I'm trying to use the  Next/Previous mechanism

I have in the layout for the articles this in the sidebar

 Prev: <r:previous><r:link/></r:previous> <br/>
 Next: <r:next><r:link/></r:next> <br/>

That's fine, up to a point.

I have some articles that are not yet published - hidden.
They appear as next/previous
and when the link is clicked I get the "file not found" message.

Same if the next/prv is "draft" or "reviewed".

Is there something that should be a wrapper here that limits the scope?
Becuase I don't think it should be behaving like this and there doens't
seem to any contextual help for them.

(Nor does 'blog' in the help search turn up anything.)

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    --Albert Einstein
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