Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Drug War Rascism/response

2000-08-13 Thread Samantha L.

  This article is very insightful.  I really appreciate the point of view
since we're living in the South right now.  It helps explain some things I
haven't understood at all, especially the part about how people refuse to
stand up against injustice out of fear, and who, when ordered, will pick up
those rocks and throw them.

  I have been amazed, not only with the authoritarian tactics of governing
bodies here in Louisiana, but at the stunning silence and acquiesence of the
people.  My husband and I have been neither silent nor acquiescent, and soon
we won't be living in Louisiana anymore either.  We've moved often in the
last handful of years - this time we don't have a choice.

  I conclude that the people are silent and acquiescent for good reason
around here, and my husband and I are lucky we aren't just burning hunks of
flesh scattered all over the neighborhood ... yet.


In a message dated 8/13/00 2:15:44 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Drug War Racism and the Ruling Class
>   (12-26-98)
>  Excerpt from Drug War Economics: The Machine behind the Madness
>  I met Eldridge Cleaver several years ago in a meeting of activists in
>  ra of all places. I dropped a bombshell on the crowd that got a nod from
>   Eldridge Cleaver himself. I stated, "Racism and brutality have a place in
>  ontrolling society. It is apparent that racism is used to keep the
>  s in their place. Far more important, however, racism was an example that
>  pt the white man in their place as well."=20
>  I explained, I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina in the 1960s.
> 20=
>  to media hype, it wasn't that whites looked down on Blacks in the South.
> 20=
>  was more like whites were afraid to stand up to the injustice, so they
>  d the other way instead. That is how you deal with a government that you
>   afraid of. You live your life as a grain of sand on the beach.=20
>  Once you have learned to bow down to injustice, if ordered, you will pick
>   a rock and participate in it as well. That's part of the process of
>  g your place in this institution called America. The reason I bring this
> 20=
>  is, these corrupt drug laws enslave our legislature, as much or more than
>  ey enslave to public. Government is about power and control of resources
>  re the power structure does not tollerate rogue legislators. These
>  ble drug laws enslave our legislature and force their co-operation as
> 20
>  Examples. Joycelyn Elders son was raked over the coals for $50 of Cocaine
>  cause Joycelyn Elders refused to co-operate with this dirty little war.
>   Dan Burton's son got popped for pounds of pot and walked away, Dan Burton
>  as bought and paid for as well. If you don't think Obstruction of Justice
>  s involved in that plea bargain you need another beer.
>  This is how the game is played in America. Our legislators are afraid to
>  ose this dirty little war because their bosses (and I don't mean the
>   will ruin their political careers and their lives at the first sign of
>  llion. This was the reason behind the swift and brutal crackdown on
>  ion 215 in California. The trouble makers had to learn their place in
>  y.=20
>  This drug war is not about enforcing the Rule of Law. The drug war is
>  ing a rulling class global economic policy. It consolidates Wealth, Power
>  d Control over the masses with an Iron fist and millions of prison cells.
>   remember, when our legislators refuse the Drug War carrots, they will
> 20=
>  the Drug War stick. Joycelyn Elders' son is an example to Congress and the
>  overnment that cooperation is manditory. The backlash to Proposition 215
> 20=
>  California (medical marijuana initiave) is an example of repression for
>  yone else. Government is about power and control.=20
>  Sincerely, Jay Lindberg=20
>  --=_NextPart_000_006F_01C00519.22">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] WARNING! Control of Canada's water yielded to the U.S.byNAFTA

2000-08-13 Thread Kelly

Mike Smith wrote:

> < export its water--only to refrain from imposing duties on imported American
> water.>>

> Exactly! If it isn't for sale no goverment can complain.
> Let em' go dry for all I care.

> A Proud Canuck,
> Mike Smith

So Canada, with its small population, has approximately 40 per cent of
the world's fresh water, and you think we should let people die of
thirst or see their crops fail because of lack of water?  And do you
think, with our decimated military, we could even stop the Americans if
they just decided to take it?  And just because Canada is in a
privileged situation today, doesn't mean we will always be so - it is
not written in some Universal Law that we will always enjoy our present

I am a proud Canadian too, and one thing I have always thought is that
we are a generous people.  And remember the flood in Manitoba a few
years back?  The United States offered us much volunteer help then -
they didn't say:  "Oh, let them all drown for all I care."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship andUSACitizenship.]

2000-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Nurev Ind Research wrote:
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship
> andUSACitizenship.
> Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 10:15:33 -0700
> From: "Damian B. Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 07:26 PM 8/10/00 -0400, Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> >8/10/00
> >
> >
> - - - snip - - -
> >
> >The reason the DemocRATS chose a Jew was not only to out-Liberal
> >the Republicans, but to GET HILLARY ELECTED IN NEW YORK. I am
> >fairly sure that the DemocRATS know they are going to lose the
> >Oval Office.
> Whether Gore-Lieberman wins or loses, Jewish political interests are advanced.

So what's the problem?
> If Gore wins, Jews will have gained complete and total access to the
> central power of
> the U.S. government.

You mean like Protestants have had all this time?

> Everything that occurs in the Oval office will be
> known to and
> subject to manipulation by the New
> York Times, the ADL, the World Jewish Congress, Mossad, . . .

How do you know this? Have you seen Mossad plans? Do you ever read the NYT?

> If Gore loses, it will be portrayed as being ONLY because Lieberman was a Jew,
> and the defeat of Gore-Lieberman CONFIRMS that "anti-Semitism" is still rampant
> in American society.

Well sure. It's full of people like you.

> America will then be challenged at every turn, on
> every issue
> to "demonstrate that it can overcome its anti-Semitism" by acceding to every
> wish and demand that Jews put forward.

I asked for a big screen TV. The government never gave it to me under this
Jew dominated White House. I need some guilt ridden WASPs back in office so
I can get my damn TV. VOTE BUSH!!!

> Jewish power in America and in Western Society is fundamentally based on
> the psychology of passive-agression.  "You hate me, and YOU have to do
> something
> for ME to PROOVE that YOU are not a bigot".  This is particularly effective
> in the
> largely Christian societies of Western Europe and North America, which are
> significantly
> influended by the Christian ethic of "love they neighbor"

HH, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That's a good one. I'll have to tell that
one at the next Elders of Zion meeting. " Love thy neighbor," really funny.
I enjoy religious humor. Got any more?

 (to include
> Jews), and of
> atonement for "sin".

Poor Christians. They have suffered so at the hands of Indians, Africans,
Gypsies, and Jews who forced them to commit genocide on every inhabited
continent. Why? Because they love their neighbors to pieces.

> The Jewish establishment will make this work to their advantage if
> Lieberman loses.

Unless I'm mistaken the last few presidents were Protestant Christians.
Based on their records of undermining the Constitution, the political
system, the economy, and at least one case of outright treason, I would
strongly recommend banning all protestants from positions of power for
about 240 years.

We loyal Americans who are not WASPs need to protect our
country from this evil conniving religious sect. They are sneaky, evil,
violent thieves who only want to dominate the world. They are the vast
majority of ' International Bankers ' and think nothing of holding dual
citizenship with countries like Britain, Switzerland, and several tiny
but tax free Caribbean countries invented just for them.


Caveat Votor!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: United States - Presidential Campaign]

2000-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: United States - Presidential Campaign
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 18:06:22 -0500 (CDT)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s Weekly Global Intelligence Update - 14 August 2000

Know your world.

The Waning Power of Indonesia's President

Kuwait Threatens Troop Mobilization

The Next President
The Unspoken Issue: The Impact of Globalization


Last week, The Weekly Analysis probed the underlying foreign policy
challenges of the American presidential election. This week, the
second part of this series examines the most potentially divisive -
and unspoken - issue of all: globalization. As the Democratic Party
meets in Los Angeles, this issue is at the root of the next
president's choices on foreign policy. And this is the one thing
neither major candidate will dare discuss.


With the economy booming and foreign dangers distant, the American
presidential campaign is unlikely to attempt to move many voters
with issues of foreign policy. This reflects an elite consensus on
U.S. foreign policy: The international system is driven by
economics, which is increasingly global, integrated and
interdependent, and this is all for the good. This has been the
American elite consensus for a decade.

But there is a powerful undercurrent running both through American
politics and politics abroad, one that angrily and profoundly
rejects this narrow economic prism for viewing the world. The speed
and power of the flow of capital in the last decade has raised
economies - and destroyed them. In the United States itself, a
small, noisy but potentially powerful movement is rising, rejecting
the cliche that a rising tide lifts all boats. Some, the leaky
ones, get sunk.

The effects of globalization are among the most important legacies
of the last decade. And yet they are the ones that are either
accepted as undeniable fact by proponents, in multi-national
corporations and government, or swept under the rug.

This is the case in the American presidential campaign: Both major
candidates running for office offer the same foreign policy. Only
one man will be president, and he will have to wrestle with the
effects of globalization, both at home and abroad. And yet neither
will talk about it. It is unlikely that at any time this week in
Los Angeles, Vice President Al Gore will stop to publicly dwell on
how badly the Thai economy has been ravaged, or how dislocated U.S.
workers will find their place in the information economy.

Would you like to see full text?

The primary mission of Washington's foreign policy has been to
prevent side issues - like political-military ones - from
interfering in the expansion of the world trading system. As a
result, questions over Taiwan or human rights have been essentially
shut out of the dialogue with China. Exceptions can be found in the
rogue nations, led by governments impervious to economic pain and
subject to sanctions and military action at the hands of the
international community.

The result of this strategy is a remarkably contiguous U.S. foreign
policy since the end of the Cold War, whether steered by the Bush
or Clinton administrations. Both did everything possible to prevent
the disruption of relations with China. Both have done everything
possible to use institutions - like the International Monetary Fund
- to diffuse power from individual nations. Under Republican and
Democratic presidents alike, Washington led coalitions to war
against rogue countries like Iraq or Yugoslavia, or to control
dysfunctional economies, like Indonesia's.

In the 2000 campaign, both George W. Bush and Al Gore are
completely committed to the pursuit of this same foreign policy.
This is the ideology not only of the American elite, but the
ideology of the global elite, as well. Indeed, it is not only an
elite perspective. In advanced industrial countries, this ideology
has mass appeal.

But it does not have universal appeal. Throughout the world, there
are groups, though marginal, that are deeply opposed to this
ideology. Moreover, the application of this ideology is
increasingly difficult for major international leaders. Russian
President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Prime Minister Jiang Zemin are
examples of leaders torn by a globalist ideology they genuinely
accept - but find increasingly painful to pursue at home.

Two forces are in play against globalization. First and most
immediate, are the national interests abroad. It is possible to
quickly construct a patchwork map of places essentially wiped out
or left behind by globalization. This includes much of Nor

Re: [CTRL] Fiction is stranger than truth?

2000-08-13 Thread tenebroust

AH!  Delta Green.  Well, this is "fiction" writing in the tradition of Lovecraft with 
a modern edge.  Delta Green is a covert and illegal operation within the government of 
the US who views its duty as rooting out the minions of the Old Ones and others of the 
Cthulhu Myth Cycle and stopping their attempts at causing madness and destruction.  I 
highly recommend the books and the web-site.  It is all very interesting stuff, and 
merely fiction. . .but I have often wondered at how the actual events and high 
strangness of history and existence (at least at times) correlates so well with much 
of what Lovecraft started with his so-called myth cycle, as well as by the continued 
propagation of it by countless writers over the years.

On Sat, 12 August 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

> from:
> Click Here:">
> -
> Search:
> "Evil never dies. Darkness never retreats. In the cracks and the crevices of
> our society there are monsters undreamed of by the rank and file of humanity.
> I've been there. I've seen them. They exist in the spaces between things, in
> the folds of existence where we can't find them. Sometimes they cross over,
> sometimes they manifest, and all hell breaks loose. Only this is not Hell,
> nor Heaven. This is like nothing anyone has ever understood. This is pure
> evil, pure destruction. This is the Apocalypse."
> -- Maj. Gen. Reginald Fairfield, U.S. Army (Ret.), 25 FEB 1994
> More Tales of Terror
> Ideas. You want 'em. We got 'em. By the dozen, in all shapes and sizes. From
> ugly little beasts to raving monstrosities, and every horror in between.
> Scenario idea after scenario idea for Call of Cthulhu, each with three
> different ways to implement them so your players never know what's coming.
> Fresh, hot, and juicy, straight from the grill of grue--and bloody, bloody
> rare . . . Click the book above to find out more!
> Accessing
> Access approved.
> Accessing file...
> This is a database of critical information to be shared among case officers,
> agents, and other authorized parties.
> LAST UPDATE: 29 JUN 2000
> RELEASED BY: Christopher
> APPROVED BY: Alphonse, Adam [Cell A]
> UPDATE - 18 JULY 2000: Friendlies report that two Delta Green simulation
> manuals were recognized in the Origins Awards for Game Design, described as
> "the Oscars of gaming." DELTA GREEN: COUNTDOWN was awarded for Outstanding
> Achievement in Roleplaying Supplement Design, and DELTA GREEN: THE RULES OF
> ENGAGEMENT was awarded for Outstanding Game-Related Novel. Congratulations to
> the authors of these manuals for their fine work in expanding the influence
> of our group.
> LATEST INTELLIGENCE: New files at include a number of Case
> Histories, a chilling Field Report, several pieces of Imagery Intelligence,
> documentation of a dedicated Delta Green IRC server, an Agent Dossier, and
> one humor article in Section 8. Archival of the high-traffic Delta Green
> Mailing List continues on a more-or-less daily basis.
> THREE: PROJECT RAINBOW is now in progress, and the book should be available
> for shipping by mid-July. DGEO3 is not sold in stores, and is only available
> through front company Pagan Publishing's mail-order catalog, The Outsider.
> Details may be found on their web site:
> Interested parties can obtain the latest intelligence from front company
> Tynes Cowan Corporation (ref Operation PAGAN PUBLISHING) by subscribing to
> the Pagan Publishing announcement list. Agents and friendlies alike should
> sign up at the Tynes Cowan Corporation website to be added to the list.
> Write for! Your reports could be critical to other readers.
> Click here to learn more.
> S I T E   I N D E X
> Questions are a burden for others. Answers are a prison for one's self. Click
> here if you dare to seek the truth.
> Case files, research and analysis, imagery, dossiers, and other vital
> intelligence can be found here.
> *   Items of Mutual Interest
> (Primary documents.) It's a dangerous world out there, and Delta Green can't
> investigate everything. Here are an assortment of anomalous incidents,
> briefings, and training scenarios that we haven't yet checked out.
> Enterprising agents are encouraged to examine these documents and pursue them
> with diligence. If you do, send any completed reports to  Christopher>.
> *   Reports from the Field
> (Mission reports.) Cell A has authorized the distribution of these final
> reports from actual Delta Green operations, both successful and calamitous.
> Read and learn.
> *   Case Histories
> (Short stories.) A DG agent is

Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun - was I WAS DICK CHENEY'S SEX SLAVE'

2000-08-13 Thread tenebroust

I thought it was obvious that I meant the Germany of the Nazi regime in power during 
WWII.  I have nothing against Germans as a people or nation.  The taint is associated 
with the Nazis since they were in power during much of the time that this technology 
was developed and they used ruthless and bloody means to test and build it.

On Sat, 12 August 2000, "Damian B. Cooper" wrote:

> At 04:25 PM 8/11/00 -0700, tenebroust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> > Too bad
> >this technology will always be tainted by the blood and death perpetrated by
> >the Germans, and every country since them (and before for that matter).
> >
> Well, then, wouldn't it logically and humanely follow that to save the
> world from
> the "blood and death" that WILL be perpetrated by Germans in the future that
> we should quietly and humanely exterminate them all now?
> You will undoubtedly enjoy reading "Germany Must Perish", by Theodore Kaufmann.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Johannesburg: A Glimpse of America's Future

2000-08-13 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Dave Kuehne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Johannesburg: A Glimpse of America's Future
Date: Monday, August 07, 2000 9:37 AM

I've heard Africa referred to as the "cradle of civilization."
Perhaps it was, eons ago. But today Africa is the "coffin of
civilization." America is headed for the same fate.

There is only one solution, and no one in any prominent position
will even dare to whisper the truth. Our doom is upon us.

So lock up your daughters and your wives, keep a shotgun handy,
and sleep with one eye open, then, perhaps you will live to see
another day. Welcome to the new U.S.A. -DaveK-

-- begin attachment --

An excellent article..the current collapse of Africa's infrastructure,
economy and society. I expected it to take many more years than it has.
Pay attention to the paragraph which I have isolated with ***.

That's the same situation we now have in Chicago which has Puerto Rican
gang members as police officers and Los Angeles where the police are
Mexican and commit more crimes than other 'identifiable groups'! - Tripp

-- begin attachment --

What we (USA) have to look forward to in about 30 years
(maybe sooner)...

A stunning article appeared in the Daily Mail of October 30th.
Written by Ross Benson, reporting first-hand from Johannesburg,
it lifts the lid on the near-collapse of South Africa since white
rule ended a few years ago.


And how may one measure that catastrophe? South Africa's
regression towards primeval barbarism, which Benson details, is
quite neatly summarised at the head of his article: "A woman is
raped every 28 seconds, qualified doctors are leaving in droves,
while beggars and goats have set up home in the marble foyers of
derelict banks. South Africa today has become a nation on the
edge of self-destruction."

Law and order have to all intents and purposes broken down in
South Africa. Any sense of security no longer exists. Says Benson
of the country's crime:-

"Farmers are butchered in their fields. The parks and beaches
have become killing fields. Car-jackings with mind-numbing
violence are a daily occurrence. The murder rate is running at
27,000 a year."

Benson then repeats the horrifying statistics for rape, of which
more will be said.These figures, he comments, "breed the kind of
fear that has you leaping at shadows, jumping red lights and
climbing out of bed in the middle of the night to check, yet
again, that you have double-locked the doors."

For you to protect your home even halfway adequately, it now
seems that you need to pay an 'armed response' security firm. But
whatever you do is never enough. One black businessman told
Benson that he had lost count of the numbers of his friends who
had been mugged.

Everyone is in the firing line. No social gathering can take
place without horror stories being exchanged. But at this point
we get some hint of the censorship that hitherto has been
mobilised to keep as much as possible of the truth from the
public gaze (presumably an increasingly difficult task in the
ever-worsening crisis engulfing the country). A white security
man commented on the criminal mayhem: "It's happening to your
friends, your brother, his wife, your sister, your mother," but,
"it isn't something you read in the papers or hear about on the
television news any more."

Adds Benson: "He carried a gun, but he wasn't fooling himself. He
knew it could happen to him. In Mandela's 'Rainbow Nation' the
dream is running blood red."

Clearly, South Africa's new ANC (African National Congress)
Government is almost neurotically aware that the legitimacy of
its rule is at stake here.

Decline of a city

Nowhere is the situation worse than in Johannesburg, where it is
exemplified in all its worst manifestations. Benson gives a
graphic description of how that unhappy city has declined. Here
too, he comes courageously close to modern-day heresy in giving
the White Man his historic due as the true creator of South
Africa's original productive infra-structure (a subject today
largely taboo in a world sold on the 'politically correct'
elevation of the non-European at the expense of the European),
and also focusing on the White Man's predicament now.

In a striking characterisation of the city, Benson writes:-

"Built on the largest seam of gold ever discovered, this was once
the richest city in Africa, a gleaming steel-and-glass citadel
rising out of the brown ocean of the Veld, a testament to the
economic power (and perhaps the innate character? JM) of the
white community that built it, but also an example of what can be
achieved by hard work and individual enter

Re: [CTRL] WARNING! Control of Canada's water yielded to the U.S. by NAFTA

2000-08-13 Thread Mike Smith


Exactly! If it isn't for sale no goverment can complain.
Let em' go dry for all I care.

A Proud Canuck,
Mike Smith">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] Lieberman and liquor?

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

Erroneous information.  Seagram's has always been based in Canada.  The
Bronfmans, however, live in New York.  Edgar Bronfman, Sr. was married to
the daughter of John L. Loeb, of the old Loeb, Rhodes investment bank.  The
Loebs are also married to Lehmans.  Stephen Birmingham states in his book
that the family members had a great number of investments, and that they
created an intelligence force similar to the CIA to protect their
investments long before the CIA existed.


-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: [CTRL] Lieberman and liquor?

>In a message dated 8/12/00 4:51:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><<  > The Bronfman family fortune came from bootlegging booze made in
>> Canada across Lake Erie into the U.S. during Prohibition.  The Bronfman
>> family owns Seagram's, the multinational booze purveyor.
> And which has headquarters in Connecticut (or did at one time)...
> June >>

[CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 7

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

The Early Days of the John Birch Society:
Fascist Templars of the Corporate State
By Alex Constantine

Part 7: Corporate Sponsorship & More CIA Connections

 In the wings of the Birch Society with its rejection of all things
"collectivist" lurked its corporate-military sponsors and directors. In an
address to the Cooperative League of the United States, T.K. Quinn, a former
vice president of General Electric ‹ an "Insider" ‹ shared his view of the
corporate sector that created the Society and supported it: "In forms of
organization and control, these giants are essentially collectivistic,
fascist states, with self-elected and self-perpetuating officers and
directors, quite like the Russian politiboro in this respect. Their control
extends directly over production, over tens of thousands of small supplying
manufacturers and subcontractors, and over thousands of distributors and
dealers. Indirectly, the control of these giant corporations influences
legislation through paid lobbies in state capitals and Washington, and it is
seen and felt in the magazines, newspapers, radio and television stations,
all dependent upon these giants and their associates for their existence"
(George Seldes, "Postscript: NAM and the John Birch Society," in Never Tire
of Protesting, Lyle Stuart, 1968, p. 124).
 The ranking corporations were unified by the National Association of
Manufacturers (NAM). Robert Welch had been an officer of NAM. NAM and
related organizations didn't score too badly in their lobbying efforts in a
sample year:

  NAM6   0 1,000
  Committee for Constitutional Government
   7   1.875
  U.S. Chamber of Commerce
   6   2   .750

 Other lobbying groups didn't fare so well. The American Federation of
Labor won three lobbying campaigns and lost seven. The League of Women
Voters was successful in one attempt to see legislation passed, but lost
four. The Farmers' Union, 1-in-8. The Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1-in-5
(Seldes, pp. 124-125, from a Congressional Quarterly scorecard). Seldes
observed that NAM, "the richest and most powerful lobby in the nation, got
all the laws it sponsored passed by Congress." The Committee for
Constitutional Government, "called 'America's No. 1 fascist organization' by
Congressman Wright Patman, won seven in eight that it sponsored" (p. 125).
Clearly, favoritism at the legislative level favored "collectivist,"
"fascist" corporate fronts.
 The Birch Society was an arm of NAM and its constituent corporations ‹
General Motors, DuPont, Sunoco, U.S. Steel and so on. "Another
organization," Seldes wrote, "apparently founded with the intention of the
Birch Society to unite reaction in a vast and powerful political weapon,
calls itself Americans for Constitutional Action and unites NAM leaders, the
owners of the Reader's Digest, and Birchites; it is reaction's answer to
Americans for Democratic Action" (p. 121).
 Reader's Digest?  This recalls another directorate locked into these
groups ‹ the CIA. In the Eisenhower period, propagandists on the Agency
payroll were featured on a regular basis in the pages of the Digest,
including Allen Dulles, Carl Rowan, James Burnham, Brian Crozier and Stewart
Alsop. The magazine remains a glib tool of CIA propaganda.
 Another is the National Review. In the first issue, released on
November 19, 1955, William F. Buckley, another CIA propagandist, printed a
"Publisher's Statement" in which he  declared war on "the Liberals, who run
the country." The Review, Buckley  boasted, "stands athwart history, yelling
 In March, 1956, John Fischer, editor of Harper's, wrote: "Last
November, newstands throughout the country offered the first issue of a new
magazine, National Review, with described itself as 'frankly,
conservative.'" But the magazine's first half-dozen issues made it clear
that the Review "was an organ, not of conservatism, but of radicalism ...
[and] like most of the extremist little magazines, it seems to be aimed at
an audience of True Believers." The magazine's readership were "emotional
people who throw themselves frantically into a cause ‹ often to make up for
some kind of frustration in their private lives. They form the hard core of
many religious, nationalist and revolutionary movements: they have great
capacity, in Hoffer's words, for 'enthusiasm, fervent hope, hatred and
intolerance ... blind faith and single-hearted allegiance.' They are the
opposite of conservatives" (Rusher, pp. 47-48).
 Dwight MacDonald, a staff writer for the New Yorker, opined, "NR seems
worth examining as a cultural phenomenon: the MaCarthy nationalists ‹ they
call themselves conservative, but that is surely a misnomer ‹ have never
before made so heroic an effort to be intellectually ar

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Mark McHugh

Involuntary wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 10:25:48 -0500, ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
> article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:
> > Does an e-mail replace a letter?  Does a Thank You phone call
> > replace a Thank You note?  Does a Thank You note replace a gift?
> > Does a Gift replace the time spent delivering it in person?  how
> > much is your time worth and the person you are Thanking?  If this
> > is classed the same as a letter or otherwise it would prove that
> > America has lost it's basic manners and worth.
> Or perhaps people need to get over themselves.  I don't expect to be
> thanked in person.  I don't have to be thanked at all, but if somebody
> wants to, an e-mail is fine with me.  I don't want to be thanked as much
> as I would like to know if the item(s) I've given will be useful.  If it
> is, I may send similar items.  If I get no response at all, I may assume
> that the item wasn't useful and I won't send as often or I won't send
> the same types of items.
> What it boils down to is, I treat others how I expect to be treated.  I
> don't need to be told "thank you" face to face, via letter as opposed to
> e-mail, or anything.  Simply knowing the item was received and not lost
> somewhere is plenty for me.  Therefore I feel somewhat uncomfortable
> when people hover over me expecting a thank you that I wouldn't want for
> myself.
> Ty

Amen!  It's the thought behind the gesture that counts.  Many "manners" have
turned into rituals that have lost their emotional content over the years.  "How
do you do?" "Fine, thank you.  And you?"  Many perform them because they feel
they must, not out of any true desire.

Mark McHugh">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Activist dumps manure at Democrats\' hotel

2000-08-13 Thread Oscar


Aug. 13, 2000 | An activist dressed in a pink pig costume dumped four tons of animal 
manure from a truck Saturday in front of a hotel housing guests attending the 
Democratic National Convention.

Elsewhere, anti-abortion activists and immigrant rights advocates organized small 
protests, the first in a week of demonstrations expected to draw thousands during the 
convention that starts Monday.

At the Wilshire Grand Hotel, about 10 people from People for the Ethical Treatment of 
Animals stood on the sidewalk as the activist dumped the manure in the hotel driveway. 
Some wore the same full-body pig costumes and carried placards that read, "Meat is 

Police impounded the truck and arrested the driver, Sean McKinney Diener, 20, of 
Layton, Utah. He was booked for illegal dumping, a misdemeanor.

City workers and hotel employees cleaned up the 5-foot by 10-foot spill with shovels 
and trashcans.

In February, the group performed a similar stunt outside a restaurant where Republican 
presidential candidate George W. Bush had just eaten breakfast.

In other protests Saturday:

-- Nearly 30 anti-abortion demonstrators marched around the site of the convention 
carrying poster-sized pictures of aborted fetuses.

-- Activists protesting U.S. immigration policies set up 553 white crosses in a church 
parking lot to commemorate people who have lost their lives crossing the U.S.-Mexico 
border since the 1994 inception of Operation Gatekeeper, a crackdown that pushed 
illegal traffic to more remote and treacherous areas.

About 50 people, nearly a dozen of them dressed in ceremonial Mexican outfits, danced 
and marched in a protest outside Vice President Al Gore's downtown office.

The National Chicano Moratorium Committee sponsored the rally about three blocks from 
Staples Center, where the convention will take place, to call for undocumented-worker 
amnesty and a stronger Hispanic voice in government.

Rudy Pisani, 61, of Los Angeles, held a banner that read, "Democrats and Republicans 
-- Executioners of Latin Americans."

Other protesters prepared for demonstrations outside Staples Center by making banners, 
picket signs and large, satiric puppets at their headquarters near MacArthur Park.

A day earlier, a federal judge ruled that police could only enter that building if 
they had a search warrant or during an emergency. The decision came in response to the 
American Civil Liberties Union's complaint that the headquarters, named the 
Convergence Center, had been a target of police harassment.

The department earlier was ordered to shrink a security zone around the Staples Center 
to allow demonstrators to be nearer to delegates.

Police Chief Bernard Parks joined activists Saturday to pay tribute to children slain 
by violence and to call for greater restrictions on guns. Parks and his wife, Bobbi, 
added a pair of ballet shoes belonging to their 20-year-old granddaughter Lori 
Gonzalez, who was gunned down outside a fast-food restaurant, to more than 200 pairs 
of shoes from young victims of gun violence.

"When people say guns don't kill people, they're not being truthful," Parks said. 
"Guns do kill and they kill at a very high rate."

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."
CTRL is a discussion & informational 


2000-08-13 Thread Oscar


by Jim Smith
L.A. Labor News

Like a dry, hot desert wind in late summer, an oppressive layer of foreboding hangs 
over the city of the angels on the eve of the clash of two opposing social movements.

Anti-globalization, pro-democracy workers, students, socialists, anarchists and 
veterans of battles in Seattle, D.C., and Philadelphia are poised to confront those 
torchbearers of civilization and empire, the leaders of the Democratic Party. They 
will confront each other on political, ideological and physical levels. It is the 
latter that has ordinary citizens of Los Angeles convinced that we are on the verge of 
a Big One, magnitude 7.5 or greater. Depending on their political persuasion and color 
of their skin, Angelinos are girding for either a police riot, or they are 
anticipating anarchists and/or terrorists running wild in their downtown streets. As a 
result, no one except delegates, demonstrators and police will be showing up on the 
highrise field of battle for the next week. However, 3,000 National Guard troops are 
standing by to join the fracas.

Poor L.A. She began as a paradise of mountains and fields. Later she contracted a 
hacking cough from the SMOke and foG. Her Native California Indians were nearly 
extinguished. Her Mexicans were conquered by manifest destiny and her 
African-Americans saw their good union jobs disappear in the late 70s as auto, rubber 
and steel plants “went South.” Rampant development - a literal fear of ecology - 
riots, earthquakes, uprisings, a paramilitary police force that was unaccountable to 
anyone, fires, droughts, and rebellions finally led us to Ramparts, the most massive 
police misconduct scandal in U.S. history. No wonder Angelinos expect the worst.

Instead of calming fears, police and L.A.’s Republican Mayor Richard Riordan (who is 
heading the Democratic Party’s convention planning committee - talk about Coke and 
Pepsi!) are following Chicago’s late Mayor Daley's (whose son is Albert Gore’s 
campaign manager) dictum, circa Chicago 1968, that “the police are here to preserve 
disorder.” On July 13, the Mayor’s byline appeared in an L.A. Times opinion article 
entitled, “A Fair Warning to All: Don't Disrupt Our City,” in which His Honor 
explicitly threatened demonstrators who might interfere with the expensive happy face 
L.A. was presenting to the world. LAPD officials quickly followed up with a biased 
video presentation to the L.A. City Council of the Seattle protests that could have 
been made during the McCarthy era. The stage was set for serious government violence. 
County Sheriff Lee Baca’s statement, August 10, "We have plenty of room in our jails" 
was merely icing on the cake.

Antidotal evidence says the LAPD is itching for a fight. L.A.’s first African-American 
Police Chief Willie Williams was quickly deposed when he actually tried to implement 
reforms called for by the Christopher Commission in the wake of the Rodney King 
beating and subsequent massive uprising. He was replaced by Bernard Parks who acts as 
if he has never heard of Warren Christopher. Parks appointed Tom Lorenzen, the former 
head of L.A.’s SWAT squad, to be field commander of the convention detail (what 
valuable skills does he bring to the job?). Friends who have relatives who are married 
to cops say the LAPD wants to regain its honor after its slow reaction to the 1994 
uprising and to the Lakers’ victory party riot last month. “It’s the Vietnam syndrome 


It’s Saturday night. Tomorrow is the first big march - for Mumia Abu Jamal. He is the 
poster model for the fight against capital punishment. He is becoming our patron 
saint, in the way that Che Guevara is the patron saint of Cuba. The fact that he is 
wrongly accused of killing a Philadelphia cop is incidental - except to the cops who 
see red at the mention of his name. If we can get past Sunday without police violence, 
we have a chance to get home free.

I visit the Independent Media Center in Patriotic Hall, which is just a stone’s throw 
(excuse the expression) from the “Office Supply” convention center (you won’t get a 
free commercial plug from me), where the convention will take place. About 100 
veterans and new video, audio and print journalists are gathered in a stuffy room 
where they lay plans to cover the demonstration with military precision. If the pen is 
indeed mightier than the sword, these are the people for the establishment to fear. 
They’re well organized and they have diverse skills which are not in service to the 
corporations. What could be scarier? “Democracy Now,” the “Nightline” of the 
alternative media will be encamping on these premises by Monday and delivering TV, 
radio and web feeds across the country. Do the Democrats have a chance of winning the 
ideological battle? I think not.

Onward to the Peoples Convention which is holding forth in the B

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Involuntary

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 10:25:48 -0500, ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, which said:

> E-Mails sometimes already have paid advertisements attached.

Yes, if you use Yahoo Mail or some other free e-mail provider, they
attach an advertisement.  They probably attach an ad if you use a free
ISP, too.  I use Earthlink and they don't attach ads to e-mails, but I
pay $19.95 a month for my service.

> Does an e-mail replace a letter?  Does a Thank You phone call
> replace a Thank You note?  Does a Thank You note replace a gift?
> Does a Gift replace the time spent delivering it in person?  how
> much is your time worth and the person you are Thanking?  If this
> is classed the same as a letter or otherwise it would prove that
> America has lost it's basic manners and worth.

Or perhaps people need to get over themselves.  I don't expect to be
thanked in person.  I don't have to be thanked at all, but if somebody
wants to, an e-mail is fine with me.  I don't want to be thanked as much
as I would like to know if the item(s) I've given will be useful.  If it
is, I may send similar items.  If I get no response at all, I may assume
that the item wasn't useful and I won't send as often or I won't send
the same types of items.

What it boils down to is, I treat others how I expect to be treated.  I
don't need to be told "thank you" face to face, via letter as opposed to
e-mail, or anything.  Simply knowing the item was received and not lost
somewhere is plenty for me.  Therefore I feel somewhat uncomfortable
when people hover over me expecting a thank you that I wouldn't want for

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Involuntary

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:52:46 -0400, Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
posted article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
which said:

> Didn't mean you personally Piper; for music we know can have a fatal
> attraction for it was a magic tune the Piper played.

Well, like Jesus Christ, nobody will ever know if the pied piper ever
really existed.  Maybe they liked to "send a message" back then just
like they do now.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WARNING! Control of Canada's water yielded to the U.S. by NAFTA

2000-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research


I have warned people about this for years now. There is a corporate push
on to wrest the control of any country's water resources through legal
mechanism like NAFTA and other corporate concoctions. Corporations have
been selling Great Lakes water to China for over a year now.

I you let businessmen control your water, you are a fool. They will gouge
you when you need it most. Just as they do with gasoline and life sustaining

PAY OR DIE! Water is life.


Control of Canada's water yielded to the U.S. by NAFTA

By Mel Clark ...excerpted from July August
2000 issue The CCPA Monitor

[In the April 2000 issue of *The CCPA Monitor*, Jamie Dunn of the Council
of Canadians stated that Canada's water was not protected under either the
GATT or NAFTA, and called for both agreements to be renegotiated to provide
such protection. In this response, Mel Clark, a former senior trade
negotiator for the Canadian government, says that our water was protected
under the GATT and that the only way to restore that safeguard would be to
scrap NAFTA and return to trading with the United States under the GATT.]

"Contrary to the reassurances of federal politicians, Canada's water
resources are not protected under the terms of the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA). They were protected under the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which gave Canada complete control over its
water, but in signing NAFTA the federal government in effect yielded
control of the country's water to the United States.

"In his article on Canada's water policy published earlier in The Monitor,
the Council of Canadians' Jamie Dunn incorrectly cited GATT Article XX to
support his claim that water was "not exempted from the obligations of the
GATT." In fact, Article XX (General Exceptions) merely permitted
contracting parties to waive their obligations for certain purposes,
provided certain conditions were met. But Canada had no obligation to
export its water--only to refrain from imposing duties on imported American
water. Moreover, Canada had the right to levy prohibitive taxes and thus
embargo water exports, precluding any need to invoke Article XX.

"The specific GATT provisions that gave Canada control of its water are
Articles III: 1, 2, 3 and 4 (National Treatment) and Article I:1 (Export

"Now that the GATT has been superseded by NAFTA, however, Americans are
given the same rights as Canadians to our water. NAFTA cancels our right to
tax water exports to the U.S., overrides the constitutional right of the
provinces to control the water within their boundaries, and accords U.S.
corporations the right to sue the federal government if it--or a
province--fails to respect the terms of NAFTA. Nowhere in NAFTA is there
any wording that gives Ottawa or the provinces the right to limit or
embargo water exports to the U.S.".Mr. Clark concludes that: "The
only way to prevent this loss of our water is by terminating NAFTA (and the
FTA) and returning to trade with the Americans under the GATT. The
suggestion by the Council of Canadians and other critics that the terms of
NAFTA and the FTA could simply be renegotiated to restore the protection of
our water simply won't work ..."

[Full article is posted at ]

Wayne Obie
Media & Public Relations
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

The bible code is bullshit. It was debunked over a year ago.

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
> Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.
> It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
> Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.
> This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
> are keyed to certain dates and times..the astronauts took a Gideon
> Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
> took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
> political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the
> Moon.
> Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
> the names are different, but same old cast of characters..Albert
> Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
> Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
> which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
> bible code, the Russians are onto and usedmasonic stuff and the
> masonic order is an international order.
> So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
> - yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
> strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
> name they would rule the universe..
> Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.
> This bible goes into every country in the world can
> communicate in any languagelike Romans 13, as I recall it is said
> they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truthand in Hebrews -
> need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.Luke 22 is the Mafia
> Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.cute
> stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
> 1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).Jim
> Bishop always used The Day...was honest an approach but
> assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?
> So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
> 19...Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
> then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
> Juperterand in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
> and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
> tribesGad, is the Overcomers.remember that old song We Shall
> Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is
> force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
> puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.
> Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.the children were led away to the
> mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
> iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the childrenoh see
> America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
> deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are promotedwatch
> television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?
> See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
> ways.but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
> but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
> see America destroyed from within.
> See how they spend money as though there is no limit.70 million to
> investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?
> Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
> as if to call a meeting..used to be the Gidons were called the
> Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"traveled in pairs,
> dressed in Fuller Brush Man - and never answer your door
> to the Avon Lady if you get involved in oh so secret stuff - for these
> people are used like the busy bee Eastern Stars and self styled local
> masonic spies who spy on their neighborns - busy bees all.
> I always keep my house off limits to friends and foes anymore...for
> there is nothing like a little man playing super spook for your locak
> Knights of Pythias or Masonic Order with the Support Your Police
> Stickers stuck all over hell.
> MNASON - diligent seekers of the truth..only the truth is, what you
> see is what you gets.
> And I do not like what I am getting and never did like what I see.
> There is only one book with great truths and that is the
> between lines and like a Shakespearian Play enlightenment comes in
> degrees - even Freud took to the bible (Job 19 to 21 in particular for
> you even find his couch there)..
> Be a cold day in hell when I fall on all fours moslem style to worship
> anybody and I do not believe man should get on knees before God, fo

Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Tenorlove wrote:
> --- ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --
> > Any person can stand adversity,
> > The true test is to give a person power.
> >
> >
> > What could have caused the Irish Potato famine?
> Wasn't it on this list that I read that the famine was deliberately
> engineered by the British as a genocide against the Irish?

That could have been part of it, but what they didn't wasn't to do is
cheapen the costs and profits for food. This one one of the most fucked
up things about an economic system which commodifies everything.

Food and all things which are life necessities should NEVER be allowed
into the control of businessmen. Health care, housing, and MOST IMPORTANTLY
WATER must not be a part of a market system. It is suicidal. Ask the Bolivians.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Problem with list

2000-08-13 Thread Mark McHugh

Ben Stone wrote:
> This is the second time in 2 days I have been desubcribed from the list, supposedly 
>becasue my email keeps bouncing back. I am resubscribed again.
> Doe other people have this problem or is it just me they are harassing? I may need 
>to switch to another email if it happens again.

I had this problem after my email server switched their IP address.  Try
checking with your ISP and ask for the number, then check your settings.

Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The CIA And The West Nile Virus

2000-08-13 Thread William Shannon

From: Spiritual Piglet  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Aug 13, 2000 10:38am
Subject: The CIA and the West Nile Virus - What New Viruses, Vaccines and

The CIA and the West Nile Virus - > What New Viruses,
Vaccines and 'Chemtrails' Have in Common
The CIA and the West Nile Virus -
What New Viruses' Vaccines &
'Chemtrails' Have in Common
Dear Mr. Rense,

I sent an email to Dr. Horowitz requesting that he submit an
article to your site on the connection between chemtrails
and vaccines. Here it is.

Best regards'
Stephanie Relfe

The CIA and the West Nile Virus - What New Viruses' Vaccines
and 'Chemtrails' Have in Common

By Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A, M.P.H. President,
Tetrahedron Publishing Group

There is a three letter common denominator underlying: the
West Nile Virus (WNV) outbreak in New England, the
controversial spraying of malathione-a known human chemical
carcinogen related to agent orange-over American cities, the
growing threat of anthrax or other biological weapons
attacks, vaccination policies that are risky and
questionable, if not downright deadly, the mysterious
3chemtrails2 overcastting previously blue skies across North
America, and an avalanche of sophisticated
counterintelligence propaganda concerning vaccinations and
bioterrorist threats emanating from our nation's primary
news sources. The C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) is
implicated in every regard. As a principle perpetrator of
all these threats, and a primary purveyor of propaganda in
these domains, America's leading military intelligence and
3corporate espionage2 agency is suspect in what amounts to
global genocide being carried out in the name of 3public
health2 and 3national security.2

As an investigative journalist who routinely travels across
the western hemisphere, I get my 3homework2 assignments from
airport newsstands. Since '990, I've been tracking U.S.
government cover-ups in the health science domain. My
special interests lie in 3emerging viruses,2 bioterrorism,
and 3media propaganda.2 As a graduate of Harvard School of
Public, and post-doctoral researcher in media persuasion
technologies, I have, for the past five years, conducted
highly controversial investigations, published stunningly
incriminating documents, and exposed the purveyors of
propaganda surrounding today's deadliest microbes, along
with the agents and agencies directly responsible for
bioengineering and transmitting designer viruses and
bacteria to grossly unwitting populations. My job has been
to raise public awareness regarding these 3covert
operations,2 to help a tiny intelligent minority survive the
current and coming plagues.

Having spent most of my adult life residing in Boston, the
news of massive malathione spraying for 3disease and
mosquito control2 in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as was
done months earlier in Connecticut, New York, and New
Jersey, grabbed my attention.(') Sketchy reports, issued by
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, alleged the
discovery of the WNV 3in an adult dead crow found July 22 in
a wooded area near Willow Pond in Jamaica Plain (adjacent
Roxbury), Massachusetts2-a predominantly African American
Boston suburb and home to one of America's largest Nation of
Islam communities.

3Odd,2 I thought, 3of all the places in Massachusetts it
could have landed, the dead crow dropped on a Black

The official press notice cited the alleged need to deliver
3ground or aerial larvacide and ground adulticide treatments
around positive WNV findings.2 Thus, the extensive lethal
spraying of immune system ravaging malathione began.

That same week, with heightened fear of a biological
apocalypse at hand, on Friday, July 28, 2000, the Reuters
news agency in Washington announced that the U.S. military's
use of anthrax vaccine had come under intense scrutiny and
additional fire.(2) Dr. David A. Ashford, of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was quoted as stating
3we do not have any specific information on the efficacy of
the existing vaccine for preventing inhalation of anthrax
and we probably never will.2 The article suspiciously recall
ed the largely ignored report of findings by Dan Burton's
congressional investigating committee issued six months
earlier. The February 2000 report by the House of
Representatives Committee on Government Reforms called for
the suspension of the anthrax vaccine program. Not only was
the vaccine's inefficacy determined by the committee, but
the risk of side effects was found to be '75 times greater
than defense department officials initially assured the FDA
and military personnel receiving the vaccine.

Suddenly, this Reuters report previewed the likelihood that
the FDA would approve an obscure antibiotic, ciprofloxacin,
over better known penicillins and doxycyclines to prevent
deaths from anthrax inhalations. These standard
antimicrobials, the article speculated, might be less
effective tha

[CTRL] Judge sets hearing on remaining Davidian lawsuit issue

2000-08-13 Thread Oscar

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 04:19:35 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Judge sets hearing on remaining Davidian lawsuit issue
By TOMMY WITHERSPOON Tribune-Herald staff writer

A federal judge in Waco has set a hearing for next month for testimony on the
remaining issue in the Branch Davidians' $675 million lawsuit against the
government — whether FBI agents shot at the Davidians on April 19, 1993.

In a three-page order issued Friday, U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr.
said he will hear testimony from David Oxlee of Vector Data Systems at a
Sept. 18 hearing in Waco.

Smith canceled an Aug. 2 hearing on the matter because lead plaintiffs'
attorney Mike Caddell of Houston, who represents about 80 percent of the 176
plaintiffs in the wrongful-death lawsuit, said he would not pursue the issue
or attend a hearing.

After that, Smith, in an order last month, told attorneys for the remaining
plaintiffs that they must travel to England, where Oxlee lives, if they
wanted to depose him.

Oxlee, an infrared expert, was appointed by the court to help stage the Mount
Carmel re-creation last March at Fort Hood. He was not available to testify
at the Branch Davidian civil trial that started in June because he was
recovering from surgery. Smith removed the gunfire issue from the trial
because Oxlee was not available.

Oxlee concluded that government agents fired no gunshots on the final day of
the 51-day standoff with David Koresh and his followers.

The plaintiffs argue that flashes seen on an FBI infrared video taken that
day are from gunfire by government agents that pinned many of the Davidians
inside the burning Mount Carmel compound.

Oxlee said he thinks the flashes came from debris and not gunfire.

After Caddell appeared to withdraw from the rest of the lawsuit, Smith said
he had no intention of bringing Oxlee to the United States at government
expense for the hearing.

Smith noted in his order that James Brannon, a Houston attorney who
represents the estate of three of Koresh's legal children, did not respond to
his order and "by their silence have advised they do not desire to
cross-examine Mr. Oxlee."

"If this matter is to be further litigated ... the court prefers to hear Mr.
Oxlee's testimony in open court and have the opportunity to question Mr.
Oxlee himself. He is the court's expert," Smith wrote.

Ramsey Clark, who represents 35 clients known as the Brown plaintiffs, said
he would like to question Oxlee. However, Ramsey said he thought it curious
that Smith, in his order Friday, required that him post a $5,000 bond with
the court within 10 days to reimburse Oxlee for his travel expenses.

"We want to pursue this issue," Clark said. "But I don't know if they are
trying to tax us out of court of what. We will just have to take a look at
the order and study it. The whole thing seems so strange the way it has gone.
Taking (Oxlee) to Waco is a lot more expensive than to take him to
Washington, which is what we wanted to do."

Also, Smith broke down the plaintiffs' shares for half of the cost for the
March re-creation at Fort Hood. Smith said that the Department of Defense has
advised that the cost for the test was $51,318.17, excluding the salaries of
the military personnel who participated and the cost of transporting a Lynx
helicopter from England to Fort Hood.

The judge figured the cost to each plaintiffs' group by the number of clients
represented and ordered that Caddell pay $20,014; Clark, $5,131; and Brannon,
$513, within 10 days. The Justice Department will pay the other half.

"It is further ordered that any party dissatisfied with the division of these
expenses shall inform the court within 10 days," Smith wrote.

Caddell and Brannon did not return phone messages left at their offices.

Smith has indicated that it could be some months before he issues his final
judgment in the civil lawsuit. The verdict by a five-member advisory jury
chosen by the judge cleared the government of wrongdoing in the Davidian

Tommy Witherspoon can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at 757-5737.

God Bless The New Mt. Carmel Church!
Collectors Edition 2000!
Never before seen video footage of Mt. Carmel!
Interviews from survivors and volunteers who helped rebuild Mt. Carmel!
Take a tour of the beautiful property and see the church rise before your
eyes.  Hear for yourself what world renowned investigator Gordon Novell and
others had to say when they showed up at the April 19, 2000 memorial. Hear
the bell toll in memory of the 82 who were killed after the 51 day siege.

Your $20 contribution will go towards the septic and air conditioning systems
still needed.  Your contribution will also go towards building housing for
the elderly ladies who were left homeless after the slaughter.
These beautiful ladies have been living at the Salvation Army in a communal
apartment and wish to finally come home!

Please share this amazing vi

[CTRL] The spy in your server

2000-08-13 Thread Oscar

The spy in your server

Thursday August 10, 2000

Governments all over the world have suddenly become embroiled in controversy about 
electronic surveillance of the internet. In the United States, a political storm has 
arisen over a new FBI internet tapping system codenamed Carnivore. In Britain, the 
Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Act has just extended telephone-tapping 
powers to cover internet service providers (ISPs), and allows the government to 
arrange indiscriminate tapping or email interception for foreign police forces and 
security agencies.
In the Netherlands, the Dutch security service BVD admitted two weeks ago that it has 
been collecting emails sent abroad by companies. In the Hague, laws are being prepared 
to allow the Justice Ministry to tap into email and subscriber records, scan messages 
and mobile phone calls, and track users' movements.

The Australian government has passed laws allowing security agents to attack and 
modify computers secretly to obtain information. Many other governments have similar 
schemes in the pipeline.

These developments are no coincidence but the direct result of secret planning over 
seven years by an international co-ordinating group set up by the FBI, after Congress 
twice refused to extend its telephone tapping powers for digital networks. Under the 
innocuous title of the International Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar 
(ILETS), the group has met annually to plan for and lobby to make telecommunications 
systems "interception-friendly".

ILETS excluded lawyers and industry specialists who might have advised on the 
arrangements to protect privacy and human rights, or on the feasi bility and cost of 
the intelligence officers' wish list of interception requirements. As a result, the 
laws based on their recommendations have repeatedly caused controversy.

The work of ILETS first came to light in late 1997, when a British researcher, Tony 
Bunyan, revealed collaboration between EU staff and the FBI for many years. Details of 
plans to compel ISPs all over the world to install secret internet interception "black 
boxes" in their premises appeared in Online last year.

A month ago, the European Parliament appointed 36 MEPs to lead a year-long 
investigation into Echelon - the codename for a mainly US system for monitoring 
traffic on commercial communications satellites. Echelon has become common parlance 
for the worldwide electronic eavesdropping or signals intelligence (Sigint) network 
run by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) together with the US National 
Security Agency (NSA). The inquiry will ask if the rights of European citizens are 
adequately protected and ascertain whether European industry is put at risk by the 
global interception of communications.

French politicians and lawyers have taken the lead in accusing the US and Britain of 
using their electronic intelligence networks to win business away from foreign rivals. 
US politicians have riposted that France runs a worldwide electronic intelligence 
system of its own - "Frenchelon", based at Domme, near Sarlat in the Dordogne, and 
includes an eavesdropping station in New Caledonia in the Pacific (see 2000/25/ns-16207.html).

Electronic eavesdropping has become a battleground between the US and Russia. The 
Russian-American Trust and Cooperation Act of 2000, passed on July 19, stops President 
Clinton rescheduling or writing off billions of dollars of Russian debts unless a 
Russian spy base in Cuba is "permanently closed".

This base at Lourdes, located on leased land near Havana, was the former Soviet 
Union's most important intelligence facility. It uses Echelon-type systems to collect 
data from telephone calls and satellite links covering the US.

Lourdes allegedly provides "between 60% and 70% of all Russian intelligence data about 
the US". A defector has said that spying from Lourdes has grown dramatically following 
an order by Boris Yeltsin to step up economic and technological espionage against the 

The White House wants to stop the campaign to close Lourdes because other countries 
might then ask the US to close down its identical bases. Documents suggest the US 
would particularly fear the Lourdes effect spreading to Britain, Germany and 
Australia, where the NSA operates large sites. Its station at Menwith Hill, Yorkshire, 
is the largest electronic intelligence base in the world.

The US is not alone in this spying. By the end of the year, the Government Technical 
Assistance Centre (GTAC) will have begun operations from inside MI5's headquarters at 
Thames House, Millbank. Its primary purpose will be to break codes used for private 
email or to protect files on personal computers. It will also receive and hold private 
keys to codes which British computer users may be compelled to give to the government, 
under the RIP Act.

Development of GTAC has been pioneered by the Home Of

[CTRL] U$A Attempts to Recruit Colombian Death Squad Leader

2000-08-13 Thread Oscar

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:49:49 -0500 (CDT) Rich Winkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Breaking News & Views for the ProgressiveFriday August 11 ,
   Community... 2000

Published on Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 7:21 PM by Reuters
Colombia Ultra-Right Warlord Talks of U.S. Covert Ops
by Karl Penhaul

BOGOTA - Colombia's most-feared death squad leader has alleged
that U.S. anti-narcotics agents sought to enlist his outlaw
paramilitary gang to combat drug traffickers, raising fresh fears
of U.S. covert operations in this war-torn Andean nation.

In a television interview late Wednesday, Carlos Castano, leader
of the 5,000-member, ultra-right United Self-Defense Forces of
Colombia (AUC), said the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) asked him to force Colombian drug traffickers to surrender
to U.S. justice.

The plan, he said, was also a way of eroding the economic mainstay
of powerful Marxist rebel factions, whom U.S. and Colombian
authorities accuse of funding a long-running uprising with
proceeds from the booming cocaine and heroin trade.

In Washington on Thursday, the DEA declined to comment on the
allegations, which came less than two months after U.S. Congress
approved a record $1.3 billion package of mostly military aid to
help Colombia fight the drug trade and guerrillas.

``The (U.S.) DEA...sent me a message and through that there was a
possibility of ending narco-trafficking in Colombia,'' Castano
said Wednesday, speaking with RCN television in his stronghold in
northern Cordoba province.

``I received a call saying the DEA was opening the doors so that
Colombian drug traffickers could surrender to U.S. justice and ...
it needed a significant force in Colombia that would induce these
people to take that decision,'' added the ultra-right warlord, who
swapped his trademark combat fatigues for a white knitted sweater
and drab green pants.

At a news conference in Washington, State Department spokesman
Richard Boucher said State Department officials had ''no intention
of soliciting his (Castano's) help'' but did not address claims
against the DEA.

Us Covert Operations

Some U.S. officials have accused Castano of funding his
anti-guerrilla crusade with drug money and insist he has heavy
backing from the military in his ``dirty war'' against suspected
leftist sympathizers. In practice, however, President Andres
Pastrana has done little to track him down.

The RCN interview with Castano coincided with a visit to Colombia
by a high-level U.S. delegation, including White House anti-drug
chief Barry McCaffrey and Undersecretary of State Thomas
Pickering. President Clinton plans to visit Colombia on Aug. 30.

The U.S. aid package has fueled fears that Washington could be
dragged deep into Colombia's civil conflict that has cost 35,000
lives in just the last 10 years. Castano's comments renewed
suspicion that U.S. agencies have been carrying out secret
operations behind the back of the Colombian government and the
U.S. Congress.

``There are serious concerns about the nature of the U.S.
engagement and fears about covert operations and escalating
paramilitary activity,'' said Winifred Tate, Colombia specialist
at the non-governmental Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).

Allegations, though hard to prove, about U.S. covert operations in
Colombia are not new.

DEA agents were suspected of forging a covert alliance linking the
Cali drug cartel, Castano's paramilitary gunmen and Colombian
security forces to combat Pablo Escobar's Medellin cocaine cartel
in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Washington-based Human Rights Watch has also accused U.S. military
intelligence officials of helping Colombia set up the forerunners
of today's illegal paramilitary groups in the late 1960s and early

  Common Dreams NewsCenter is a non-profit news service
providing breaking news and views for the Progressive Community.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use
of which has not always been specifically authorized by the
copyright owner. We are making such material available in our
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2000-08-13 Thread Oscar

by ch@nce 9:51pm Fri Aug 11 '00

"Homeless" laws specifically target homeless individuals and their activities. 
"Status" laws punish people for their economic condition, rather than behavior.

by Dave Oehl

What do you get when you cross a booming national economy with homeless people? Less 
homeless people, right?


What you get, apparently, is not only greater homelessness, but also enactment and 
greater enforcement of laws and policies that criminalize poverty or homelessness. 
Efforts in many cities are now focused on excluding the homeless from downtown areas 
and places where they congregate. It is important to examine public policy as a means 
of social control instead of social change or improvement. To this end, this article 
will provide and discuss some examples of anti-poor policies, and solutions being 
proposed or utilized.

Anti-poor and homeless policies


According to the Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless (ATFH) Criminalization of Poverty 
report, published in 1993, there are two kinds of laws that discriminate against the 
poor and homeless. "Homeless" laws specifically target homeless individuals and their 
activities. "Status" laws punish people for their economic condition, rather than 

Many cities across the country have homeless laws, but they generally fall into the 
general categories. Panhandling is restricted or banned altogether; Massachusetts 
passed a law of this kind several years ago but it was struck down by the state courts 
as unconstitutional. A lawsuit in Los Angeles is challenging its anti-panhandling law. 
Anti-camping ordinances prohibit sleeping on streets or in parks at all or after 
curfew, such as in Austin, Texas. Many cities have no-standing zones where people may 
not linger, or no-sitting areas. Austin and Los Angeles have laws such as these. There 
also exist such arcane laws as the prohibition of public parking lot crossing, in 

In the Arizona city of Tucson, a special zone was created in which it is a crime to 
simply be homeless. Police were arresting homeless people without cause and releasing 
them only when they agreed to stay out of the area for a certain period of time. Alan 
Mason, arrested under this law, was banned from an area that covered just about all of 
downtown, including his lawyer, all the courthouses, the voter registration office, 
and places of worship.

The line between homeless laws and status laws blurs. Most disorderly conduct laws are 
considered status laws by the ATFH, since many homeless are mentally ill, or 
predisposed to erratic behavior, caused by, or the cause of, their homelessness. 
Criminal trespassing, public urination, and public drinking are also considered status 

An example of a recent status ordinance is an ordinance proposed, not passed, in 
September by Ray Suarez of the Chicago City Council to prohibit sleeping in cars. Mr. 
Suarez said that some residents did not feel safe because people were sleeping in cars 
near their homes. Why do they not feel safe? Activists are now making sure that 
Councilor Suarez is educated on this issue and is dealing constructively with it and 
discussing affordable housing.

Other Policies

Many administrations choose to selectively enforce laws to punish homeless people, 
laws that were not originally meant to do so. The laws involved vary from stolen 
property to general trespassing to general sanitation (laws that prohibit dumping in 
vacant lots or blocking entrances or alleys)

New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is creatively sculpting NYC laws to punish the homeless 
and clear the streets, and making up new policies as he goes along.

Giuliani has ordered massive street sweeps to clear out New York's homeless people 
since a tourist was seriously injured when attacked by an allegedly homeless man last 
November. One commentator remarked that this is the first time punishment has been 
meted out before there is even a suspect. If you won't work, you'll be kicked out of a 
shelter, and then you'll be arrested for sleeping on the street. The Mayor is also 
opposed to any minimum wage increases that might help the poor pay for housing. 
Meanwhile he is promoting New York as an urban Disneyland; as a result, rents are 
going up, and the city and state are not creating affordable housing. After a while, 
one begins to suspect his motives.

A New York City police manual for carrying out street sweeps called "Quality of Life 
enforcement Options: A Police Reference Guide" lists 35 offenses for which one can be 
arrested. A homeless man challenging these policies in court was arrested in 1997 on 
an obscure sanitation code violation. He was strip-searched and held for 27 hours; the 
ticket turned out to be invalid.

In Los Angeles, Downtown business improvement districts hired private secur

[CTRL] Fact Sheet: Philadelphia Arrests

2000-08-13 Thread Oscar

>Fact Sheet: Philadelphia Arrests
>Protesters have been held for 10 days in Philadelphia jails on misdemeanor and felony 
>charges inflated far above historical charges for civil disobedience.
>Arrestees have consistently reported physical and sexual abuse by police and prison 
>staff, as listed below. Many of these reports were independently corroborated by 
>legal observers inside the jail. Attorney Larry Krasner, who witnessed jail abuses, 
>can be reached at (215) 636-9500.
>As of this time, one protester still faces $1 million bail on a charge of 
>"ringleading". Other bails remain at $100,000. These bails are the highest ever set 
>for civil disobedience, long understood to be a staple of civil rights organizing.
>Of the original 480 arrests, 275 individuals remain in jail awaiting bail. Police 
>Commissioner Timoney claims that arrestees are refusing to give their names but would 
>be released on their own recognizance if they identified themselves. However, many in 
>custody have given their names and have not been released.
>250 prisoners have been on hunger strike for over a week. 80 women have been on fluid 
>strike for 1 day. Human beings become critically ill after 3 days without fluids. 
>Hospitalization and forced hydration offer prison authorities more opportunities for 
>physical abuse of prisoners.
>Kate Sorensen, Terrence McGuckin, and Paul Davis were all targeted by Philadelphia's 
>"pre-emptive" GOP convention arrests on August 1. Each also were key participants in 
>a recent ACT UP office takeover and lockdown at the United States Trade 
>Representative's office in November 1999. The action was designed to send Charlene 
>Barshefsky - the US Trade Representative - off to the doomed Seattle WTO Rounds with 
>a clear image of domestic opposition to US trade policy blocking international access 
>to cheap, generic AIDS drugs. Only weeks after the protest, President Clinton 
>announced a change in trade policy in favor of "flexibility," given the ramifications 
>of the global AIDS crisis. Al Gore - still haggard from the activist zaps along the 
>campaign trail - told the UN Security Council in February 2000 that "the AIDS 
>activists were right": the Administration should have done more about AIDS in Africa.
>Direct action results in major shifts in the terms of debate, in favor of people with 
>AIDS. So when public officials equate blocking traffic, clogging transportation 
>routes, blocking hotel entrances, and stopping business as usual with "terrorism," 
>"rioting," and "conspiracy," we must fight back. In the history of the AIDS crisis, 
>and the history of the queer liberation movement, we have never won anything by 
>asking. Every positive advance has been the result of struggle. But the tools of 
>struggle and resistance are being taken from our hands.
>The protesters, now incarcerated with the general prison population, have forwarded 
>information about conditions in the prison. The general prison population has issued 
>the following list of demands: the right to a speedy trial, no more waiting two or 
>more years to go to court; prompt medical and dental attention, no more waiting weeks 
>and months for essential medical care; decent food, no more undercooked food, no more 
>dirty or broken trays; end overcrowding, no more packing six prisoners each into the 
>multi-purpose rooms; end abuse by guards, no more beatings of a single handcuffed 
>prisoner by ten guards; reliable phone service, system is constantly down preventing 
>contact with lawyers and family; an end to headcount lockdowns, these are used to 
>deny us phones, showers and visits; prompt credit of monies sent to us from outside 
>and from county payroll; reasonable commissary prices, no outdated food; prompt 
>response to sanitary problems, with toilets, sinks, showers, we need cleaning 
>supplies; real rehabilitation programs.
>*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
>distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving 
>the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
>distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
>The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
>- Mahatma Ghandi
>Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
>Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}
>"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
>it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
>blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
>Republic, but

Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

sensitive subject - YES

Still I have a question, are you an organic farmer?
The situation I read about is a good year with much left
in the fields.  Compost piles would normally have pig
feces in them, potentially human as well to help decompose
the left over parts of the potato plant.

1944 Good year surplus left in fields
1945 bad weather that ruined the crop (left in field)
little if no animal waste (the animals were used
for rent or eaten early), a lot of sick people
so human waste would not have good bacteria

*granted now days they could use a fungicide
-if they are not orgaic farms-
many in England, Ireland, and Scotland are
going to organic farming
they may have to top dress those fields
NOW with good manure if they expect healthy
soil next year.

I am suggesting a potential by-product of the
Irish potato famine.  I am also speculating
on what a by-product of Genetically Modified
crops could do to an organic farm.
All farmers should have been "organic" in 1845.
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

nessie wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >
> >There was a particularly good year the previous year and
> >many potatoes were left in the field.  If you know that the
> >potato is a member of the nightshade family and that the
> >whole plant will turn poisonous with age.  By leaving them
> >in the fields to decompose they could have set themselves
> >up with bad soil, then when the weather turned foul the next
> >year the scene had already been set for fungus.
> I raise potatoes in my yard. The fungus is in the soil. It only becomes a
> problem when the weather is wetter than a certain degree. Last year was an
> El Nino year. It didn't stop raining till June. my crop was ruined. This
> year they're doing fine.
> >
> >Unless the
> >English also controlled the weather in 1845...
> What the Brits controlled was the troops. If you fell behind on your rent
> a bunch of armed men would come around and throw you off of your farm.
> Consequently, my ancestors were forced to raise wheat, beef and pork for
> export, but couldn't afford to eat any. Instead they lived on potatoes.
> The "shanty" Irish (the vast majority of us )typically lived in a two room
> shack. The entire family lived in one room and raised a pig or two in the
> other room. Once a year the pig was slaughtered, the meat sold, and the
> rent paid. This was called "keeping a pig in the parlor." The pig himself
> was called "the gentleman who pays the rent."
> This is how colonialism works. It only ended in Ireland when the Irish had
> killed enough of the right Brits. It still goes on in the North. Today,
> colonialism the world over has evolved into neo-colonialism. Under
> neo-colonialism the political control of the country is in the hands of a
> tiny native elite while the control of the economy is in the hands of
> foreign corporations. This is what the WTO, the IMF, the WB, etc, are all
> about. The right calls this the New World Order. The left calls it
> Neo-Liberalism. Anarchists call it the Same Old Same Old. But what ever
> you call it, it's exploitation and it's wrong.

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] (Fwd) stop this bill in congress--True???

2000-08-13 Thread Marilyn Wright

There have been any number of flase alarms on this one.
Does anyone know if this is true?

--- Forwarded message follows ---

>> > VOTE NO ON Bill 602P
>> >
>> >
>> > I guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill
>> >
>> > 602P 5-cents per E-mail Sent. It figures! No more free
>> >
>> > E-mail! We knew this was coming!! Bill 602P will
>> >
>> > permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent
>> >
>> > charge on every delivered E-mail.
>> >
>> >
>> > Please read the following carefully if you
>> >
>> > intend to stay online, and continue using E-mail. The
>> >
>> > last few months have revealed an alarming trend in the
>> >
>> > Government of the United States attempting to quietly
>> >
>> > push through legislation that will affect our use of
>> >
>> > the Internet.
>> >
>> >
>> > Under proposed legislation, the US Postal
>> >
>> > Service will be attempting to bill E-mail users out of
>> >
>> > "alternative postage fees." Bill 602P will permit the
>> >
>> > Federal Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on
>> >
>> > every E-mail delivered, by billing Internet Service
>> >
>> > Providers at source. The consumer would then be billed
>> >
>> > in turn by the ISP.
>> >
>> >
>> > Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is
>> >
>> > working without pay to prevent this legislation from
>> >
>> > becoming law. The US Postal Service is claiming lost
>> >
>> > revenue, due to the proliferation of E-mail, is
>> >
>> > costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per year. You
>> >
>> > may have noticed their recent ad campaign: "There is
>> >
>> > nothing like a letter."
>> >
>> >
>> > Since the average person received about 10
>> >
>> > pieces of E-mail per day in 1998, the cost of the
>> >
>> > typical individual would be an additional 50 cents a
>> >
>> > day -- or over $180 per year -- above and beyond their
>> >
>> > regular Internet costs. Note that this would be money
>> >
>> > paid directly to the US Postal Service for a service
>> >
>> > they do not even provide. The whole point of the
>> >
>> > Internet is democracy and noninterference. You are
>> >
>> > already paying an exorbitant price for snail mail
>> >
>> > because of bureaucratic efficiency. It currently takes
>> >
>> > up to 6 days for a letter to be delivered from coast
>> >
>> > to coast. If the US Postal Service is allowed to
>> >
>> > tinker with E-mail, it will mark the end of the "free"
>> >
>> > Internet in the United States. Our congressional
>> >
>> > representative, Tony Schnell (R) has even suggested a
>> >
>> > "$20-$40 per month surcharge on all Internet service"
>> >
>> > above and beyond the governments proposed E-mail
>> >
>> > charges
>> >
>> >
>> > Note that most of the major newspapers have
>> >
>> > ignored the story -- the only exception being the
>> >
>> > Washingtonian - which called the idea of E-mail
>> >
>> > surcharge "a useful concept who's time has come"
>> >
>> > (March 6th, 1999 Editorial).
>> >
>> >
>> > Do not sit by and watch your freedom erode
>> >
>> > away! Send this to E-mail to EVERYONE on your list,
>> >
>> > and tell all your friends and relatives write their
>> >
>> > congressional representative and say "NO" to Bill
>> >
>> > 602P. It will only take a few moments of your time and
>> >
>> > could very well be instrumental in killing a bill we
>> >
>> > do not want.

--- End of forwarded message ---
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [endsecrecy] Heart Mountain FEMA Madness

2000-08-13 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Archibald Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Archibald Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] Heart Mountain FEMA Madness
Date: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:06 AM

Rumors, FEMA and the Future

A slightly different version of this article was printed in the Loompanics
Unlimited winter (September) 1998 catalog supplement. This "open-mindedly
skeptical" view of FEMA was actually written in January of that year. It
owes a lot to the work of other authors and researchers, whose articles are
referenced at the end. Except for the portions pertaining to the internment
at Heart Mountain, it isn't primarily the product of my own original
research, but is a compilation of, and meditation upon, research done by


In the prison camp, they nearly went mad with wind and boredom. And with
cold. Many had never seen snow, let alone this 30-below, wind-driven horror.
The winds blew white drifts through the cracks in the floors. The huddled
families could never get warm, could never get used to the screaming,
maddening wind...


We approach the site of the old camp on a January day. The roads are open --
barely. They often close them around here simply because of the wind;
wind-carved humps and sheets of snow send vehicles careening into ditches.
There's nothing to hit in this high desert. But you can roll forever.

The mountain dominates the valley. I never thought a mountain could be ugly
until I saw this one. It looks like the face of huge, sleeping a man. His
nose swells and hooks. He has no lips. Out of his chin a rocky excrescence
protrudes like a wart. No, not exactly a man. More like a deformed god.


In the summertime, in the camp, the wind blew brown drifts through the
cracks in the floors and between the dry, uninsulated boards of the walls.
Every day during harvest, prisoners would be driven outside the barbed wire
enclosure to work in the fields.

But the young men -- more than 600 -- left the camp to fight in the war.
They became soldiers for the government that had imprisoned them.


In 1942, Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, sending more than
110,000 people to relocation camps. Most of the internees were U.S.
citizens. Eleven thousand went to Heart Mountain, north of Cody, Wyoming --
imprisoned without trial for the crime of Japanese descent.

To this day, there are Americans who defend this internal deportation,
saying, "It was for their own good," or, "They weren't like us. They were
loyal to their own kind." The camps, they say, were necessary.

The question is€  ’·Is it about to happen again? Does the U.S. government have
plans to round up citizens and lock them into bitter internment "for the
duration" of some future emergency?

The Internet is rife with rumors. The most persistent rumor says political
dissidents will be targeted, this time.

Skeptics dismiss the rumors as so much conspiracy-mongering. And even some
conspiracy buffs warn against pursuing the tales. When I mentioned I was
looking into that question, one said to me, "That way lies madness. If you
find out there are camps, no one will believe you. And if there are camps,
and you come too close..."

Some rumors do seem preposterous. In the way of urban legends, people who've
"seen the camps being built with their very own eyes" are usually nameless
friends of friends, their stories unverifiable. Other reports might have
perfectly innocent explanations. An acquaintance shouted breathlessly down
the phone that he'd seen, "Barbed wire! High walls! And guard towers!" being
built at Ft. Lewis in Washington state.

Well, yes, I thought. You would see those things being built on a military
base, wouldn't you? Later, photos circulated on the Internet of such
installations. But no one could document their purpose. Experienced military
men within the freedom movement countered that they appeared to be training
facilities for operating POW camps -- a perfectly legitimate operation.
Eerie as such things are, it takes a lot more than this to prove that
concentration camps are being built to house us.

But the reports won't go away. Even where they're shaky on specifics, they
express an intuitive truth about the federal government's view of ordinary
Americans. There's nothing new in that federal opinion.

Shortly after the original internment camps closed, J. Edgar Hoover
conceived a plan called "Security Portfolio," which would have enabled the
president to declare a national emergency, suspend the Constitution, and put
thousands of people into prison with no trial and no habeas corpus rights.

It was the beginning of the Cold War against Americans.

Two years later, Con

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Drug War Rascism

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 8/13/00 11:15:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>This drug war is not about enforcing the Rule of Law. The drug war is
>a rulling class global economic policy. It consolidates Wealth, Power and
>Control over the masses with an Iron fist and millions of prison cells.

Drug War Racism and the Ruling Class
Excerpt from Drug War Economics: The Machine behind the
I met Eldridge Cleaver several years ago in a meeting of
activists in Glendora of all places. I dropped a bombshell on the crowd that got
a nod from the Eldridge Cleaver himself. I stated, "Racism and brutality have a
place in controlling society. It is apparent that racism is used to keep the
minorities in their place. Far more important, however, racism was an example
that kept the white man in their place as well." 
I explained, I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina in the
1960s. Contrary to media hype, it wasn't that whites looked down on Blacks in
the South. It was more like whites were afraid to stand up to the injustice, so
they looked the other way instead. That is how you deal with a government that
you are afraid of. You live your life as a grain of sand on the beach. 
Once you have learned to bow down to injustice, if ordered, you
will pick up a rock and participate in it as well. That's part of the process of
learning your place in this institution called America. The reason I bring this
up is, these corrupt drug laws enslave our legislature, as much or more than
they enslave to public. Government is about power and control of resources where
the power structure does not tollerate rogue legislators. These unenforcable
drug laws enslave our legislature and force their co-operation as well. 
Examples. Joycelyn Elders son was raked over the coals for $50
of Cocaine because Joycelyn Elders refused to co-operate with this dirty little
war. When Dan Burton's son got popped for pounds of pot and walked away, Dan
Burton was bought and paid for as well. If you don't think Obstruction of
Justice was involved in that plea bargain you need another beer.
This is how the game is played in America. Our legislators are
afraid to oppose this dirty little war because their bosses (and I don't mean
the public) will ruin their political careers and their lives at the first sign
of rebellion. This was the reason behind the swift and brutal crackdown on
Proposition 215 in California. The trouble makers had to learn their place in
This drug war is not about enforcing the Rule of Law. The drug
war is enforcing a rulling class global economic policy. It consolidates Wealth,
Power and Control over the masses with an Iron fist and millions of prison
cells. So remember, when our legislators refuse the Drug War carrots, they
will feel the Drug War stick. Joycelyn Elders' son is an example to Congress and
the government that cooperation is manditory. The backlash to Proposition 215 in
California (medical marijuana initiave) is an example of repression for everyone
else. Government is about power and control. 
Sincerely, Jay Lindberg 


2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

Missing old school friends? Find them here:">Click 


>From Rayelan Allan, Publisher of RMNews

When you read the following article -- you will think that it was written by
Rumor Mill News -- but I assure you it wasn't. In fact, I have never heard
of the man who wrote the article.

If you are a regular reader of RMNews, you will see many things referenced
in the following article that our Sources have released. (If you haven't
read Operation Open Eyes -- which is located on the front page of  -- you might want to do so after you read the
following article.)

The following article describes --- in great detail -- how Governor G.W.
Bush grants full clemency -- not just a temporary stay -- to a man convicted
of hundreds of brutal murders which involve torture, rape, cannibalism,
dismemberment, necrophilia, cannibalism, and pedophilia.

With G.W.'s history of executing convicted murderers, what could have caused
him to grant clemency to this man? When you read the entire article -- which
is just the first of a five part series -- you will know more than you ever
wanted to about the United States government's assassin training.

One of the things Gunther Russbacher told me while he and I were married was
that he had gone through the CIA assassin school at a camp outside of
Phoenix, AZ. The training camp was called Center Point. Gunther was very
young when he went through this training -- possiblY as young as 17... maybe
even younger. He was born in 1942, which would make the time he went through
Center Point around 1959 -- maybe a few years earlier or later.  Gunther
said that one of his team mates was none other than George Herbert Walker
Bush, a man who would later become a Congressman, the Director of the CIA,
Ambassador to China, President of the United States and father of the
current candidate for president of the United States.

When Gunther told me the story of their training, he was telling the story
because because something had reminded him of one of the funny things that
happened. Evidently he and George were in a small boat in the middle of a
swamp or lake (I don't know what country or state the swamp or lake was in).
It was the type of swamp or lake that had many dead tree trunks sticking up.
Gunther said Bush was talking constantly, which kept Gunther from
concentrating on the mission. Gunther said he convinced Bush to get out of
the boat and stand on one of the dead tree trunks. When Bush was out of the
boat, Gunther rowed away and left him. Gunther completed the training for
the day and went back to the temporary base camp. When they saw that Bush
was not with him -- they ordered him to go back and get him. After Gunther
completed the story he laughed and said, "If I had left him there, I
wouldn't be in prison right now."

In other words, Gunther was not telling me the story to tell me about the
assassin school, he was telling me the story to tell me a funny thing he had
done to President George Bush -- the man who was responsible for Gunther's
four year incarceration -- which happened during the Bush Presidency.

(If you are interested in more information about Gunther Russbacher, you can
use either the search engine on the front page of or the
search engine on the Forum, aka The Reading Room to find all the articles
written on Gunther. If you are using the search engine in the Reading Room,
make sure you set the search parameters for at least one year --)

Last week when I was talking with Sherman Skolnick, he told me that there is
evidence that G.W. Bush has some kind of connection with a satanic cult that
has been implicated in murder, rape, cannibalism etc. Sherman's description
of the satanic cult sounds very similar to the descriptions of the murderer
that G.W. granted clemency.

Gunther also told me about the Life Management Institute (LMI) which is
located in Waco, TX. In the early 60's, Gunther was an instructor at this
institute. What did they do there? They taught various forms of mind
control. Who were some of the students? David Koresh and Mark Phillips.
Former FBI Director William Sessions was a member of the Waco City Council
during the years that LMI was at it height.

The late attorney Paul Wilcher, wrote about LMI in the Wilcher Report.
Gunther and his SEALS gave Paul most of his information. Paul tried to
deliver the Wilcher Report to Attorney General Janet Reno. He wanted her to
know that the Waco holocaust was carried out to hide a government mind
controlled domestic terrorism cult. (If you want a copy of the Wilcher
Report -- email me -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  for information)

When you read the following article, you will understand why I felt it must
have been writt

Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>There was a particularly good year the previous year and

>many potatoes were left in the field.  If you know that the

>potato is a member of the nightshade family and that the
>whole plant will turn poisonous with age.  By leaving them

>in the fields to decompose they could have set themselves

>up with bad soil, then when the weather turned foul the next

>year the scene had already been set for fungus.

I raise potatoes in my yard. The fungus is in the soil. It only becomes a
problem when the weather is wetter than a certain degree. Last year was an
El Nino year. It didn't stop raining till June. my crop was ruined. This
year they're doing fine.

>Unless the

>English also controlled the weather in 1845...

What the Brits controlled was the troops. If you fell behind on your rent
a bunch of armed men would come around and throw you off of your farm.
Consequently, my ancestors were forced to raise wheat, beef and pork for
export, but couldn't afford to eat any. Instead they lived on potatoes.
The "shanty" Irish (the vast majority of us )typically lived in a two room
shack. The entire family lived in one room and raised a pig or two in the
other room. Once a year the pig was slaughtered, the meat sold, and the
rent paid. This was called "keeping a pig in the parlor." The pig himself
was called "the gentleman who pays the rent."

This is how colonialism works. It only ended in Ireland when the Irish had
killed enough of the right Brits. It still goes on in the North. Today,
colonialism the world over has evolved into neo-colonialism. Under
neo-colonialism the political control of the country is in the hands of a
tiny native elite while the control of the economy is in the hands of
foreign corporations. This is what the WTO, the IMF, the WB, etc, are all
about. The right calls this the New World Order. The left calls it
Neo-Liberalism. Anarchists call it the Same Old Same Old. But what ever
you call it, it's exploitation and it's wrong.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] In Sky Over Ocean City, Multiple Mysteries

2000-08-13 Thread Samantha L.


To view the entire article, go to

In Sky Over Ocean City, Multiple Mysteries

OCEAN CITY, Md., Aug. 3 - The mysterious silvery balls came first--pretty,
12-inch-diameter spheres that floated down from the sky in and around this
resort town, amid rumors that they had been dropped by black helicopters.

This was followed by widespread alarm when word spread that the City
Council--meeting behind closed doors--had granted the military permission to
test the Patriot missile's radar at the municipal airport.

Toss in a few sonic booms from military jets in recent days, and some Ocean
City residents are up in arms.

"They have no business putting this on in a resort community," said Hollis
Martin, a homeowner in nearby South Point. "Go out to the desert and do your

Even Maryland's Democratic senators, Barbara A. Mikulski and Paul S.
Sarbanes, have weighed in, sending a letter last week to Secretary of Defense
William S. Cohen asking for information about the radar testing.

"We are also requesting that the report include information on any!
 . . . helicopters in the West Ocean City area and the launching of 32-ounce
spheres," the letter said.

Margaret Pillas, a City Council candidate helping spearhead the resistance,
puts it more simply: "Just tell us what's happening to us, not 30 years from
now, when we learn they've done God knows what to us."

What's happening is: Next week, at the height of the beach season, the
military will start a series of tests designed to improve the performance of
the Patriot antimissile system, known for its decidedly mixed results 10
years ago in the Persian Gulf War.

No missiles will be fired--or even brought to Ocean City.

Instead, jets will fly in circles far offshore, and technicians will assess
how well the Patriot's radar system tracks them, in conjunction with radars
on nearby Wallops Island and a Navy cruiser at sea.

Ocean City makes a convenient spot for testing because of the possibilities
for triangulation and integration among the three radar sources.

"We surveyed n!
orth and south, and the bottom line is, the best geometry was the Ocean City
airport area," said an official from the Ballistic Missile Defense Office.
The military wants to do the tests now, during the peak summer season, to
avoid delaying missile firing tests scheduled elsewhere this fall.

Of course, none of that explains the silvery balls.

They do, in fact, exist. Pillas has one hidden in a secret location. "It's
the only actual evidence we have so far," she said. "We don't have a
helicopter yet. This is the first thing we've had that everybody said we
didn't see."

A resident named Wendy Garliss first spotted one of the silvery balls during
the winter in a field off Route 50 near the new Wal-Mart. She kept it in her
back yard, where her dog and children played with it. She gave it little
thought until the radar controversy erupted, when she turned it over to

Pillas drove it around town in her Jaguar for several days, trying to get
someone to identify it. "Source!
 of Mysterious Balls Unknown," read a headline in a local paper.

Last week, the Patuxent River Naval Air Station identified the balls, saying
they are harmless aluminum spheres routinely released from P-3 aircraft to
calibrate radar at the Southern Maryland installation. They have nothing to
do with the planned Patriot radar testing, according to military officials.

Pillas remains skeptical about the explanation, and today she took a reporter
and photographer to see her sphere on condition they keep its location

"I have it buried until we know exactly what it is," Pillas said of the ball.
"I want it to be analyzed by a group independent of the government."

The Navy has no problem with that. "Anyone who finds a sphere is welcome to
keep it or put it in with other aluminum recyclables," read a statement
released by the naval air station.

The source of the sonic booms remained unclear. Spokesmen for several East
Coast installations said they knew nothing about !
them. As for the black helicopters, no one is claiming them, either.

City officials acknowledge that residents are not imagining things, or at
least not everything.

"I'm not going to say that the silver balls, black helicopters and sonic
booms don't exist," Mayor James N. Mathias Jr., clad in a golf shirt and
shorts, said in an interview today in his office.

But the mayor said he is convinced that the radar tests do not pose a danger
to residents or wildlife and are important for the national defense. "Who
knows when the next time our sons and daughters will need these weapons for
protection," he said. "This is the least the town can do."

A book-length environmental assessment conducted by the military--released
Wednesday and rushed to Ocean City by courier early this morning--concludes
that there would be "either no impacts at all or mini

Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun

2000-08-13 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I am proud of my German heritage.

Good for you. Anybody who doesn't want Germans on their side is a fool.
Compared to Americans, they're moral giants. Except for a handful of token
bomb runs on Yugoslavia, the German military hasn't waged war in half a
century. In the last nine years America's military has killed a half a
million Iraqis, almost all of them women and children.

I have a very close personal friend who grew up in the Hartz Mountains
because at the end of the last war her family was run out of Selesia where
they had lived as far back as anybody could remember. I've heard about it
from her, and she from her parents. It was ugly. The war hurt everybody
involved. No side was spared.

To blame it on my friend, though, just because she was German, would be
absurd. She hadn't even been born yet. Nazism was a total disaster for
Germany. It was the worst thing ever happened to Germans. That doesn't
mean it can't make a comeback. Nazism far from dead. The greatest lesson
of the twentieth century is that these guys need to be slapped back down
every time they raise their head. Better to nip them in the bud. It makes
for a great savings in blood and treasure. Read The Beast Reawakens by
Martin Lee for details. Sorry I can't tell you the ISBN off the top of my
head, but my copy is loaned out. but it's in print and easy to find.  It's
an excellent read. Check it out.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-13 Thread Michael Pugliese

 On Terry Reed, Colby and co. ever read the Doug Valentine book on
Operation Phoenix?
  Michael Pugliese
P.S. I think the deCamp story is a money making scheme. How long will y'all
rubes in the Mid-West buy that snake oil?
Course we "rootless cosmopolitans" on the East and west Coasts have plenty
New Age Charlatans about milking the liberals!

From: Ralph McGehee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Vietnam,  63-73   Pru supervised, controlled and financed by
americans. Vietnam info notes published by state dept says: "the
target for 69 calls For the elimination of 1800 vci a month. Gvn
doc said phoenix killed 40,994. Colby testified before congress
that phoenix resulted in death of 20,587 persons. Frazier, h.
(Ed). (1978). Uncloaking the cia 111, 125

Vietnam,  65-68   U.s./gvn create list active nlf for
assassination. After 68 tet offensive names centralized to
phoenix coordinators. Collect names Tens of thousands nlf
suspects. Milt. Ops such as my lai use phoenix intel. By 73,
phoenix generates 300,000 polit. Prisoners in svn. Counterspy
5/73 22

Vietnam,  65-70  Details re vietnam. From 65-68 u.s. And saigon
intel Services maintained an active list of vc cadre marked for
assassination. Phoenix program for 69 called for "neutralizing"
1800 a month. About one Third of vc targeted for arrest had been
summarily killed. Security Committees established in provincial
interrogation centers to determine Fate of vc suspects, outside
of judicial controls. Green berets and navy Seals most common
recruits for phoenix program. Green beret detachment b-57
Provided admin cover for other intel units. One was project
cherry, tasked To assassinate cambodian officials suspected of
collaborating with nvnese, And kgb. Another was project oak
targeted against svnese suspected Collaborators. They controlled
by special assistant for counterinsurgency And special
activities, which worked with cia outside of general abrams
Control. Stein. J. (1992). A murder in wartime 360-1

Vietnam,  66-73  Phoenix op from 1/68 thru 5/71, cords reported
20,857 vci Killed. Gvt of vn reported 40,994 from 8/68 thru mid
71. Per cord Statistics 12.4% deaths could be attributed to
phoenix ops. Kenneth osborn Of program said phoenix became a
depersonalized murder program. A dept of Defense analyst thayer,
found that 616 suspected vci targeted by phoenix From 1/70 thru
3/71 were killed by phoenix forces. After war nvnese foreign
Minister nguyen co thach said cia's assassination program
slaughtered far More than the 21,000 officially listed by the u.
s. In some parts of south 95% of communist cadre assassinated or
compromised by phoenix. Manning, r., (Ed), (1988). War in the
shadows: the vietnam experience 72

Vietnam,  68-72   Under phoenix "security committees" in
provincial "Interrogation centers" would determine fate suspected
nlf. Counterspy Spring/summer 78 8

Vietnam,  69   Under phoenix in july 69 "vietnam information
notes," a State dept publication said target for 69 elimination
of 1,800 vci per Month. Frazier, h. (Ed). (1978). Uncloaking the
cia 97

Vietnam,  73   According to defense dept official 26,369 south
vietnamese Civilians killed under phoenix while op under direct
u.s. Control (jan  68 Thru aug  72 ). By same source, another 33,
358 detained without trial. Colby in  73  Admitted 20,587 deaths
thru end  71 , 28,978 captured, and 17,717 "rallied" to saigon
gvt. Thus approx 30% targeted individuals Killed. All phoenix
stats fail to reflect u.s. Activity after "official" U.s. Control
of op abandoned. Counterspy spring/summer 75 8

Vietnam,  75   Counter-spy magazine describes phoenix program as
"the most Indiscriminate and massive program of political murder
since the nazi death Camps of world war two." counterspy
spring/summer 75 6

Vietnam. Phoenix program to neutralize vci (tax collectors,
supply Officers, political cadre, local military officials, etc).
Plan to send pru Or police teams to get in practice, death the
frequent result of such ops, Some times through assassinations
pure and simple. Powers, t. (1979). The Man who kept the secrets

Vietnam. Phoenix program took over 20,000 lives,  65-72  U.s.
Congress, Church committee report. (1976) b 1 27

Vietnam, july  71   Colby inserted chart to representative reid
showing That some 67,282 persons had been neutralized by phoenix
ops against vc Between  68-71   Of these 31 percent had been
killed, 26% rallied, and 43% Captured or sentenced. Frazier, h.
(Ed). (1978). Uncloaking the cia 18

Vietnam,  67-73   The phoenix program used the cia's
assassination squads, The former counter terror teams later
called the provincial reconnaissance Units (pru). Technically
they did not mark cadres for assassinations but in Practice the
pru's anticipated resistance in disputed areas and shot first.
People taken prisoner were denounced in saigon-held areas, picked
up at Checkpoints or captured in combat and later identified as
vc. Sheehan, n. (1988). A bright s

[CTRL] Fwd: "Voices," OC Preschool Killer

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

LA Times
Saturday, August 12, 2000

O.C. Driver Hatched Idea to Kill Kids Years Before
Crime: Man accused in two deaths after his car plowed into a preschool yard
tells psychiatrists it was to stop maddening government 'brain waves.' He
also expresses remorse.

By STUART PFEIFER, Times Staff Writer

 A man accused of intentionally plowing his car into a Costa Mesa
preschool playground conceived the attack years in advance, hoping that
killing "innocent" children would halt the voices he claims the government
was beaming into his brain, according to records unsealed Friday.
 Psychiatric reports, released by an Orange County judge at the request
of The Times, provide the first detailed look into the mind of a man accused
of killing two preschoolers and injuring five others in May 1999.
 In interviews with psychiatrists appointed by the court, Steven Allen
Abrams repeatedly expresses disbelief at his own actions while justifying
them as the only way to stop the "brain waves" that flooded his mind.
 "I still don't believe I did it, that I could possibly do what I did,"
Abrams said. "I'm not a killer. . . . I love kids."
 The 40-year-old Santa Ana man said he doesn't care whether he's put to
death but worries about encountering in court the families of the victims,
Sierra Soto, 4, and Brandon Wiener, 3.
 "I dread the day I have to go to court to face them," he said. "There's
nothing I could say to them. If I said, 'Sorry,' that wouldn't be
 The 52 pages of psychiatric records portray Abrams as a man haunted by
delusions that the CIA or some other government agency wanted him to become
a killer. For several years, he drove by the Costa Mesa day-care center,
believing that if he killed the children, the government would stop
torturing his mind.
 According to the psychiatric records, Abrams began to display mental
problems in 1994, about the time a spurned romantic relationship developed
into stalking charges. He eventually spent several months in jail and
psychiatric hospitals. Abrams began looking for new meaning in coincidences
and became convinced people were following him, according to the records.
 After interviewing Abrams at the Orange County Jail, Dr. David Sheffner
concluded that the accused child killer suffers from "a most severe and
major disorder." Another psychiatrist, Jose Moral, found that Abrams
probably didn't understand "the wrongfulness of his actions" at the time of
the crime. 
 Abrams, who has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, could face
the death penalty if convicted. His trial is expected to begin in the next
few weeks. 
 Defense attorneys are expected to base their case on mental illness,
but Abrams contends to the psychiatrists that he functioned normally until
age 34, even raising a daughter as a single parent.
 Both psychiatrists traced Abrams' mental troubles to his brief
relationship in 1994 with a neighbor, who broke up with him after a few
 Abrams pleaded guilty to stalking the ex-girlfriend but now says it was
only because the judge in that case, Robert D. Monarch, "tricked" him.
 "He was one of the brain wave people, the judge," Abrams said in the
psychiatric reports.
 The fatal attack at the Southcoast Early Childhood Learning Center came
hours after a confrontation with another driver on the Costa Mesa Freeway.
When the driver of a Toyota Camry cut in front of him, Abrams said, he
figured the government was behind it and proceeded to ram the car until the
driver got out of his way, according to the records.
 He drove himself and his 19-year-old daughter home, then became enraged
when he realized his actions on the freeway could cost him his driver's
license and his car.
 "I'm going to end it all," Abrams told his daughter, Stephanie Young,
according to the reports.
 He grabbed his keys and left the house. He was ready "to do it, after
all these years of thinking about it," he states in the court records.
 His daughter, in interviews with the court psychiatrists, recalled that
she told him, "Don't hurt anybody."
 The preschool, Abrams said, was an appropriate target because it was
affiliated with a Baptist church. In addition to an unknown government
agency, Abrams blamed the Baptist church for his troubles. He thought the
church might also have been toying with his mind out of anti-Semitism.
Abrams' father, who died when he was a child, was Jewish, according to the
 Abrams told psychiatrists that he drove his Cadillac Coupe de Ville
past the preschool, turned around and accelerated into the playground,
pinning children beneath the car. He sat in the car, weeping and rambling
about the judge, until police arrived.
 For his insanity defense to prevail, Abrams' lawyers must prove he
could not understand the consequences of his actions on the day of the
crime. The two court-appointed psychiatrists, Sheffner and Moral, conclude
in their reports that A

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 3

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

I must comment on this part of Alex Constantine's essays on the John Birch

Having read, corresponded and having met Mr. Sutton, I do beg to differ with
my colleague and friend Alex about his characterization of Mr. Sutton, his
motivations and body of work.

Presented below are Mr. Sutton's answers to Alex's story.


Comments from Antony Sutton:

Gross distortion. .

"The government, Sutton confides, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL
BANKERS have kept the lid on machines that produce free energy and
"acoustical levitation""

a) I have never mentioned "international bankers" in FTIR.  Give me a direct
b) acoustical levitation is worked on by US Gov and a great deal of their
work is open.  I have some reports  right HERE. There is no "lid",JUST USUAL
c)  the free energy developments I discuss are CHEMICAL  processes.  Use of
the word "machines" suggest the writer is totally UNINFORMED of the ongoing

Further we have the following

"Sutton...contends that "possible advanced alien technology"  has been
reverse engineered and is squandered by the Feds"

The four words in quotes are correct, the rest is not.  I emphasize that
Colonel Corso has not proven his case about alien tech.  It i s Corso  that
states it has been reverse engineered., not me
I did publish a document that suggests back engineering but remain skeptical
Again give me a direct quote on "is squandered by the Feds"  Never wrote that


No problem!

 Unfortunately [the] facts [aren't] right . . .


2.  76 press went out of business maybe 30 years ago.  They published ONE of
my books

3.  I dont know and have never met WCleon Skousen, Schaffley, Chester Ward,
Dan Smoot, and have never been a member of Birch society.  I did meet Robert
once, and frankly I was not too impressed.

4.  I was thrown out of Hoover Institution because I would NOT go along with
their fascist views.  How many people does Alex know who would accept
ejection rather than go along?

5.  Gary North I meet maybe 35 years ago, once.Bosom ally??

And so on.

Alex should know I spent four years of my life in the Army,,landed in
Normandy in June 1944 and saw the worst of  Nazism including Belsen and
starving kids in Holland..  You think I have the slightest sympathy for
Nazism, or fascism, or communism or any other "isms" you are nuts.  I am just
a simple libertarian who sees the state as the source of our problems

Kris if you want to circulate this, its OK.  But I really havnt time to reply
to this nonsense...

All best wishes and take a look at Hegel.


Kris... for distribution if you wish

For some years now Ive noted a weird  almost psychedelic approach to research.

I first met in when FTIR subscribers sent me stuff from a Boston outfit which
stated I was a known anti-semitic etc etc.

They could not of course quote any proof.So I went to Bnai Brith and
asked them to check their records please.  They came back and said nothing in
our files,, not even a hint of anti semitism  Other Jewish sources said the
same.  In fact the Council on Soviet Jewry saw me as an ally.

I went back to this Boston outfit and asked them to retract.  They gave a
half hearted retraction then added another piece of nonsense ie that
libertarianism is really concealed fascism.  At that point I was tempted to
ask what he was smoking but decided that this absurdity could go on for ever
if I kept taking the bait...  There is a school of politics out there that
does not READ
an author, they look at a publishers name, or an institution and assume
whatever they want to assume, juvenile antics.

. . .   Nothing about my content.  [The] comments are accusatory and based on

My guess is that this nonsense has its origins in Gramsci, the Italian
Marxist.   But I dont know.
 . . .

Irritating thats all Im tempted to say to these people "get a life".


This is absolute nonsense.

This man has a fervent imagination and little else  Here are some totally
erroneous quotes.

"to this day he publishes in the New American"

I have NEVER published in NEW AMERICAN.  Dont even know what it is.

"turned out books for 76 press"

I think Gary Allen picked up the rights from my agent for ONE BOOK  "WALL
STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER"A critique of the very people that
Constantine says I approve of!!

"approved separation of races in South Africa"
Absolute lie.,  I went to SA because of my work on Gold and diamonds.

Dont know if I told you this,

When I was working with the Hoover editors on the final versions of my 3
I noted they were insistent that any mention of  US military help to the
Soviets had to be eliminated.   This came from "upstairs", from Possony,
Staar, Campbell etc.  The CIA TYPES..

I dId not fight this on tactical grounds, I wanted to get the 3 volumes in
print first..

Quietly, I told no one

Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

What happens to rats if their education
is to go after one another?

Those that dare to teach
should never stop learning
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Didn't mean you personally Piper; for music we know can have a fatal
> attraction for it was a magic tune the Piper played.
> Too may rats?   What did this symbolize when Prince Philip said people
> are like rats when they are crowded..such a nice man straight out of
> a fairy tale?
> Sorry Piper - will drop that legend from my list.
> Maybe go after the song of the Sirens?
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The spy in your server

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here:,3605,352394,00.html">G
uardian Unlimited | The spy in your server

  The spy in your server

There is no hiding place on the net as governments around the world chase
your data, reports Duncan Campbell

Special report: privacy on the net

Thursday August 10, 2000

Governments all over the world have suddenly become embroiled in controversy
about electronic surveillance of the internet. In the United States, a
political storm has arisen over a new FBI internet tapping system codenamed
Carnivore. In Britain, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIP) Act has
just extended telephone-tapping powers to cover internet service providers
(ISPs), and allows the government to arrange indiscriminate tapping or email
interception for foreign police forces and security agencies.

In the Netherlands, the Dutch security service BVD admitted two weeks ago
that it has been collecting emails sent abroad by companies. In the Hague,
laws are being prepared to allow the Justice Ministry to tap into email and
subscriber records, scan messages and mobile phone calls, and track users'

The Australian government has passed laws allowing security agents to attack
and modify computers secretly to obtain information. Many other governments
have similar schemes in the pipeline.

These developments are no coincidence but the direct result of secret
planning over seven years by an international co-ordinating group set up by
the FBI, after Congress twice refused to extend its telephone tapping powers
for digital networks. Under the innocuous title of the International Law
Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar (ILETS), the group has met annually to
plan for and lobby to make telecommunications systems

ILETS excluded lawyers and industry specialists who might have advised on the
arrangements to protect privacy and human rights, or on the feasi bility and
cost of the intelligence officers' wish list of interception requirements. As
a result, the laws based on their recommendations have repeatedly caused

The work of ILETS first came to light in late 1997, when a British
researcher, Tony Bunyan, revealed collaboration between EU staff and the FBI
for many years. Details of plans to compel ISPs all over the world to install
secret internet interception "black boxes" in their premises appeared in Onlin
e last year.

A month ago, the European Parliament appointed 36 MEPs to lead a year-long
investigation into Echelon - the codename for a mainly US system for
monitoring traffic on commercial communications satellites. Echelon has
become common parlance for the worldwide electronic eavesdropping or signals
intelligence (Sigint) network run by the Government Communications
Headquarters (GCHQ) together with the US National Security Agency (NSA). The
inquiry will ask if the rights of European citizens are adequately protected
and ascertain whether European industry is put at risk by the global
interception of communications.

French politicians and lawyers have taken the lead in accusing the US and
Britain of using their electronic intelligence networks to win business away
from foreign rivals. US politicians have riposted that France runs a
worldwide electronic intelligence system of its own - "Frenchelon", based at
Domme, near Sarlat in the Dordogne, and includes an eavesdropping station in
New Caledonia in the Pacific (see 2000/25/ns-16207.html)

Electronic eavesdropping has become a battleground between the US and Russia.
The Russian-American Trust and Cooperation Act of 2000, passed on July 19,
stops President Clinton rescheduling or writing off billions of dollars of
Russian debts unless a Russian spy base in Cuba is "permanently closed".

This base at Lourdes, located on leased land near Havana, was the former
Soviet Union's most important intelligence facility. It uses Echelon-type
systems to collect data from telephone calls and satellite links covering the

Lourdes allegedly provides "between 60% and 70% of all Russian intelligence
data about the US". A defector has said that spying from Lourdes has grown
dramatically following an order by Boris Yeltsin to step up economic and
technological espionage against the west.

The White House wants to stop the campaign to close Lourdes because other
countries might then ask the US to close down its identical bases. Documents
suggest the US would particularly fear the Lourdes effect spreading to
Britain, Germany and Australia, where the NSA operates large sites. Its
station at Menwith Hill, Yorkshire, is the largest electronic intelligence
base in the world.

The US is not alone in this spying. By the end of the year, the Government
Technical Assistance Centre (GTAC) will have begun operations from inside
MI5's headquarters at Thames House, Millbank. Its primary purpose will

[CTRL] OEN 8/13/00

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here:">The Home Page of J. Orlin

The Heirs of Michael Milken

Money Lives in Los Angeles

Drexel, Burnham, Lambert, we hardly knew ye.

LOS ANGELES -- For one bright but ultimately fleeting moment in the 1980's,
the financial industry here was as hot as Malibu in August.

Michael Milken, the former Drexel Burnham Lambert financier, presided over an
X-shaped desk in Beverly Hills, managing a brain trust that helped finance
the restructuring of corporate America. The headquarters for two of the
country's largest commercial banks, Security Pacific Bank and First
Interstate, anchored the downtown business district. And the savings and loan
business prospered, offering cheap loans to home buyers and fueling
California's housing boom.

In a place built on the notion that fantasies can be manufactured with little
more than plywood and good lighting, financiers became the Hollywood
equivalent of bankable stars. Even Wall Street was awestruck by the
hundred-million-dollar bonuses and huge fees generated by the junk-bond
legerdemain of Mr. Milken and his minions.

But fame, like natural beauty, can fade. By the end of the decade, many of
the movers and shakers who enjoyed the city's moment in the sun were burned
badly. Drexel declared bankruptcy in 1990; Mr. Milken served time in prison
for securities violations. The major commercial banks were taken over. And
many of the savings institutions, like Columbia Savings and Loan Association,
crumbled under the weight of too much debt.
In time, Silicon Valley, the center up north of almost all things wired, grew
to a point that, though its only game was venture capital, it could claim
status as the financial capital of the West.

Yet Angelenos have always been adept at reinventing themselves. And quietly,
the city's financial types are trying to do just that. A new generation of
financiers is emerging in Los Angeles, providing financing in more diverse
ways than before.

Fledgling idea factories, called "incubators" because they seek to grow new
companies quickly, are sprouting up from Pasadena to Santa Monica. Young,
wealthy technology entrepreneurs are turning themselves into angels --
investors who use their own money to back ideas in which they believe. Even
investment banks are growing again. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, for example,
one of the premiere Wall Street institutions, has doubled the size of its
banking staff in Los Angeles in the last three years, to 32 professionals,
adding bankers to cover the burgeoning new-media industry.

Most noticeably, the venture capital business has had a facelift. The number
of venture firms based in Los Angeles County has grown fourfold since 1995,
to 32, according to the National Venture Capital Association.

The money raised, meanwhile, quadrupled between 1997 and 1999, when it
reached $1.34 billion, according to the VentureOne Corporation which also
tracks the venture capital industry. That is much more than in any other
county in Southern California, which raised $5.4 billion over all in the last
15 months. Such numbers probably come as a surprise to many.

"This level of venture investment will likely transform the self-image of Los
Angeles from an entertainment and defense economy to an entrepreneurial and
technology environment," said Dave Witherow, chief executive of VentureOne in
San Francisco.
Of course, Los Angeles will never rival Wall Street, with its abundance of
brokerage firms, commercial banks and investment firms. And it is no sure
thing that this generation of financial innovators will have more staying
power than the one that preceded it. Already, a handful of promising
endeavors have not panned out.
And some seasoned venture capitalists are playing down the prospect that Los
Angeles will come into its own anytime soon. Sure, Silicon Valley financiers
are making investments in Southern California companies. But they are not
moving here. Instead, they are choosing to set up new operations in London
or, in the case of the blue-chip firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers,
remain focused on start-ups close to home.
"That is not a decision by omission," said John Doerr, a partner at Kleiner
and one of the most sought-after venture capitalists. While Kleiner plans to
make some investments in Southern California companies, he said, it has no
plans to open offices there.

The Digital Chess Game
An example of the new class of investors that is rising here is Stephen
Rader, a co-founder last May of Clarity Partners, a $1 billion venture firm.
For him, the less competition from outsiders like Mr. Doerr, the better.
"This is great to hear," he said, sounding upbeat during an interview in his
ninth-floor office not far from Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. "They figure
they can fly in and do it? Great," he said. "We are across the street."

Los Angeles deal makers have been buzzing about Mr. Rader and his Clarity
team all summer. It seem


2000-08-13 Thread Michael Pugliese


By: Erik Jay
Ask ten different people about The John Birch Society and you will probably
get ten different responses, at least two or three of which will be some
variant of "I never heard of it." Among people familiar with the
organization, you would have to increase the sampling five- or ten-fold to
get a single positive comment.
This is a profoundly unpopular group, to put it mildly; a widely detested
one, to put it bluntly. But it is, quite frankly, even less understood than
it is admired. It is not, as most liberals think and most newspapers
dutifully parrot, allied with the Ku Klux Klan; in fact, the groups are
mortal enemies, and it was a Bircher who infiltrated the Klan for the FBI
and helped send six of its members to prison for the 1964 murders of three
young civil rights workers. It is not, as some conservatives and
libertarians believe, composed entirely of what "Liberty" magazine editor R.
W. Bradford terms "dimwit paranoids" (1) who mutter about the Illuminati or
the Zionists; there are any number of Birchers who are thoughtful,
discerning, and responsible people ‹ although the Society does have its
share of cranks, certainly.
Sadly, The John Birch Society ‹ named after a Baptist missionary killed by
the Chinese communists shortly after the end of World War II is not what
most of its members think it is, either. It isn't run by principled patriots
committed to a set of immutable "Americanist" goals, and it most certainly
is not worthy of the trust or respect its misled members deserve for the
millions of dollars they've poured into it over the years. In fact, The John
Birch Society always small but getting ever smaller, always wanting for
funds but now verging on bankruptcy, always on the fringe but now poised on
the brink of lasting obscurity is nothing more than a small, shadowy
assemblage of hypocritical moralists who don't want Americans to be free so
much as they want them to behave. Today, The John Birch Society's leaders
 these men who claim to represent thousands of dutiful dues-paying patriots
while they actually pursue their own secret, self-serving agenda are
fighting a pitched battle for simple survival even as they continue to
posture as the "only real opposition" to the "enemies of freedom [who] mean
to establish total domination of the planet."
That claim by the Society's then-Chief Executive Officer, G. Allen Bubolz,
was part of a videotaped message delivered to JBS members in April of 1990.
The video, shown across the country at local Chapter meetings, was but one
of a series of endless videotaped, telemarketed, and mass-mailed appeals to
members for patience, for understanding, for resoluteness and, of course,
for more and more money. A generally aging, decidedly fractious, and
demonstrably dwindling membership is constantly harangued from JBS
headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin (ironically, the hometown of one of the
Society's heroes, Senator Joseph McCarthy) for ever greater "sacrifices" in
the war to "save America." In Birch parlance, "sacrifice" means, in order of
importance, (a) sending money, (b) obeying directives, and (c) recruiting
new members who will do the same.
The number of dues-paying members reached a high of approximately 100,000
during Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign of 1964, in which the group's
minor, tangential, but well-advertised role presumably aided its recruiting
efforts. Never an official part of the Goldwater organization, much less the
national Republican Party machine, the Birchers nevertheless were active in
supporting the Arizona Senator's bid for the White House, as it was for them
a common cause "for God and country." Their major contribution to the
campaign ‹ their only measurable, mainstream success before or since, in
fact ‹ was the distribution through their American Opinion bookstores of
thousands of low-cost paperback editions of Goldwater's "The Conscience of a
Today, although reticent by dint of either embarrassment and/or
secretiveness on the subject of its size, the Society will occasionally cite
"tens of thousands and growing" (2) as a membership figure; several
employees terminated in the 1990's, whose positions made them privy to data
concerning membership, the Society's "Continuing Support Club," the
circulation figures for various publications, Chapter rosters, etc.,
estimate the number at anywhere from a low of 5,000 to a high of 20,000. But
whatever the correct number is, it is inherently misleading vis-à-vis the
Society's effectiveness.
For one thing, the structure of the Society severely limits individual
initiative; it would be impossible to calculate the amount of energy and
efficacy squandered because of the monolithic control exerted by JBS
Headquarters through its paid national field staff ("Coordinators," "Major
Coordinators," and "Fund Raisers"). For another, there is no 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cocaine "vaccine" and the crazy Cohen who want to inject YOU !

2000-08-13 Thread Kris Millegan

It is very unfortunate that something like the Village Voice, which many of
us (MISTAKENLY?) believe to be a "reliable/alternative" source of
information has published this piece of JUNK JOURNALISM, which although it
does give some good information on the narrow topic of it's coverage, also
includes PROPAGANDA straight from the government and the pharmaceutical
medical/industrial complex and all of it's legal drug-pushers.

For ACCURATE information on the DANGERS of vaccination; on the FACT that
they are UNPROVEN as to efficacy OR safety; on the FACT that there are
THOUSANDS of infants yearly who are killed or permanently damaged by
vaccines; on the very likely theory that vaccination promotes LONG TERM
DETERIORATION of optimal health -leading to HIGHER PROFITS for the very
industry that makes and promotes them(!!) see:

Please forward this, and consider sending your own comment to the editor of
the Village Voice [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Dave Hartley

New Vaccines May Drug-Proof Kids
Injecting Big Brother
by Carla Spartos

The war on drugs may soon be over, but not because of legalization, stiffer
penalties, or a truce between cartels and prohibitionists. This uneasy peace
would come at the hands of pharmaceutical companies and biotech labs, which
are about to unleash the ultimate weapon: the antidrug vaccine.
One anti-cocaine vaccine, already shown to be safe for humans-

(( *Editorial NOTES: this is OBVIOUSLY A COMPLETE CROCK OF SHIT ! NO vaccine
has EVER been or EVER WILL BE "proven safe" because NONE IS!! -dave
" In regions in which there is no organized vaccination of the population,
general paralysis is rare. It is impossible to deny a connection between
vaccination and the encephalitis (brain damage) which follows it."  Journal
of the American Medical Association July 3, 1926, p.45
"No batch of vaccine can be proved safe before it is given to children."
Surgeon General of the United States Leonard Scheele, addressing an AMA
convention in 1955
"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used"
Dr. James A. Shannon, National Institutes of Health
"The decision to have your children vaccinated is yours, alone, to make"
Parents Guide to Childhood Immunization, page 5, USPHS/CDC, 1977. ))

-prevents people who snort coke from getting high. Researchers are also
testing vaccines for nicotine. And results look promising for the
eradication of PCP abuse and methamphetamine addiction. The National
Institute on Drug Abuse has funded much of the development
cost—approximately $4.5 million since 1996. "Just as medications have been
developed for other chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and
cancer," writes NIDA in its five-year strategic plan, "drug addiction is a
disease that also merits medication for its treatment."

Looking at social ills through a medical lens is not a new phenomenon. By
studying disorders from alcoholism and compulsive gambling to attention
deficit disorder and depression, scientists have discovered not only genetic
factors responsible for so-called abnormal behavior, but also the way such
behavior affects the brain's neural map. According to Dr. Frank Vocci,
director of NIDA's Treatment Research and Development division, the antidrug
vaccines can provide a powerful weapon against substance addiction,
especially when combined with therapy and psychiatric medicine. And
vaccines, which unleash an onslaught of drug-busting antibodies, can do what
traditional treatment can't. "If a patient is in an emergency room with high
methamphetamine levels and experiencing a cardiovascular crisis," says
Vocci, "antibodies would bind the drug up and cause the individual to
excrete it." In other words, an injection of antibodies could reduce the
specter of death by overdose to a bad '70s flashback.

"Who is going to get it? Those who have a history of cocaine abuse? Those
who may be statistically likely to become addicts? Or do you vaccinate

Though scientists have long used vaccines to trick the immune system into
thwarting lethal diseases, the antidrug vaccines are a new breed, designed
to attack pleasure-inducing chemicals that the brain craves. Some of these
new vaccines use antibodies that bind to the illegal drug, render it
inactive, and then leave the bloodstream. Others remain potent for years.
This is the type of vaccine that purged the Western world of polio and
smallpox—and may put a choke hold on civil liberties.

The human affinity for altering perception reaches far back in the
evolutionary chain. If antidrug vaccines become widely available, parents
will be a

Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Didn't mean you personally Piper; for music we know can have a fatal
attraction for it was a magic tune the Piper played.

Too may rats?   What did this symbolize when Prince Philip said people
are like rats when they are crowded..such a nice man straight out of
a fairy tale?

Sorry Piper - will drop that legend from my list.

Maybe go after the song of the Sirens?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper


ATHENS, Greece, August 11, 2000 (ENS) - Greek agriculture minister
Anomeritis has ordered the destruction of between 2,000 and 4,000
(4,942 and 9,884 acres) of cotton found to be contaminated with
modified material.
For full text and graphics visit:

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-08-13 Thread Michael Pugliese">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Eagle 1

Thank you...  Robert, 
Tenorlove provided a good link for info on 
But one can't help but wonder what,  
indeed,  will happen with the future of email and internet services when it 
comes down to anti-trust laws and all the internet providers,  some of 
which are becoming very large conglomerates.  
Just keeping my eyes open to the 
eagle 1

  - Original Message - 
  Robert F. 
  Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 7:40 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard 
  about this?
  This is a hoax. 
- Original Message - 
Eagle 1 

Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 8:09 
Subject: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about 

I'm really not surprised.  

>>>Subject: VOTE NO ON Bill 
I guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 
602P 5-cents per E-mail

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Eagle 1

A. Saba
I totally agree with your posting below;  and couldn't have said it better.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

> Eagle I - On TV recently there was an item and I did not catch it all,
> on FOX or MSNBC, where the US Post Office is going to make use of the
> internet and there will be a charge - not sure what they want to do, but
> it would be first big foot in door.some kind of a mail service for
> which you would receive a monthly fee - and would probably be hooked up
> to something government controlled.
> This is the beginning and it went by without much noticeit was not
> on E Mail, but something about hooking up with banks to pay bills, etc.,
> and you paid so much a month for the service.
> No way they could charge for us sending E Mails; I already pay a monthly
> bill for Web TV service and the only thing I hate is this battery
> operated keyboard which drags along and will no exceed certain
> speeds.then is time to change the battery.
> I am concerned about these free E Mail Services, for if US Post Office
> starts such a thing, AOL and Yahoo and others will follow.  More jobs
> would be lost presumably and pretty soon it would be just another racket
> - like Cable TV - we still have to watch advertising while paying for
> this service - more like double dipping?
> So now today our phone company is in the cable TV service and as ususal,
> talk about price fixing and violation of anti trust laws - prices go up,
> not down and yet cable and tv is nothing now but controlled propaganda
> through writers, etc.
> No Senate or House Bill has a letter P - they are HB-0 for
> SB- and maybe an R for a Resolution.But that item circulates
> and is a reminder that something is brewing.
> So maybe someone wants to check out this US Postal Service - for they
> are getting into the business as is on drawing board, providing their
> own mail servicethen someday maybe they buy out the others?
> Bigi mergers now - and when these people merge - stock goes up but from
> where do they make the big bucks with free service?
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

E-Mails sometimes already have paid advertisements attached.
There is another list that I am on that has one of those
pay per clicks attached to the e-mails.
Others are run or supported or carried by companies
like a hospital, a magazine or like this list
by AOL which owns Time/Warner and Netscape among
If you do not think that the company monitors the list
or has list monitors of one type or another Especially
on what amounts to a news list like this one.

The internet is supported by advertising -
these may be called e-MAILs but they are
no more mail then checking out a changing web page.

Person to Person (car, plane, ect)
traveling to check out stores and their advertisements
Mail with signatures that "can" not be changed
Phone with the person's voice that you recognize
electronic communication

Does an e-mail replace a letter?
Does a Thank You phone call replace a Thank You note?
Does a Thank You note replace a gift?
Does a Gift replace the time spent delivering it in person?
how much is your time worth and the person you are Thanking?
If this is classed the same as a letter or otherwise it would
prove that America has lost it's basic manners and worth.
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Eagle I - On TV recently there was an item and I did not catch it all,
> on FOX or MSNBC, where the US Post Office is going to make use of the
> internet and there will be a charge - not sure what they want to do, but
> it would be first big foot in door.some kind of a mail service for
> which you would receive a monthly fee - and would probably be hooked up
> to something government controlled.
> This is the beginning and it went by without much noticeit was not
> on E Mail, but something about hooking up with banks to pay bills, etc.,
> and you paid so much a month for the service.
> No way they could charge for us sending E Mails; I already pay a monthly
> bill for Web TV service and the only thing I hate is this battery
> operated keyboard which drags along and will no exceed certain
> speeds.then is time to change the battery.
> I am concerned about these free E Mail Services, for if US Post Office
> starts such a thing, AOL and Yahoo and others will follow.  More jobs
> would be lost presumably and pretty soon it would be just another racket
> - like Cable TV - we still have to watch advertising while paying for
> this service - more like double dipping?
> So now today our phone company is in the cable TV service and as ususal,
> talk about price fixing and violation of anti trust laws - prices go up,
> not down and yet cable and tv is nothing now but controlled propaganda
> through writers, etc.
> No Senate or House Bill has a letter P - they are HB-0 for
> SB- and maybe an R for a Resolution.But that item circulates
> and is a reminder that something is brewing.
> So maybe someone wants to check out this US Postal Service - for they
> are getting into the business as is on drawing board, providing their
> own mail servicethen someday maybe they buy out the others?
> Bigi mergers now - and when these people merge - stock goes up but from
> where do they make the big bucks with free service?
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
>">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the

[CTRL] Fwd: Labor Party Press - Clinton to Steelworkers: "Too Bad!"

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Price of steel is such a boring subject;  but I remember when all the
flack began about the WTO meeting and people spoke of jobs going to
Mexica and Chinese imports flooding the market, Clinton said "hey, there
are a lot of cheap goods out there for you to buy".

So fine - I like good cheap quality goods - but if you do not have a job
how you going to buy it?

Clinton's idea of solving problem was to give Steel Companies a 300
million dollar tax break? Thought only a Congress could do that.

Trafficante is from the Youngstown area - and today these once thriving
citiies look like ghost towns.time to build and a time to tear down,
but they are building in Mexico and around the world so we can have
"cheap" products?   What logic..a billionaire pays the same for his
food as parents of children living in a slum.

So - where were the Unions when big business and CFR NWO sold them out?

Well some were sitting in CFR meetings as full fledged members

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Clinton to
"Too Bad!"
USWA President George Becker denounces Clinton trade policy at the LP
Convention. Photo ©Michael Kaufman, Impact Visuals
Several thousand Ohio Valley steelworkers marched to Bill Clinton's
doorstep on January 20, angry at the administration's failure to stanch
the flood of cheap steel imports that have caused thousands of
steelworkers to be laid off in recent months.

This struggle has a history. For over a year, the Steel Workers union
has lobbied and cajoled the President. They came up with a whole set of
recommendations to deal with the problem. They filed complaints with the
U.S. Commerce Department charging that Japan, Brazil, and Russia were
violating international trade laws against "dumping."

Finally, in early January, Bill Clinton announced he had a plan: He
would give a $300 million tax break to U.S. steel companies over the
next five years.

The Steelworkers were irate. In a letter to Clinton, United Steel
Workers of America president George Becker asked, "What will $300
million in tax breaks do for steelworkers' families, whose dreams of a
decent life are being crushed...or for those communities which will be
devastated when these mills go down?

We do not need tax breaks for the steel industry, nor do we need a pat
on the head and a special pass to move us to the front of the
unemployment line."

"We knew Bill Clinton was a big 'free trader' back when we first got him
elected," says United Steel Workers of America spokesman Gary Hubbard.
But with an estimated 20,000 U.S. steelworkers laid off or cut back in
the past few months, the union expected more from a Democratic

Back in 1992, when then-candidate Clinton was looking for votes in the
Ohio Valley, he promised steelworkers there he would enforce
anti-dumping laws. "I think it's fair to say that he lied to the Ohio
Valley," Mark Glyptis of the Independent Steelworkers told the marchers
on January 20. Clinton, he added, "has done virtually nothing for the
American steelworker" since coming to office. [Trafficante where were
youthis is another big like by Pinnochio]

Clinton likes to tell U.S. workers to become "more competitive in the
global economy." And ironically, probably no basic U.S. industry is as
"competitive" as steel today. After a wrenching period of cutbacks
brought on by global competition and technological change, the U.S.
steel industry is now a relatively low-cost supplier of steel. It
produces more steel than before, with a fraction of the workforce. But
apparently that contraction wasn't sufficient to satisfy the demands of
the global market.

The recent layoffs are mostly the result of the
Asian economic crisis. Because of bad economic conditions, steel
producers in Japan, Korea, Brazil, and Russia aren't able to sell all
their steel domestically, and so they "dump" steel on the U.S. market at
prices that don't even cover the cost of production. Japanese steel
shipments increased more than 400 percent in the first nine months of
1998. Sales of U.S. steel have dropped, and as a result, workers have
been laid off in droves. Some are predicting that up to 85,000
steelworkers — about half the nation's steel workforce — could be
laid off if the imports aren't restricted.

What the union wants, explains Hubbard, is an emergency restraint on
steel imports to bring the level back to what it was before the economic
crisis began, in July 1997. Then, imports represented about 20 percent
of the U.S. steel market. Today, imports account for 50 percent of the
market. The union says such a restraint would only be temporary. It
could be lifted once the union's complaints had been heard.

The union had cooperated with steel companies in asking for import
restrictions. But Clinton, true to form, ignored workers' pleas and
decided instead to help out the companies.

The Clinton administration, the world's top cheerleader for the right of
global capital to do w

[CTRL] The governments' secret trillions

2000-08-13 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Dave Kuehne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The governments' secret trillions
Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 10:45 AM

Taxes for us, Trillions for them! Can you say T-Y-R-A-N-N-Y? -DaveK-

"These so-called governments are in reality only great bands
of robbers and murderers, organized, disciplined, and
constantly on the alert." - Lysander Spooner, 1869

 begin attachment 


The governments' secret trillions

Geoff Metcalf interviews
Walter Burien on hidden public money

By Geoff Metcalf
© 2000

Are local and state governments strapped with severe
budgetary constraints? Far from it, according to
public investment expert Walter Burien. Credited
with discovering the existence of an elusive
government document called the Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report, Burien provides a
fascinating peek inside the true financial worth of
governments today. Thousands of these reports
nationwide document the trillions of dollars of assets
held by everything from the local water district to
large state governments. WorldNetDaily columnist
Geoff Metcalf recently interviewed Burien about his
work in educating the taxpaying public.

Metcalf's daily radio show can be heard on
TalkNetDaily weekdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Eastern time.

Question: For those who do not already know the
story, how did you ever find out about these
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports?

Answer: About 10 years ago, I had been a commodities
broker on Wall Street for 15 years. I was one of the first
tenants in the World Trade Center. I did an international
newsline coast to coast on commodities. I thought I knew
what was going on; I thought I was one of those sharp
little crackers. I always thought government was maybe
hiding 5 to 10 percent maximum of the revenue and not
reporting it to the public.

There was a governor who got elected named Jim Florio
in New Jersey back in 1990 on a new tax platform. As
soon as he got into office, there was a $2.8 billion tax
increase -- the largest in the state's history. The public
was not too happy, and a couple of DJs, John and Ken
out in Los Angeles, they started doing some
rabble-rousing and taking calls from listeners on
examples of waste and misspending in government. I
heard small figures -- $15,000, $25,000. The highest
figure I heard was $85,000.

Q: Chump change.

A: Right. Being a commodity-trading adviser, I pulled out
the Budget Report, which was the only thing I was aware
of at the time. They had $11 billion on-budget, $6 billion
off-budget, so the total service budget was $17 billion for
the year. Net available: $25.6 billion.

So I called into the radio show and said, "Come on guys;
you're missing the whole point. The state is dealing with
billions of dollars. The highest figure I heard was
$85,000." I said if there is fraud, waste and misspending
taking place, it's taking place on the order of tens of
billions if not hundreds of billions. The DJs challenged us
to start an organization.

So, the next day, I got together with nine other people
and incorporated a group called "Hands Across New
Jersey." John and Ken rabble-roused and, when we had
our first rally, 115,000 people converged on Trenton and
shut the Capitol down. I decided to start looking at the
budget revenue and finance so if I were approached with
questions, I'd know what I was talking about.

Q: So where did you look?

A: When I looked at the budget, which was all I knew
about, I noticed large, cash-cow investment agencies of
state government were not on the report, the New Jersey
Turnpike, the Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey -- no large returns from investment funds. Now
they gave mention of the different agencies on the report
but not the revenue.

Q: Don't state treasurers have to report this stuff when
they are investing on Wall Street?

A: Here's where it broke down. I knew the director of
the budget was on vacation until the following Tuesday of
the next week. I called his office and found out who his
two lower assistants were.

I said, "Hi. This is Walter Burien. I'm working on a report
for Richard and I have to have it done by Tuesday when
he gets back from vacation. I need all the figures on all
the autonomous agency accounts and trust accounts and
investment accounts."

And he said, "Oh, you want the Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report."

I said, "Could I have a copy?" He said I'd better ask
Mark (the next one down the line from the budget

Q: Notwithstanding your 15 years on Wall Street, you
had never heard of this animal before?

A: First time. But I played the cards as they were dealt.

[CTRL] Fwd: Labor Party Press - Don't Blow Away Social Security

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

A prudent man never gambles away more than he can afford; yet Wall
Street and that is nothing but the numbers racket, wants your Social
Security Money - and Clinton, boy that guy is to get it is alleged, 8
million dollars a year as an investor?

So this item is worth a read; Social Security is money that belongs to
you - Americans walking into a trap if they fall for this one - the mob
awaits you in Wall Street


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Don't Blow Away
Social Security

There is no Social Security crisis. But if Democrats and Republicans get
their way and privatize the system, there will be.
"It's weird," says economist Dean Baker of the Preamble Center, who has
been studying and writing about Social Security reform. "We're all
looking at the same numbers, and what the numbers say — even the
pessimistic ones — is that we could take absolutely no action on
Social Security for the next 34 years, and the program would continue to
pay out all its benefits." And yet, politicians of both parties are all
aflutter about the need to radically reform Social Security right away.

The picture they paint does sound grim: Mostly because people are living
longer, today's workforce is supporting a greater and greater number of
Social Security recipients. And the trend will probably continue. In
1995, there were nearly five people under 65 for every one person over
retirement age. But by 2030, the ratio will be more like three workers
for every retiree. And since Social Security is actually a pay-as-you-go
system — current workers pay for current retirees — that spells
trouble. (See "Social Security Basics")

For the time being, we can supplement the shortfall by drawing from the
extra pot of money the Social Security system has amassed (the Social
Security Trust Fund). But then, in 2034, according to some projections,
that fund will be depleted, and Social Security money will have to come
from active workers alone. And, under the current formula, they would
only be able to cover about 75 percent of the benefits retirees had been
promised from Social Security.

President Clinton and members of Congress say "saving" Social Security
is at the top of their agenda (after impeachment, of course). Many
recipes have been written for rescuing Social Security. The most extreme
plans involve privatization. Some people want the Social Security
payroll withholding to go into our own "personal security account" that
we can invest ourselves. Less radical plans would allow the Social
Security Trust Fund to be invested in the stock market, where it would
supposedly get a higher return than where it is invested now, in U.S.
Treasury bonds.

President Clinton favors a combination of both ideas: He wants to invest
part of the Social Security Fund (eventually up to 15 percent of it) in
the stock market. He also proposes setting up voluntary new private
accounts for middle- and low- income Americans — but outside the
Social Security system.

At a time when the stock market is in the stratosphere, record numbers
of Americans are investing, and the airwaves are full of experts
advising the general public on how to get the best return, the idea of
turning Social Security into a personal Wall Street investment portfolio
is appealing to a lot of people.

But not everybody's sold on the idea. To begin with, many people
question whether there even will be a Social Security shortfall. They
argue that the Social Security hullabaloo is all based on some very
gloomy economic projections made by Social Security trustees. In their
reports, the trustees assume that over the next 75 years, the U.S.
economy will grow at less than half the rate it has grown for the past
75 years. According to a report by the New York-based Century
Foundation, an increase in annual economic growth of just .15 percentage
points over the next 35 years would raise output by as much as the
combined increase in the cost of both Social Security and Medicare.
Meaning: Workers of the future may have no trouble supporting the
growing ranks of the retired.
And yet, our politicians have managed to convince a majority of
Americans that there really is a crisis at hand. Polls of younger
Americans show that many believe they can expect little or no money from
Social Security when they retire (unless, perhaps, the system is
radically changed).

So who started this rush for a "solution" to the Social Security
"crisis"? Follow the money. Wall Street could stand to gain $240 billion
in fees within the first 12 years of a privatized system, according to
economist Christian Weller. That, he points out, is enough to give
20,000 fund managers an annual salary of $1 million each. No wonder the
financial industry has spent millions of dollars of late to promote the
idea of
Social Security privatization.

Economist Dean Baker believes there's a deeper motive behind the
privatization push: "I think much of this is being driven by people who
are just pl

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Eagle I - On TV recently there was an item and I did not catch it all,
on FOX or MSNBC, where the US Post Office is going to make use of the
internet and there will be a charge - not sure what they want to do, but
it would be first big foot in door.some kind of a mail service for
which you would receive a monthly fee - and would probably be hooked up
to something government controlled.

This is the beginning and it went by without much noticeit was not
on E Mail, but something about hooking up with banks to pay bills, etc.,
and you paid so much a month for the service.

No way they could charge for us sending E Mails; I already pay a monthly
bill for Web TV service and the only thing I hate is this battery
operated keyboard which drags along and will no exceed certain
speeds.then is time to change the battery.

I am concerned about these free E Mail Services, for if US Post Office
starts such a thing, AOL and Yahoo and others will follow.  More jobs
would be lost presumably and pretty soon it would be just another racket
- like Cable TV - we still have to watch advertising while paying for
this service - more like double dipping?

So now today our phone company is in the cable TV service and as ususal,
talk about price fixing and violation of anti trust laws - prices go up,
not down and yet cable and tv is nothing now but controlled propaganda
through writers, etc.

No Senate or House Bill has a letter P - they are HB-0 for
SB- and maybe an R for a Resolution.But that item circulates
and is a reminder that something is brewing.

So maybe someone wants to check out this US Postal Service - for they
are getting into the business as is on drawing board, providing their
own mail servicethen someday maybe they buy out the others?

Bigi mergers now - and when these people merge - stock goes up but from
where do they make the big bucks with free service?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Revolt of the Masses

2000-08-13 Thread J Taylor

>> Here's a short discussion of the book from Jerry
>> Pournelle, best known for his science fiction novels,
>> but also for his writings on computers and
>> civilizations.
>> Lessons from the Revolt of the Masses
>> by Jerry Pournelle
>> Thursday, April 13, 2000
>> 9054.asp
>> The 20th century was and remains instructive, and we
>> will be examining its lessons for a good part of this
>> ambiguous year that is not quite part of the last
>> millennium nor yet part of the next. Some of the
>> lessons were foreseen, although like Cassandra our
>> prophets spoke truth but were not believed. Other
>> lessons are only now emerging.
>> Controlling the masses
>> You can characterize the 20th century in many ways,
>> which is to say there are many lenses through which we
>> can look at history. Choosing one and only one is a
>> great mistake. Any one view is certainly wrong in some
>> to many particulars, but we can learn from all of them.
>> Marx and Freud had much to teach, but choosing either
>> as one's master is folly.
>> One observer not much remembered now is the Spanish
>> philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset, whose best-remembered
>> book, The Revolt of the Masses, is still worth reading.
>> The title is as good a one-line summary of the 20th
>> century as any: a century in which the 18th-century
>> notion of individualism held sway. That notion, as
>> Ortega puts it, is that "every human being, by the mere
>> fact of birth, and without requiring any special
>> qualification whatsoever, possessed certain fundamental
>> political rights . and these rights, common to all, are
>> the only ones that exist." These notions kicked around
>> in the 19th century, but it was only in the last half
>> of the 20th that they came into their own. Now everyone
>> believes in that philosophy or at least purports to.
>> The consequences are grave.
>> A few are obvious. When I was young, it was uncommon to
>> put citizens accused but not convicted of crimes in
>> chains. Only if the accused proved to be unruly was he
>> handcuffed, and only if especially unruly was he put in
>> full chains. Now we see elderly ladies led into the
>> courtroom in handcuffs, leg irons, waist chains,
>> looking for all the world like Jean Valjean being led
>> to the galleys. When the absurdity is pointed out, we
>> are told that because some people are unruly and
>> violent and cannot be controlled even with handcuffs,
>> equality demands that we do it with all.
>> Even traffic stops often result in citizens with no
>> criminal record and accused of no more than unpaid
>> traffic tickets being taken to the stationhouse in
>> handcuffs. We have learned the lesson: If you treat
>> everyone equally, then you must treat everyone as the
>> worst possible villain. To retain civilized equality we
>> must give up civilization, or at least civility.
>> Ortega thought the fundamental danger of the century
>> was the supremacy of the state over society.
>> Mussolini's fascism was a mere extension of the notion
>> of liberal democracy that all social problems are
>> amenable to action by the state, with the result that
>> spaws the question: "Can we help feeling that under the
>> rule of the masses the State will endeavor to crush the
>> independence of the individual and the group, and thus
>> definitely spoil the harvest of the future?" Certainly
>> David Koresh and his followers in Waco would have
>> understood that.
>> Power at all cost
>> On the other hand, Ortega was wrong in one particular.
>> He believed that the old-fashioned kind of dictatorship
>> was impossible. One could not rule by Janissaries or
>> Mamelukes if only because the dictator needed the
>> approval of his security apparatus: If you will rule
>> through a gang of thugs you must retain the loyalty of
>> the thugs. That has been proven wrong again and again.
>> After Stalin died there was not a Stalinist left in the
>> leadership of the USSR (although there were plenty
>> among the faculty of American universities). Modern
>> methods of social control are quite efficient. Rome
>> endured centuries of civil war as legion after legion
>> revolted to raise their commander to the purple.
>> Nothing like that happened in the USSR so long as it
>> endured, and nothing like that has happened in Cuba.
>> Castro rules supreme and can still make mischief as he
>> will, the suffering and privation of his people
>> notwithstanding.
>> And that is another important lesson for dictators
>> taught by the last century: If you are a dictator,
>> never let go. Hang on to the last. Contrast the
>> declining years of Augustin Pinochet and Fidel Castro
>> if you want a dramatic illustration.
>> Of course, that advice may be easier to give than to
>> take. Once again the 20th century teaches a stark
>> lesson for dictators: If you want to remain in power,
>> get nuclear weapons. You do not need many, but you mus

[CTRL] Fwd: Executive Summary: Leveling the Playing Field

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

To those who remember the Great U.S. Steel Industry - in 1960 period a
friend of mine had a father who owned small steel company;  during WWII
they were poor but in scrap industry suddenly became rich.but he
gave me an article to read for this young man was concerned about the
steel industry - the article told of how steel could be imported from
Japan, and costs and all, still be sold cheaper over here than it cost
to make over here.this shocked me for the handwriting was the wall

JFK took on U.S. Steel, for they had raised the price of steel..he
called them sons-of-you know whats when they raised the price of steel
when as I recall they had said the would not - upon learning JFK had
called them such a name, they founded the SOB's Club.big joke.

Today this article is example of one of our greatest industries now on
their knees begging for crumbs at the feet of who?

Where did this all really begin - well Americans in Ohio were told that
big business loved Income Tax and the people of Ohio voted for an Income
Tax state-wide, and we were told also this would lower property taxes -
money goes to schools.we were sold sam bill of goods re the corrupt
Lottery system.know of a cadillac dealer who won big lottery twice -
does lightning really strike same place twice or was this suspect?   So
much for New Jersey gamblers who set up our lottery; today same
criminals corrupt everything they touch.

US Steel provided good paying Union jobs; but suddenly like Bill Gates
today, somebody goes after AT&T as a monopoly and sudden end result,
Western Electric here once had great jobs and thrived in 70
periodnow a skeleton and even management is getting the ax and
former king makers under same table begging for crumbs from whom?

Never knew a lot of big business, but I keep remembering that article
this kid gave me, his name was Al Silberstein - and he was a brilliant
young man - he foresaw then, what is happening now.

Interesting item here - once US Steel House on TV was biggest show on
TV..first cuss words uttered on TV when Lloyd Bridges yelled out
sons of biches after he lost control in a role he was playing about
lynching of young mexican for a crime he did not commit.

So - will America do until Bill Gates what Amrican did unto U.S. Steel -
for you see, first they broke the Unions quietly by inviting UAW and
AFCME and other labor leaders into CFR - back in he 60 period to me
politics was fun - we had had Kennedy - and then that day in Dallas
suddenly, the fun was gone - not quite the same and the fact that a
President could be assassinated in a conspiracy of silence, I still find


Leveling the Playing Field:
Antidumping and the U.S. Steel Industry
Executive Summary 
    Driven by mercantilist trade distortions that underlie the
global economic crisis, foreign exports of steel to the United States
have hit record levels in 1998 and are continuing at high levels in
1999. This sudden flood of steel into the United States has forced U.S.
steel mills to close or slow production and put thousands of steel
workers out of work. These problems have, in turn, sparked a debate over
what response, if any, the U.S. government should pursue. This paper
analyzes the causes and impact of the surge in steel imports and
analyzes the appeal of various policy responses, including U.S. trade
laws aimed at countering unfair trade practices, such as subsidization
and dumping.
    The world steel market is perhaps the most distorted
industrial market in the world. To achieve economic and political
objectives, many countries have pursued industrial policies aimed at
nurturing a steel industry with trade protection and subsidies.
    In contrast, the United States steel industry has generally
not been the recipient of such special treatment. The U.S. economy is
open and subsidies have been very limited, especially when compared to
those of other major industrial countries. In the 1970s and 1980s, the
U.S. steel industry had serious competitive problems, but $50 billion in
new investment has built an industry with some of the highest
productivity levels and lowest costs in the world.
    Success in today's highly distorted world steel market,
however, often has less to do with investment, adoption of new
technology and increased labor productivity than with the industrial and
trade policies of foreign governments. The combined result of the
numerous steel industrial policies is that the world has tremendous
excess production capacity in steel. In such a situation, the high-fixed
cost structure of the steel industry encourages fierce price competition
during downturns. The involvement of governments, which press for
keeping production lines open and workers employed, greatly accentuates
this tendency. Dumping – sales in export markets below cost or sales
below the price in the home market – is the frequent result.
    The United States has frequently used antidumping laws, which

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Eagle 1

OK...  Thanks Tenorlove!
Appreciate the insight..

However,  I still do not put past the government to find a way to TAX the

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

> I've heard of it -- at
> __

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Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

There were other variables that I am still finding out.
Granted it "seems" possible that they might have speculated
about plant diseases considering what Nobel prizes were
awarded and when BUT I do not think so.

There was a particularly good year the previous year and
many potatoes were left in the field.  If you know that the
potato is a member of the nightshade family and that the
whole plant will turn poisonous with age.  By leaving them
in the fields to decompose they could have set themselves
up with bad soil, then when the weather turned foul the next
year the scene had already been set for fungus.  Unless the
English also controlled the weather in 1845...

I am not disparaging what happened and how it was handled.
I am attempting to say that by plowing those GM crops under
that some organic farmers may be setting themselves up for
the same situation.
Fungus attacks potties, wheat, grapes, and many other plants as well.
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Tenorlove wrote:
> --- ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --
> > Any person can stand adversity,
> > The true test is to give a person power.
> >
> >
> > What could have caused the Irish Potato famine?
> Wasn't it on this list that I read that the famine was deliberately
> engineered by the British as a genocide against the Irish?
> __
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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977
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[CTRL] BBC News | SCOTLAND | GM destruction go-ahead soon, says union

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper
Title:  BBC News | SCOTLAND | GM destruction go-ahead soon, says union

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Thursday, 1 June, 2000, 13:40 GMT 14:40 UK

GM destruction go-ahead soon, says union

Thousands of acres may have been sown

There are claims farmers who accidentally sowed genetically modified seeds may soon get permission to destroy affected crops before they flower - without jeopardising special aid payments.

Scottish National Farmers Union officials say the European Commission has signalled its intention to allow the crops to be destroyed before 30 June.

Farmers could then leave their ground fallow for the summer and still be eligible for payments under the Arable Aid Scheme.

SNFU president Jim Walker said part of the battle had been won, but the vital issue of compensation has still to be resolved.

Jim Walker: "EU go-ahead soon"

A spokesman for the Scottish Executive said it was too early to comment on the implications, because the commission were still preparing legal documents.

Rural Affairs Minister Ross Finnie told the Scottish Parliament that he would be looking for Advanta, the company which distributed the seeds,  to compensate the Scottish farmers affected.

Mr Finnie said it would be wrong for the executive to promise interim public compensation as that might encourage Advanta to delay.

The minister also told MSPs that the executive had been represented at London talks with the company.

On Wednesday it emerged that Mohammed al-Fayed is offering to help pay the SNFU's legal costs for any court action for compensation over the entire GM seeds affair.

Mr Walker welcomed the approach, along with the businessman's pledges of support for other aspects of the union's campaign.

Mohamed al-Fayed: Help pledge

Mr Walker said: "Mr al-Fayed has offered any help in the future that we may require, including financial help, if we have to take a court case out against a third party for this whole debacle.

"It's quite nice to know that somebody of his alleged wealth would be prepared to back us in any efforts that we have to get compensation  for all our members.

"His farm in the north has a membership of our union and we would represent him the same as we would represent any other member of this organisation and it just so happens that he has something of a public profile and more cash than the normal cash-strapped farmer in Scotland at the moment."

Mr al-Fayed's gesture came after it emerged that staff at his Balnagowan Estate in Easter Ross had sown 55 acres of the contaminated oilseed rape.

In the last two years it is believed that up to 600 British farmers may have planted more than 30,000 acres of oilseed rape supplied by Advanta.

The company said it thought the seed was contaminated with GM rape pollen from a neighbouring field in 1998.

The Scottish NFU has called on government ministers to pursue Advanta for compensation and pay full interim payments to farmers affected.

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See also:
30 May 00 | Scotland
'Don't destroy GM crops'
28 May 00 | Scotland
Farmers pressed to destroy GM crops
19 May 00 | UK
Legal action over GM seeds rejected
25 May 00 | UK Politics
Court action threatened over GM crops
23 May 00 | UK Politics
Protest over GM blunder
01 Jun 00 | Scotland
Al-Fayed anger in GM seed row

Internet links:
HarrodsScottish ExecutiveMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Other top Scotland stories:

Galbraith stands by exam results

Drivers face road bridge chaos

Athletes feel the sting

Film festival 'welcomes Clooney'

UK 'failing to tackle racism'

Letting off steam over exam chaos

Galbraith urged to resign

Minister confirms exam mistakes

Links t

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Tenorlove

I've heard of it -- at

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Re: [CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st & 2nd)

2000-08-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Robert F. Tatman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Carrying this a little further, it seems that modern corporations, and
> by extension modern government, offer a safe haven for many psychopaths, whose
> antisocial or asocial conduct goes unnoticed or at most subsumed under the
> rubric of good, aggressive business practices.

Yes!  In fact I would make an argument that the modern corporate mentality (which has 
been adopted by modern politics) REWARDS
certain psychopathic behaviors

"Workaholism" can be as debilitating and destructive as any other "-aholism", yet it 
is the one addictive behavior which is nurtured
and encouraged in our society, especially by business.  Long gone are the days where a 
company "looked after" their
the driving force behind a company's business plan is how much money can be made for 
the executive board, and perhaps the
investors -- and if that requires laying off long-time workers, so be it.  And amongst 
the first to get the pink slip are anyone who
dared to try to have a private life outside of the office.

I'm not talking about slackers here -- I'm talking about good, productive workers who 
routinely work their full shifts, pitch in
when needed and work necessary overtime...but who DO leave at the end of the work day 
to pick up their kids and who spend time with
their families on weekends instead of coming in to work when such OT isn't needed...

These are the people who are seen as 'not being team players', and who get the walking 
papers first...while those who perhaps aren't
as productive, but spent their time goofing off with the 'right people' retain their 

I work at a small company which is seen as an 'up and comer', where this mentality is 
rife...the company designed a 'rec room',
complete with pool table, for employees to be able to take a break during the 
day...all well and good, but what you see are the 'in'
crowd playing pool most of the day, and then staying after hours so that it seems they 
are putting in OT (BTW, this is a
customer-service company, so when these people are playing pool, customers are not 
being serviced)

But while it is acceptable to play pool for hours during the workday because the big 
bosses like to play pool, we are having a hard
time trying to get the company to institute flextime; just this past week they sent 
out a questionaire to employees, where on one
question we had to explain to them just what we would do with flextime if we had it.  
I consider such a question an invasion of
privacy; I don't feel it's any of the company's business WHAT any employee would do 
outside of work with the flexible hours.  But it
demonstrates this company's attitude that we don't -- or shouldn't have -- a life 
outside of work.

This place forces us to attend meetings and classes after hours, and we aren't paid 
extra for it.  It is a real hardship for people
with children, but everyone HAS to attend, and if you don't you're marked as someone 
who 'doesn't fit into the team'...

And so you have children being raised by parents who are either successful at playing 
this game, and so get the message that such
antisocial and asocial behaviors (as applied to workers' families and society at 
large) are to be encouraged because they are
rewarded; or you have children being raised by parents who have not succeeeded at 
playing the game, who have either been routinely
passed over for promotion or laid off outright, and so the same message is driven home 
to the next generation...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

You need to study your history a lot better!
Starvation was the name of the game at that time and
even children participated in the crusades.  Why would
areas be plagued by rats?

The Naked Rise Of Communism by Frank L. Kluckhohn
Monarch books  Derby, Connecticut   1962
it cost .75cents in 1962, it will cost you from
$6.00 to $8.00 US Dollars for a paperback copy today.
And the hard back is more.
It is an excellent book and shows what Communism actually
does.  After that research the "Travels of John Smith"
During his time cannibalism was still widespread across the
Asian and European continent.

The question I have is did The Piper take the children
or did the townspeople see the potential that he might
be able to teach them a trade for a better life?

Bad health habits can lead to rats.  Did the Piper actually
play a pipe or teach the town how to get rid of the rats.
Some one that did not like rats and knew how to get rid of
them.  I wish I was that good.  And the coin of value is
not money but education.

Watch what you say about the Piper (keyword) without doing a
lot more study.
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
> Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.
> It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
> Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.
> This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
> are keyed to certain dates and times..the astronauts took a Gideon
> Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
> took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
> political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the
> Moon.
> Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
> the names are different, but same old cast of characters..Albert
> Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
> Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
> which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
> bible code, the Russians are onto and usedmasonic stuff and the
> masonic order is an international order.
> So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
> - yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
> strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
> name they would rule the universe..
> Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.
> This bible goes into every country in the world can
> communicate in any languagelike Romans 13, as I recall it is said
> they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truthand in Hebrews -
> need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.Luke 22 is the Mafia
> Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.cute
> stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
> 1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).Jim
> Bishop always used The Day...was honest an approach but
> assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?
> So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
> 19...Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
> then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
> Juperterand in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
> and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
> tribesGad, is the Overcomers.remember that old song We Shall
> Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is
> force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
> puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.
> Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.the children were led away to the
> mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
> iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the childrenoh see
> America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
> deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are promotedwatch
> television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?
> See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
> ways.but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
> but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
> see America destroyed from within.
> See how they spend money as though there is no limit.70 million to
> investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?
> Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
> as if to call a meeting..used to be the Gidons were called the
> Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"traveled in pairs,
> dressed in Fuller Brush Man - 

Re: [CTRL] Francis Drake's Discovery Hidden By Elizabethan Conspiracy

2000-08-13 Thread Tenorlove

--- William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Last Updated: Saturday 5 August 2000  OPINION
> 'Compelling' discovery rewrites B.C. history: Elizabethan conspiracy
> hid
> Francis Drake's true discovery for 400 years

Bill, what is the source for this? I'd like to share it with someone,
but I will get ripped up one side & down the other if I don't provide a
source, and "Got this in my email" won't wash with them. I'm sure
others on the list may want to know, too.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Problem with list

2000-08-13 Thread Wayne Scott

I've only experienced "unsolicited sign-off" one time in my CTRL subscription.
Because of the complicated procedure required and precise wording it takes to
initiate "subscription" or "signoff" I too felt as if an unseen third party
were responsible. There is undoubtedly illegal monitoring of such open forum
and reporting of conspiracy concerns, after all, perfect paranoia is perfect
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-13 Thread Tenorlove

--- ThePiedPiper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> Any person can stand adversity,
> The true test is to give a person power.
> What could have caused the Irish Potato famine?

Wasn't it on this list that I read that the famine was deliberately
engineered by the British as a genocide against the Irish?

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.

It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.

This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
are keyed to certain dates and times..the astronauts took a Gideon
Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the

Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
the names are different, but same old cast of characters..Albert
Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
bible code, the Russians are onto and usedmasonic stuff and the
masonic order is an international order.

So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
- yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
name they would rule the universe..

Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.

This bible goes into every country in the world can
communicate in any languagelike Romans 13, as I recall it is said
they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truthand in Hebrews -
need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.Luke 22 is the Mafia
Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.cute
stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).Jim
Bishop always used The Day...was honest an approach but
assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?

So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
19...Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
Juperterand in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
tribesGad, is the Overcomers.remember that old song We Shall
Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.

Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.the children were led away to the
mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the childrenoh see
America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are promotedwatch
television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?

See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
ways.but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
see America destroyed from within.

See how they spend money as though there is no limit.70 million to
investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?

Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
as if to call a meeting..used to be the Gidons were called the
Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"traveled in pairs,
dressed in Fuller Brush Man - and never answer your door
to the Avon Lady if you get involved in oh so secret stuff - for these
people are used like the busy bee Eastern Stars and self styled local
masonic spies who spy on their neighborns - busy bees all.

I always keep my house off limits to friends and foes anymore...for
there is nothing like a little man playing super spook for your locak
Knights of Pythias or Masonic Order with the Support Your Police
Stickers stuck all over hell.

MNASON - diligent seekers of the truth..only the truth is, what you
see is what you gets.

And I do not like what I am getting and never did like what I see.

There is only one book with great truths and that is the
between lines and like a Shakespearian Play enlightenment comes in
degrees - even Freud took to the bible (Job 19 to 21 in particular for
you even find his couch there)..

Be a cold day in hell when I fall on all fours moslem style to worship
anybody and I do not believe man should get on knees before God, for it
took us too long to get to our feet..and there are those who want us
to humble ourselves before the likes of Henry Kissinger who would have
us begging for food  and crumbs from his table - did that guy ever work
for a living, for he is not that bright - for he i

Re: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Robert F. Tatman

This is a hoax. 

  - Original Message - 
  Eagle 1 
  Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 8:09 
  Subject: [CTRL] Has anyone heard about 
  I'm really not surprised.  
  >>>Subject: VOTE NO ON Bill 
  I guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 
  602P 5-cents per E-mail

Re: [CTRL] Bill Clinton is suffering from a sexually-transmitted disease.

2000-08-13 Thread Tenorlove

--- Carl Amedio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Saturday, August 12, 2000
> Right-wing bid to hit Democrat convention

Was Billy-Bob's STD caused by a conspiracy? That's the only way I can
figure that this bit of tabloid gossip has anything to do with
conspiracy theory.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Has anyone heard about this?

2000-08-13 Thread Eagle 1

I'm really not surprised.  
>>>Subject: VOTE NO ON Bill 
I guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 
602P 5-cents per E-mailSent. It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this 
was coming!! Bill 602P will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent 
charge on every delivered E-mail. Please read the following carefully if you 
intend to stay online, and continue using E-mail. The last few months have 
revealed an alarming trend in the Government of the United States attempting to 
quietly push through legislation that will affect our use of the Internet. Under 
proposed legislation, the US Postal Service will be attempting to bill E-mail 
users out of "alternative postage fees". Bill 602P will permit the Federal  
Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on every E-Mail delivered, by billing 
Internet Service Providers at source. The consumer would then be billed in 
turn by the ISP. Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is working without pay to 
prevent this legislation from becoming law.
The US Postal Service is claiming lost revenue, 
due to the proliferation of E-mail,is costing nearly $230,000,000 in revenue per 
year. You may have noticed their recent ad campaign: There is nothing like a 
letter." Since the average person received about 10 pieces of E-mail per day in 
1998, the cost of the typical individual would be an additional 50 cents a day - 
or over $180 per year - above and  beyond their regular Internet costs. 
Note that this would be money paid directly to the US Postal Service for a 
service they do not even provide. The whole point of the Internet is democracy 
and on interference. You are already paying an exorbitant price for snail mail 
because of bureaucratic efficiency. It currently takes up to 6 days for a letter 
to be delivered from coast to coast. If the US  Postal Service is allowed 
to tinker with E-mail, it will mark the end of the "free" Internet in the United 
States. Our congressional representative, Tony Schnell (R) has even suggested a 
"$20-$40 per month surcharge on all Internet service" above and beyond the 
governments proposed E-mail charge.
Note that most of the major newspapers have 
ignored the story the only exception being the Washingtonian - which called 
the idea of E-mail surcharge "a useful concept who's time has come" (March 6th, 
1999 Editorial).
Do not sit by and watch your freedom erode away! 
Send this to E-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends and 
relatives write their congressional representative and say "NO" to Bill 602P. It 
will only take a few moments of your time and could very well be instrumental in 
killing a bill we do not want. Please forward 602P
Sorry it is so long. ^i^Angel 
Visit the Eagle 1 Observer"Observing the 
World Around You"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
" I believe that every individual is naturally 
entitled to do ashe pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far 
asit in no way interferes with any other men's rights."  -  
Abraham Lincoln

Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Involuntary

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 07:39:35 -0400, Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
posted article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
which said:

> So TY you begin to see through the dark mirrorlike Alice in
> Wonderland?   Things are not what they see to be?

Yeah.  I discovered that about the third or fourth time I got high.  And
it got progressively worse and I ended up in a mental hospital for about
3 weeks.  After that it took me about two years to get my bearings back
and I've felt pretty normal for the past year.  I should also bring up
that I did this without medications since I felt that medicating myself
would simply cover up the problem, not solve it, and I definitely
wouldn't be any stronger.  It's as if I'm revisiting some of that old
stuff, but with more clarity, more of a rational and stable mindset,
more critical.  Before, it was all so new, and yet as real as my own
life that I went bananas for a short time.

> Where are the me of integrity and honor and noble statesmen we
> once had with a dream of Camelot that now turns into a Thule
> Society - and you kow, in the Thule Society there were Jews,
> Christians, and Masons?
> Have all these forces united not in the name of God, but in the
> name of Satan?  For surely when we see Waco and Ruby Ridge and the
> Balkans and Iraqi children murdered - something is wrong.

Yes.  I've seen these kinds of things and I remember these kinds of
things ever since I started paying attention to them around 10 or 11
years ago.  I used to simply think that it was such a shame that the
police, military and government had to be so fascistic about everything.
I didn't know why.  I just knew that I'd better not step out of line or
I might be treated that way.

So I guess now one might have to look at the similarities between the
victims of police-state brutality and figure out what they all have in
common.  And yes, I think we already live in a police-state.  It's just
not as bad as it could get.

> Me, I have my bible code which is the Communist Timetable, now
> called more appropriately, the New World Order Master Plan for
> Murder Keyed to the Stars and the Testaments

I've "heard" that you can't really predict anything with the bible code
-- that you can only confirm what has already happened.  Of course,
Drosnin (sp) supposedly found Rubin's name before he was assassinated.

> So these people coming in for the kill once again like a Napoleon
> who met his Waterloo, and as Nixon met his Watergate - but the
> year of the real mellenium is 2001 - and we will see the Master
> Plan unfold once again and end the same way.the conspirators
> will die and we will always have, The Monarch in Waiting, the
> predators and albatross upon the back of the people.

So you think it's going to hit the fan as we roll into 2001?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

So he who pays the Piper calls the tune and he who has the gold to pay
the Piper is highly suspect.

Ever wonder, Hitler - that was not his real name; Gerald Ford, that was
not his real name; and Bill Clinton that is not his real name..

In Ford's case,  he had a brother with the same name - Leslie King - who
was killed on a Thursday night driving down a long road, all alone and
for no reason - accident.So then there was only one Leslie King.

Can see Ford chancing his last name, but well to Gerald - reminds me of
a joke I heard long ago about a guy named George Boob who told the judge
he wanted to change his name - and the judge said you are to be
commended Sir, I do not blame you - and to what do you want to change
your name?   And the guy said "to Joe Boob"so much for Illuminati.

Adolph Hither,  was not his real name for he was alleged paper hanger
who like Polish Pope they say wanted to wallpaper the Sistine Chapel
(that is where Michelangelo works are).so little hidden jokes
sometimes reval muchHitler and his real name - Schilgrubber, and he
was not German, he was Austrian.

And this brings us to the Austrian Hungarian curse against all mankind -
they would get even if it took a 100 years and every hundred years
something does happen, does it not?   From Lincoln to JFK?

What was the American dream becomes American nightmare as organized
crime takes over.after all they have had all this time to so do wih
tax free money?   From whiskey to drugs to murder inc?

Did you notice how many people are murdered and now they start on the
kids?   From where does this programming and brainwashing come?

Look at Littleton blamed by press on neo Nazis until they discovered
Trench Coat Mafia killers were military and jewish - and now the victims
who are alive and the parents of even those who are dead are being
accused of being greedy?

Why doesn't anybody investigate that sick school in Littleton and see if
this was not behavior modification stuff - kids on drugs, legal drugs?

Latest trend you see as they outlaw drugs run by mob they go legitimate
and have bought into major drug companies?   So we have legalized
bortion and baby body parts for profit, we have legalized drugs and
courts now ordering kids on Ritilin and the like, we have murder inc. in
our Oval Office sending out West Point sharp shooters, of Japanese
extraction to murder women with babies and little 8th graders and do you
need X Ray machine to see something is wrong.

Germans are condemned - but look at Japan, why we made them so rich the
bought the islands they once tried to take in war.   Pearls of Great

It is said God sets the solitary in families; and they will come out of
prisons to rule us, and then God says vengance is mine, I will
repay.while Lucky Luciano writes a book called Last Will and
Testament of Lucky Luciano and he called it "The Authorized
Version"we see the work  now of othe Chambaer of Commerce - oh so
much import and export business - anybody ever check planes landing
carrying goods from around the world by a certain Billionaire who gets
tax abatement ?

The 300 - they pay for the bullets, and the Mafia delivers them - for
the Mafia is just the black operations of the CIA for in America if the
people knew all this stuff they would not tolerate it.

See how corrupt Russia has become - ever hear of the Russian Mafia that
is, until they went down the tubes and now the Mafia and money
disappears?   Like Indian givers perhaps.

Old days long ago Kings went to war in front of the troops and did their
own dirty worktoday a Clinton comes along and hids behind women and
orders mass murder without authority or reason and slaughters the
innocents while chasing a prostiutute about the oval office.

What was his real name = Blythe?   He came from no where like a Charles
Jesus Manson did he not, and compared to Manson,  is Clinton a
reflection of Manson or Manson a reflection of Clinton.

So TY you begin to see through the dark mirrorlike Alice in
Wonderland?   Things are not what they see to be?

Where are the me of integrity and honor and noble statesmen we once had
with a dream of Camelot that now turns into a Thule Society - and you
kow, in the Thule Society there were Jews, Christians, and Masons?

Have all these forces united not in the name of God, but in the name of
Satan?   For surely when we see Waco and Ruby Ridge and the Balkans and
Iraqi children murdered - something is wrong.

My brother in law dropped big bombs on German, for that was his job -
Command Pilot for USAF operating out of High Wycombe as they used to
call it - a real Hells Fire Club.but later he and von Braun worked
together and they were friendsBraun is another name for Brown, like
Smith, Smythe, and Schmidt..

Blue eyed devils?   Well who were the devils - those who paid the piper,
called the tune.theirs was not to question why, there was but to do
or die..forward the 600 to their deaths...

[CTRL] Test (Delete if you see this)

2000-08-13 Thread Ben Stone

Just testing if im still on the list...

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +">
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Involuntary

You know, I used to wonder about certain things -- about whether it's
really possible for there to exist in this world a truly evil force. I'm
not talking about demons, vampires or supernatural spawns of Satan. I'm
just basically talking about ruthless individuals who are capable of
such mindblowing worldwide deception, enslavement and murder, likely all
in the name of increasing their own wealth and power.

I don't care about power, myself.  I can't understand what pleasure one
might get out of having control over large numbers of people.  Having or
wanting lots of money I CAN understand, just not the lust for power.

I've asked others if there really could be people in the world who are
working to enslave us all -- to ever increase the gap between the
wealthy and the poor to such an extent where there is no middle class
any more, and the poor literally cannot survive without the wealthy. Can
there be people in the world who actually have that kind of vision, and
who envision themselves on top of it all, and in, if not total control,
then a major player in holding immense power?

Then I started thinking -- what if the government and organized crime
were working together?  Already we have stories of the CIA, FBI and drug
smuggling operations in Arkansas, which even Clinton may have been
involved in as governor of Arkansas.  There's a book about it called
"The Boys on the Tracks" in which two boys were run over by a train. The
engineer said he saw two boys laying on the tracks covered by some tarp.
Depsite the loud train horns, the boys didn't move, the train couldn't
stop, and they were hit.  The police said the boys had gotten high on
marijuana and didn't hear the train coming.  But an investigative
reporter found other evidence and was cut off by law enforcement at
every turn.

Check out the actual synapsis here:

So what if there IS some sinister plan that we're unaware of?  As "we
the people" we must play by certain rules.  There are protocols for
getting things done--for changing our government to what we want it to
be.  And at the same time, we have the World Trade Organization, which
has the power to override all environmental and labor laws.  It's an
incremental acclimatization to an ever-increasing stranglehold.

I have a feeling that the people in control of this charade understand
human nature, too.  They understand that a stressful society will cause
increasing violence and mental problems.  Is it any wonder, then, that
Prozac sales have increased 5-fold in just a few years?  2.61 billion
dollars worth of Prozac was sold in 1999, and 2 billion of that was in
the USA alone!  Ritalin is a big controversy, too, as boys are drugged
into social compliance.

So how do we know that the government and organized crime (which I can't
tell much of a difference these days) are not working together to disarm
the people?  Then the only ones left holding guns are criminals,
including the government who seems to be orchestrating this whole thing.

Conspiracy theorists like to talk about "The Illuminati", too, as if
it's some unseen secret government.  HA!  I don't think the Illuminati
really exists as a seperate entity.  I think it's, simply enough, the US
government and the United Nations.  They probably want China involved,
too.  Once China is in it, then taking over the rest of the world will
be no problem at all.

So what the hell is going on???  Even though I've been on these mailing
lists for over three years, and even though I've been aware of all these
ideas we toss around on these mailing lists, all of a sudden it feels
like I'm waking up to something -- like maybe a nightmare.  Like I got a
dose of clarity and I'm left thinking... Holy God!  People really CAN be
that evil!

Pinch me!  Am I just dreaming?!?!?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun

2000-08-13 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 8/12/00 4:35:24 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >I'm really quite sick of the habitual, gratuitous bashing and re-bashing
>  of every person of German identity
>  And I'm sick of Nazi sympathizers putting words in my mouth. I said no
>  such thing. To imply that I did is typical of Nazi duplicity and of the
>  duplicity of their sympathizers. If you are going to continue to stick up
>  for Nazis you should do it somewhere else. Nazis are not welcome on this
>  list. It's a big net. There's plenty of parts of it where Nazis and their
>  friends are more than welcome. Go there instead.

  Thanks, nessie.  I didn't know what to say.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [NA] Karenna Gore Schiff

2000-08-13 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Jim Condit Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Karenna Gore Schiff
Date: Sunday, July 30, 2000 10:25 PM

Step onto the Stage of History at
The Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention
Go to: to register today!

Asthma? Sinus? Prone to colds? Sore Neck? Back goes out and needs adjustment? You may 
find help in "Electric C" -- Go to: http// -- for details.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

July 16, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Karenna Gore Schiff

On the Sunday Night C-Span show called “Road to the White House” the
nation was shown a fresh faced, post college Karenna Gore – who’s name
is now Karenna Gore SCHIFF.

As Karenna worked her way with charm and grace around a room at a
fundraiser and campaign rally for her father, presidential candidate Al
Gore, C-Span flashed up on the screen, “Karenna Gore Schiff.”

Earlier this year, a column in the monthly newspaper Catholic Family
News by author Robert Goldsborough revealed the recent marriage of
Karenna Gore into the Schiff banking dynasty. Goldsborough is an author
and a former staffer for the House Committee on un-American activities
during the 1950’s.

Years ago Goldsborough founded and still directs the American Research
Foundation. He publishes a bi-monthly column on a variety of subjects
dealing with the nature and activities of the Ruling Elite’s efforts to
transform America from a constitutional Republic into a province in the
New World Order occupation government.

The Schiff banking dynasty, based in New York City, is well known to
independent history researchers as one of the primary funders of the
Bolshevik and Communist revolutions in Russia in 1917.

London Times reporter and author, Douglas Reed, an eye-witness to the
Bolshevik toppling of the Romanov dynasty, reported from the scene that
hundreds of revolutionaries had come from the United States, and most
prominently from New York City, to form a large part of the new
Bolshevik government in 1917.. Reed was shocked to find that his
attempted submissions to the London Times from Moscow were being
censored by revolutionaries from New York City who couldn’t even speak

Anyway, for those who have looked into the research of Terry Hayfield,
who will be speaking at our upcoming Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
Convention, the Schiff banking dynasty will ring a bell as fitting the
mold of one of the Super Vulture Capitalists who has always directed and
funded Communism as one tool in the Permanent Revolution which seeks to
financially manage and/or subdue all of mankind..

For new readers see in the Citizens for a Fair Vote
section on the right hand side of the page; the articles about Terry
Hayfield’s research are entitled Motive, Opportunity, Votefraud, What is
the Hayfield Research?, and Six Corporations Now Run All Major Media.
These articles are also at in the News section, under
“news by month.”

Details about the upcoming Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention are
also at

Some of my best informed friends have been telling me that this union of
the Gore and Schiff families will insure that Al Gore is our next
President. I don’t believe it, based on what I’m seeing on the major
News Media. I don’t think the wirepullers believe that their program can
be advanced under the stilted Gore, dripping with Clinton cooties,
during the next four years nearly as well as it can be advanced under
the pliable party boy, Bush.

International banking families, like the Schiffs, are those directing
the Major News Media to de-emphasize and smear Pat Buchanan, and to
censor Howard Phillips.

It’s truly the Buchanan Brigades and the Constitution Party against
these old Banking Dynasties and their Big TV Media. With the internet
and other factors into the mix, we have a chance. Most of the people
would be on our side, if we could get them the information about what’s
going on, especially with regard to unverifiable computerized elections.

It may be good to recall here that the Gore family came to prominence
through the financial backing of Communist agent, and Super Capitalist,
Armand Hammer, now deceased.

Hammer, who was based in Cleveland, Ohio – was immediately welcomed into
Russia when Lenin took over in 1917, and immediately began trading and
making business deals with the Communists, 16 years before fellow
Permanent Revolution operative, Franklin Roosevelt, saved Communism in
Russia by recognizing the criminal regime shortly after he assumed the

These facts are difficult to assimilate if you don’t know that a cabal
of international bankers, such