
thanks for your email. Yes its a total of 6-8gb for all dtp machines - i am
deliberately forcing my users to keep the required backup files to a limit
of 2GB each - so you think that one server should be able to handle all

What i was thinking initially was to use the 7200/75 for backing up my
appletalk clients onto tape - that is max of 2Gb total overnight an dthen
having a another server hadnle the 8gb over the 100base - Dont thik one
server could handle both over night or am i wrong?


> From: matt barkdull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 12:17:01 -0900
> To: "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: best way to run retrospect with multiple stations on network
> Is that 6-8Gb each?
> If so, unless you don't mind sitting there all night long swapping
> tapes, you should first look into a higher capacity drive.
> You should be able to backup all 5 machines in that 12 hours over
> 100BaseT fairly easily, but it will depend more on the speed of the
> tape drive.  I suggest getting away from DAT and going something like
> DLT or better.
> If you are talking about a total of 8-10 GB, then it should be no
> problem at all.  The 7200/75 should be able to do it just fine.
> Figure on that machine you are probably getting right around
> 15-20MB/min.  About  10 GB of data would take roughly 11 hours.
> To speed things up you'll need a faster tape drive and faster SCSI,
> I'd also recommend using TCP/IP if you can.
>> Hi,
>> I am a relatively new user, have retrospect network pack version 4.0 I have
>> two sets of clients on my LAN that I wish to be able to backup and would
>> apprecaite your suggestions.
>> 1-group of powerbook users and office machines that have combined storage of
>> 2GB.
>> 2-I have 4 dtp stations that need about 6-8GB stored
>> I have dedicated a machine 7200/75 with dat drive 4GB. Do you think that
>> this station is able to handle my client set 1 during a daily evenign
>> session of 12 hours, running over appletalk?
>> It appears i would have to set up a second server for my dtp users - my dtp
>> server and clients run on 100 base network - since there are such large
>> files taht are created through scanning jobs etc, and no pne wants
>> retrospect to interfere with work during the day what would you suggest is
>> the best option for backing my dtp clients up?
>> Thanks for any help
>> Regards
>> David
>> ---------------
>> David Chokwenda
>> Pre Press/ Systems Admin
>> Action Magazine
>> Mukuvisi Environemnt Centre
>> Hillside ext/Glenara Ave. South
>> Harare
>> Zimbabwe
> --
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