Lawrence E. Bakst ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) recycled some electrons by writing:

> Can anyone comment if the 16 MB catalog limit is going to fixed soon?
> Are there any other limits I will run into after this one. Can
> someone describe why this limit exists? My guess us that there is a
> 24 bit quantity in a data structure that causes the limit and that
> the other byte is used for something else. If that is the case, it
> doesn't sound too hard to fix.

I believe that the manual says that this is due to the 16MB limit on a
file's resource fork. The catalogue is stored in the Resource fork, so you
get the limit. I guess if Dantz changed the location of the catalogue, it'd
remove the limit.

Please don't assume the above is true - I just recall reading something
about the catalogue being stored in the resource fork in the manual when I
was reading it for the first time after finding that my server's hard drive
needed to be restored. That was the first time I actually *needed*
Retrospect, and I['m happy to say that it worked almost flawlessly!!


| Stewart Macdonald                  |    Cannon Hill Anglican College |
| Computer Guy                       | Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA |
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