On 23-Oct-08, at 3:35 PM, Chris Parrish wrote:


Thank you so much for your feedback. I like your thinking. I do have some questions and comments for you and the rest of the gang. See below...

While the proliferation of tags can be bad for users, Radiant lacks any mechanism for ensuring dependancies are installed making using this extension within my own potentially destabilizes my extension. This is a sufficiently fundamental thing that I'd be happier to see it rolled into the core than distributed as an extension.

If I can get this thing refined and enough users dig it, I'd love to see it or some similar concept core. But I'm not sure I understand how my extension could destabilize your extension. I certainly wouldn't want that. Can you explain what you mean?

What I mean is:
1) I decide to use your tag instead of creating my own special purpose if_ and unless tags. I document it in my README 2) Like some existing extensions do, I inject a page or a snippet or a layout into the database that uses my extension and yours 3) A user installs my extension because my announcement was so mind blowingly awesome but doesn't really read the README
4) The user's site blows up because your extension is missing

The problem isn't with your extension. The problem is that there is no standard way, no best practice to ensure at some point that the requirements are met and gracefully allow the user to remedy that. Its a Radiant problem.

As an aside, I think that there is a place for purpose specific conditional tags. Personally I'm not convinced that

<r: if cond="content['body'] exists?"> blah </r:if>

is more readable than

<r:if_content /> blah </if_content>

to someone who isn't already a developer of some sort who understands what a conditional is.

I agree... with a couple of caveats.

  * I'm sure I'd say the same about:

    <r:if_content part="part name, other part name" find="any">


    <r:if cond="content includes_any ['part name', 'other part name']>

I think that this is just at the cusp of where one leaves off and the other starts.

  * <if_content part="my part"> isn't clear -- specifically that it
    test for *existence* (as opposed to whether the part has any
    content -- whether it's blank).

This is true. But that's a problem with the definition of either naming (if_content_exists) or of the definition of existence. I don't think its an argument against the value special purpose conditional tags as a rule.

    Worse still is the inconsitency of meaning across tags.  For
    instance, based on <r:if_content>, you'd think
    <r:if_ancestor_or_self > means: "if an ancestor of the page exists
    or if this page exists" (which is nutty) but it means: "if *this
    contextual page is* the actual page or one of the actual page's
    parents"  Ok then, so <r:if_parent> must mean "if this contextual
    page is a parent of the actual page."  Nope.  Now have your
    clients guess what <r:if_url> does.

This isn't caused because having special purpose conditional tags is a a bad idea. This happened because people forget the second cardinal rule after DRY: Use intention revealing names. These have been shorthanded.

I think that there is a place for these tags and I'd love it if there was an easy way to use this to create both if_ and unless_ tags. Something like:

conditional_tags "my_tag" do |tag|
 #return a boolean

which would then create if_my_tag and unless_my_tag tags. For the if_ tag, the contents of the tag is executed when block returns true, and the reverse happens for the unless_ tag.

This is interesting. I'll have to think about this. Essentially what you're going for here is the removal of the attributes (something I agree with). I bet my extension would be more comfortable if only you could write:

<r:if content exists?>

I'm just concerned that the lack of descriptivity (word?) -- <r:if_xxx> is too limiting. So instead, we end up cranking out <r:if_yyy> and <r:if_zzz> or tacking on attributes for special cases.

Sorry. I was being far too brief in my example. I didn't have my references up (Ruby is my play time/side job language; for work I'm in the Java world) so I was going from memory.

The conditional_tags would probably be an extension to Radius, rather than Radiant. The tag method, takes (again from memory) a "name" and a block that is the behaviour of the tag. I'm suggesting that this is a similar function except that it creates two tag definitions (this is going to require some magic to get the description right for the help) and the block only defines a portion of of the behaviour. To do something useful you would have something like:

conditional_tags "widget" do |tag|
  tag.locals.widgets.key?(tag.attr['name'] || 'foo'])

I suppose that it may also need a second string argument so that you can create a widgets:each:if_widget.

This syntax combined with your generic tags would probably provide the right level of excellence for all classes of user.

Now all we need is to simplify looping, another common tag type that could be simplified for extension authors.

True -- but I think *far* less necessary.

Unless, like me, you are creating an extension that introduces a new model in which case you are likely to need:


So less necessary but more time saving. ;)

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