CMS is controlling or trying to control against fraud.  In the past  its been 
bad.  Bad, to the tune of a billion dollars over the last 5 years  of waste 
and CMS is trying to control all of that by developing partitions and  
procedures. Wait until competitive bidding kicks in to establish the maximum  
allowable price for a wheelchair.  Next it will maximum allowables   for 
repairs too.  
This amounts to government restraints in business...  affecting the consumer, 
all behind your backs.  (you are not suppose to  know this is going on)
And in the next  2-3 years it will become more restrictive and  competitive.
Those working with private insurance and the VA may not face these new road  
places and competitive uniformity to restrict costs.  
Keep in mind that the DME are not allowed to blame the government either,  
just follow the established guidelines or face losing your certification.   
Maybe this explains the reason the most DMEs don't stock parts and components  
like they once did.  Why stock it, if it won't be approved, like in the  past.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/21/2008 4:36:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

After reading wheelchair of response, I might understand the  need for 
verification and re-verification, but I don't comprehend a  three-month delay.  
someone like me were in bed down for three months,  it would cost far more 
money in the long run. 
If this seems to be the norm and you cannot get new chair  repaired in a 
reasonable amount of time then you might want to look at trying  to get some 
from some outside  sources.

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