Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> The grok approach is unfamiliar at first, for sure, and could do with 
>> more documentation. But then so could the writing of ZCML directives. 
>> Grok (and martian) do have some really nice abstractions, including good 
>> testing support.
> I have not found documentation for writing either a ZCML handler or a
> grokker.  When I wrote some ZCML handlers, I didn't bother to look for
> documentation: I just found some examples and modified them.  It was
> really easy.  When I looked at writing a grokker, though, I found myself
> buried in a pile of new abstractions.
> Still, I imagine I'll learn the Martian abstractions sometime and change
> my view.

Well... in any case, this discussion is somewhat moot since only 
framework authors should ever need to write directives or grokkers.


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