> From: Peter Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 06:31 pm, Tim Anderson wrote:
> > URI Components
> > --------------
> >
> > An absolute repository URI is written as follows:
> >
> >   repository-uri = access-specifier "/" product-specifier "/"
> >                    artifact-specifier
> >
> > For java artifacts, artifact-specifier is:
> >
> >   artifact-specifier = [type "/"] artifact
> >   type = "jars" | "wars" | "rars" | "tlds" | "binaries" | "source"
> >
> >          | "licenses" | ...
> >
> >   artifact = artifact-name ["-" version] ["-" stype][.ext]
> >   artifact-name = *pchar
> >   stype = "bin" | "src"
> >   ext = "jar" | "war" | "rar" | "tld" | "tar.gz" | "zip" | ...
> "type" seems to be a rather artificial component. There should be 
> no artefacts 
> with the same name but different types thus no conflicts if they 
> are in the 
> same directory.
> ie Why not have
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-1.5.4.jar
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-1.5.4.jar.md5
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-optional-1.5.4.jar
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-optional-1.5.4.jar.md5
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-bin-1.5.4.zip
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-bin-1.5.4.zip.md5
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-bin-1.5.4.tar.gz
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-bin-1.5.4.tar.gz.asc
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-src-1.5.4.zip
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-src-1.5.4.zip.md5
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-src-1.5.4.tar.gz
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/ant-src-1.5.4.tar.gz.asc
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/LICENSE-1.5.4.txt
>   http://repo.apache.org/apache/ant/1.5.4/KEYS-1.5.4
> Also "stype" seems like another artificial distinction. Is not 
> two artefacts 
> with different "stype"s just two different artefacts.
> ie 
> ant-src-1.5.4.tar.gz ==> artifact-name == ant-src
> ant-bin-1.5.4.tar.gz ==> artifact-name == ant-bin
> It seems that is just adding extra distinctions that are not 
> really needed. 
> And I can't see any benefit of these extra distinctions.

'type' is there to logically group artifacts, to aid users browsing
the repository. For products with many artifacts, this makes navigating
the repository easier.

The values of both 'type' and 'stype' are arbitrary - the suggested
values for the java artifact specifier try to follow conventions 
used at apache.


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