Hi guys, any idea about this?



Sergio Fernandez escribió:
> Hi all,
> I've deployed an EJB in my resin server following the guide provided in 
> the installation (resin 3.1.2)... it works fine trying to execute the 
> EJB from the servlet deployed in the same machine... but I want to 
> execute the EJB from a stand alone java client... and I cant... actually 
> I cannot find how to configure my java client to find the initial context...
> the testing code I wrote is the following, but obviously is not complete.
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException {
>         InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
>         Object obj = 
> ctx.lookup("java:net/universia/empleo/ejb/EmpleoRemotoBean");
>         EmpleoRemoto hello = 
> (EmpleoRemoto)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, EmpleoRemoto.class);
>         Boolean result = hello.invalidaCacheMaestras();
>         System.out.println(result);
>     }
> Any idea/documentation/tutorial about this??
> Thanks a lot,
> Sergio
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