On Thu, 15 Sep 2022, 07:40 seb....@gmail.com, <seb.oe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is the proposed workflow to merge the develop branch after a new
> release into PR (or other) branches of your fork (i.e re-basing)? Obviously
> this is possible by pushing on sync in the web interface or typing gh
> repo sync USERNAME/sage -b branch in the command line. But how do you
> resolve conflicts?
> BTW: I’m not sure I like this!

I am not sure how resolving conflicts is in any way different from trac. At
least on the level of plain git it is just the same.

If you have a branch in your repo fork, which is a PR, pushing (with gh, or
plain git, or whatever) into this branch (after you resolved conflicts and
commited the result, naturally) will update the PR automatically.

If a PR is linked to the Issue, you can alternatively comment on the PR.
> It sounds like wasting time by searching for comments. Can’t we define a
> preference here? This seems to be a part of the decentralized structure
> that Travis is criticizing.
there are pluses too - you don't want technical comments on the code to
clog the real picture.

Besides, there are very nice code review tools there built in PR handling -
compared to them trac is very inefficient.

> Matthias Koeppe schrieb am Mittwoch, 14. September 2022 um 23:19:28 UTC+2:
>> I think for now we only need to describe the process up to the point of
>> "positive review".
>> The discussion on how to do release management etc. is best held when
>> Volker finds the time to join the discussion on these things.
>> On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 1:58:40 AM UTC-7 tobias...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> I think we need also another branch "merge-queue" which serves as the
>>> target for pull requests, with branch protection rules linear history,
>>> require positive review and checks.
>>> Also "Release Manager @vbraun merges positively reviewed tickets into
>>> his branch https://github.com/vbraun/sage"; should then be replaced by
>>> "Release Manager @vbraun merges positively reviewed tickets into the branch
>>> merge-queue". You cannot really "merge" pull requests against one repo into
>>> another one.
>>> Moreover, I propose to realize "To make a beta or stable release,
>>> Release Manager merges (fast-forward) his branch into the develop
>>> branch and creates a tag" by a pull-request from "merge-queue" into
>>> "develop". This PR could then trigger the corresponding github action
>>> checks that should pass before a beta is released.
>>> On Wednesday, 14 September 2022 at 07:50:48 UTC+2 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 10:26:04 PM UTC-7 David Roe wrote:
>>>>> My understanding from the 
>>>>> allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork
>>>>> documentation
>>>>> <https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/allowing-changes-to-a-pull-request-branch-created-from-a-fork>
>>>>>  is
>>>>> that only users who have push permission on the repository will be able to
>>>>> make edits to a pull request.  I think the consequence is that we want
>>>>> active Sage developers to have Write access
>>>>> <https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-access-to-your-organizations-repositories/repository-roles-for-an-organization>
>>>>> to the repository, and then use branch protection rules
>>>>> <https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/defining-the-mergeability-of-pull-requests/about-protected-branches>
>>>>> on develop and master.
>>>> Yes, please take a look at
>>>> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/migration-from-trac-to-Git**b#proposed-permissions-and-protections,
>>>> where I have started to write something like this.
>>> --
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