Aha, but what happens, when that last track runs into the hst from
the same logs beginning..? At 00:05 a showopener after the news for

Thats why I don't have any hard timed events at the start of a log until 00:30. By making sure your log make's next at 23:59:55 ish at best you'll only have a song or advert/stinger left to play so worst case scenario for a 15 minute song you'll be hitting the start of your new day log at 00:15 ish.

I thought you didn't want to cut the song, seems I misunderstood, in that case you're doing exactly what I'm doing.

In your main log put an event just before the log chain and stick it with a hard start make next at 23:59:50 with a play transition. This way you know you'll have your final song playing and then this event followed by the log chain after 23:59:50.

Load up your aux log with a very simple set:

23:59:55 A macro that fades down over 5 seconds (be sure to include a sleep 5 line too) and then does a play next on the main log). Then have the aux log chain back to itself so it reloads (or else it will only work once as the event has already played).

What actually happens is this:

23:59:50 Main log, shunts all except for currently playing, final event and log chain
23:59:55 Aux Log, fades and then plays next on main log
00:00:00 Main Log hits the play next event (via aux) which chains to the next day. 00:00:01 ish Main log starts playing your news etc for the new day, ready for the 00:05 show opener.

I don't think you'd need a timed event for 00:05 I assume your news is a set length and if it isn't, wouldn't that sound weird if the news started saying, "breaking news nuclear missiles incoming to America if you live in <snip at 00:05> Welcome to WMRB Radio, bringing you the hits every day"

BTW. Why you use the AUX log.? On the hours with news a have a cart
with 4 second silence and a very long fade time in rdairplay for that

If you do a hard start fade macro on the main log, the song stops and the macro fades down a whole lot of silence (unless that was changed in a recent version but we're using 2.5 so its not that old).

This is just the way we do it at our station, there is probably lots of ways to work around the problem but this has served us well for over 2 years now.
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