On 2020-10-06 10:46, Frank wrote:
On 5. Oct 2020, at 16:16, Stumpy stumpy-at-posteo.co wrote:
My computer actiing strange like some appvms not opening so i
decided to restart and restarted normally and booted back up fine
except now i can hardly open anything. Appvms will not start, I
tried to do a backup from dom0 term and that gave me an error, tried
to run qubes-qube-manager and that gave me a similar error [1]...
I'm at a loss. Of course I just finished doing some important work
and didnt immediately backp (usually bkup weekly).

I am not thrilled about reinstalling but can do it, but really
really really want to back up my appvms before nuking everything. If
i cant use the regular backup is there a way i can just copy things?
I think I can still mount an external drive...

This should give you all the information necessary to get your data

https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/mount-from-other-os/ [2]

Regards, Frank

Thank you, I didnt notice that.
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on the error that seems to be borking my system?

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[1] https://pasteboard.co/JufhRoH.jpg
[2] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/mount-from-other-os/

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