get repairs.  I use Apria also  and I 
have Blue Cross through my stepmom and also Medicare.  I just got the  switches 
and the box repaired on my Permobil and it took over two months now I'm  
waiting for my foot pedals to be adapted and it has already been 2 months.
They tell me it is approval for the parts with Blue Cross and  Medicare.  
Don't they understand we need to chair and they will not pay for  backup.
The switches used to be covered by Apria and they would extend them for me,  
now they don't longer will.  A friend is close to help me, but he has not  
been available I guess.  If he cannot do I don't know who will do.  I  need the 
switches extended to be able to operate the switches to adjust the tilt  in 
space, the reclining, the back in the petals.  I don't understand why  they 
no longer do this as they did in the past.  They won't even  recommend someone 
that will do.
In a message dated 3/21/2008 3:00:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I’ve been waiting for a chair  repair for months. I just hate the way my 
insurance and the chair shop (Apria)  do business. 
This is the  procedure: 
    1.  Go to doc for  prescription for repair.  
    2.  Go to shop to do a  check-up.  
    3.  Shop contacts  insurance to get approved.  
    4.  Shop orders  parts.  
    5.  Once parts arrive,  shop confirms with insurance that they approve.  
    6.  Shop calls the  schedule repair.  
    7.  If they are busy  and can not get me in on the same calendar month 
the insurance approved, thy  must get re-approved. 
It now takes 3 months to get a  repair done. And here is the worst part. If I 
want to pay for it myself, they  will not let me. Because of the contracts 
the shop has with the insurance, the  shop is not allowed to do business with 
directly. So if it’s something  simple, I go to another shop and pay myself. 
If I did not have a back-up  chair, I could be in bad shape if it was a big 
repair job. It is immoral to do  that to someone who has no other chair. The 
only loner chairs they have are  manual chairs and you have to fight for one of 
I’ve been without my left chest /  trunk support for months now. It just came 
in, but they are confirming with  the insurance again. 
Sincerely, and tipping to the  left, Greg 


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