On 2020-10-08 10:02, Frank wrote:
On 7. Oct 2020, at 20:52, Stumpy stumpy-at-posteo.co wrote:

On 2020-10-07 21:13, Stumpy wrote:
On 2020-10-06 19:12, Frank wrote:
On 6. Oct 2020, at 13:53, Stumpy stumpy-at-posteo.co wrote:
On 2020-10-06 10:46, Frank wrote:
On 5. Oct 2020, at 16:16, Stumpy stumpy-at-posteo.co wrote:
My computer actiing strange like some appvms not opening so i
decided to restart and restarted normally and booted back up fine
except now i can hardly open anything. Appvms will not start, I
tried to do a backup from dom0 term and that gave me an error, tried to run qubes-qube-manager and that gave me a similar error [1]... I'm at a loss. Of course I just finished doing some important work
and didnt immediately backp (usually bkup weekly).
I am not thrilled about reinstalling but can do it, but really
really really want to back up my appvms before nuking everything. If i cant use the regular backup is there a way i can just copy things?
I think I can still mount an external drive...
This should give you all the information necessary to get your data
Regards, Frank
Thank you, I didnt notice that.
I dont suppose you have any thoughts on the error that seems to be borking my system?
I fear I don’t... but isn’t errno 2 something like „file not found“?
So it smells like dom0 is having problems getting everything mounted
where it belongs - either because the file system is screwed or LVM is
having some problems.
In any case, I’d be backing up whatever I could get my hands on and
then reinstall...
Ok so on the mount from other os page its not totally clear for me.
I do have a barebones qubes system on another computer (laptop), so
would/should I take my ssd from my desktop connect it (have an adapter
cable) to my laptop then "pass" the whole disk to an isolated appvm?
If yes, then,,, what is meant by passing the disk to an appvm
(copying?) and when it says isolated appvm does that just mean, in my
case, an appvm on my laptop? Lastly, as my laptop drive is smaller
than my desktop drive, would I be able to selectively copy/mount to my
laptop appvm or would I need to go another route?

btw, on my desktop, I am still able to access a dom0 terminal and can connect to an external drive (I think), so can i just cp the appvms to an external drive and then extract the contents of the critical appvms?

Well in that case you can do the following in a dom0 terminal
(assuming the name of your AppVM you want to get files from is

# create a mount point to access the disk:

sudo mkdir /mnt/private

# make the private volume of the appvm accessible !!! notice the
doubling of the dash in the AppVMs name (naturally not applicable if
your AppVMs name does not contain a dash) !!!

sudo losetup -f —show /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-vm—my—appvm—private

# use the loop device the last command printed to the screen (i.e.
/dev/loop2) to mount the AppVMs private volume

sudo mount /dev/loop2 /mnt/private

# now you should be able to copy whatever data you want to save

cp /mnt/private/home/user/* /some/place/save/

Hope that works out for you!

Regards, Frank

Sorry, the mount from other os page is a bit over my head hence my attempting to find options that I can understand :/

First, thanks to Jarrah!
I inadvertantly booted my computer with my defucnt instalation plugged in and it booted my desktop drive on my laptop... go figure, but regardless I was now able to use Jarrah's response to mount and copy over most of the appvms (actually just mounted, tar'd up the entire thing, and saved to trusted ext drive). Thanks Jarrah!

Caveat though, two actually, a few of the appvms gave errors, most of them were not hugely important appvms but the second issue (kinda) is about the possbility of copying the whole appvm, more specifically I have some vpn proxy vms which (for me) wasnt easy to setup so I was hoping to copy the whole appvm over to the new installation... I have tar'd the entire contents/configs of each of those vpn proxy vms but wasnt sure if that would be sufficient?

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