On Tuesday, 13 September 2022 at 19:43:32 UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:15:10 PM UTC-7 Nils Bruin wrote:
>> What I was not able to find, though, was the equivalent of "git trac 
>> push", which can sometimes be very convenient for making a small friendly 
>> amendment to a proposed change. I would not expect to be able to push to 
>> someone else's fork (I cannot push to someone else's branch on trac 
>> anyway), but I can of course push to my own branch -- git-trac in that 
>> situation pushes to a branch in my name and does the required magic to tie 
>> that branch to the relevant ticket.
> One way to do this is using 
> https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork
> This is a checkmark that the author of a PR can set or unset.

I don't think that gives us quite the same generality. From what I 
understand from the description there is that people *with push privilege* 
on the actual upstream can be given permission to commit to a branch in the 
fork. I think we want to keep the people with push privilege limited, but 
collaboration on tickets should be widely available and easy.

There is of course a "git" way of doing it: make a fork on github and add 
collaborators to that "project". Then all those people can push to their 
heart's content to the forked repo and it's their responsibility of keeping 
their branches sane. But setting that up is *way* heavier than the organic 
"git trac push".

One advantage we got from git-trac was that people have *limited* push 
privileges: they can only push to branches that they "own". The worst that 
I could mess up a ticket is by linking the wrong branch to a ticket. But 
since the original branch still exists, with a name, this is easily undone. 
So it struck a nice balance, at the cost of an in principle unreliable 
branch link on tickets, because pretty much anyone with trac access can 
change that. However, those changes are well visible and not anonymous and 
haven't been a problem.

So it looks like the git plugin to trac provides a rather stringent form of 
"branch protection" that could be nice to have on github as well.

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